c h a p t e r. 22

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"There are few things we should keenly desire if we really knew what we wanted." -François de La Rochefoucauld

chapter 22

Jazz happily nuzzled into Castor's neck from where the god sat on his lap, both of them relaxing in the hot tub after getting back to the castle after their time at Nymph's Creek.

His boyfriend-- boyfriend!-- wasn't too angry anymore, the moss fading into something softer but still there, a chartreuse disbelief in his tone too. That part he couldn't figure out but wasn't quite sure to figure out.

"Castor?" He hums against his neck.

"Yes?" The celestial clears his throat.

"I know I already said this, but you make me happy," Jazz pauses. "And you're really cute."

Castor flushes, his song going a little jittery with surprise as he holds the musician tighter, legs rising higher against his hips as he replies, "You make me happy too Jitterbug. As a- -bit hot innit- -forewarning, I should say that I don't...know how to be a good boyfriend. And I..."

The celestial frowns, shifting slightly as he purses his lips slightly. Jazz doesn't even have to listen to his song to know that he was thinking of how to say what he wanted to.

"I've never had like, a good boyfriend," Ouch, but same. Until now. "But I haven't had a bad one either so if I do something wrong you have to tell me."

"Oh," Jazz mumbles, giving the skin on his shoulders a small kiss before facing him again. "Were all your boyfriends in the middle zone, or when you were um, younger or something?"

"Nah," Castor gives an awkward laugh. "You're ahead of me in the game."

Ahead of him?

Relationship wise?

Fucking how?

Castor is, well, Castor is a damn God, how could he not have been in relationships?

"Dating someone with a disability usually doesn't interest someone," Castor begins to explain, growling a couple seconds later. "Especially if they can't even kiss without a tic getting in the way."

"I'm..." The musician pauses, eyes widening as he realizes what exactly that entails. "I'm your first boyfriend?"

"I've had...fuck buddies, I guess," He winces out. "But um that never lasted long, which when it came to that, it's kinda what you'd expect. I mean -I know you wouldn't know that. It's the closest I've gotten to having one."

That's... that's honestly sad, that no one could see past their judgements and ignorance to give this honestly amazing and kind-- but kinda grumpy-- guy a chance.

He was alone, and they just didn't get to understand his awesomeness.

"I just...growing up, nobody was interested in me? Which is understandable, you know, I can be- -mother ducklings- -a lot for someone. Even without factoring the Tourette's."

That's such bullshit. He's not too much.

He's a sweetheart and loving and adorable but also really hot and makes Jazz more comfortable than anyone else he knows.

He's his boyfriend but that doesn't mean he's biased. These are downright fucking facts.

"So, yes." Cas nods. "You're my first boyfriend."

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Jazz gently cups the back of his neck and gives the celestial a soft kiss, one he melts into in an instance, hands propped up against the musician's chest.

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