Liar, Liar

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I'm a person. An imperfect human being. A liar.

When I was 5, my mom always told me to tell the truth. It didn't matter if I was going to get in trouble or not - I would always tell the truth. But that's the thing. I was five.

I soon hated getting in trouble. I got sick of the consequences. So what did I do? I lied. I started lying and lying until I was a natural. I could lie wthout stuttering or even feel guilty of my lies. I didn't care if someone else was hurt, I just kept myself from the burn.

For a while, I stopped. I realised that it was getting too much. I was keeping too many secrets. I stopped for a while, and it was great. I could actually tell a friend about what really happened. I wasn't so secretive and... fake.

But then, he walked in to my life. Connor Samson. He had dark hair and he had beautiful emerald eyes. He was everything a girl like me would ask for. But I wasn't. I wasn't what he was looking for. So I did what I was great at and lied. I lied about myself just to get him to follow. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. All I know is some of those lies shouldn't have been said.



This isn't another cliche love story, I swear. xD
It's about how a life of a liar works. yeah, dramatic. I'll try to make it more light, but if you absolutely don't like those dramatic shiz then fine. lol jk, feel free to give me suggestions on what to work on thank youuuu

btw, if you don't know who chris collins is, check his twitter @weeklychris or vine

I'll update soon :)

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