Chapter 27

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

Night Time

Taehyung was standing up looking through a small hole in the window. The windows were blocked by something but Taehyung couldn't see that much.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked he was holding a tray of food.

Taehyung flinches a little bit, "I-I wanted to see if it was day or night."

(This is what Jungkook looks like but with long hair)

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(This is what Jungkook looks like but with long hair)

"It's night darling, you should eat and go to sleep," Jungkook said in a soothing voice that almost made Taehyung give up on finding a way out but he felt the kicks on his womb. He needs to find a way out of here and know where he is.

Taehyung headed to the bed climbing on it gently trying to be safe for his pups inside. He sat down leaning on the headboard

Jungkook smiled, he sat on the edge kinda close to Taehyung but there was some space.

Jungkook lifted the fork, picking on the food to feed Taehyung. Jungkook put the fork with food in front of Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung didn't open his mouth. What could be in that food, poison that can harm his pups? Jungkook frowned, why isn't Taehyung eating?

"Come on eat," Jungkook said calmly.

"No, what if that has poison. How would I trust you?" Taehyung said his instincts kicking.

Jungkook started to get mad but he knows if he wants to win the omega's heart he should win his trust.

"Okay look I'm going to eat it," Jungkook said eating the food staring directly at Taehyung's brown eyes.

Jungkook swallowed the food waiting for a few minutes, "See it's not poison. Why would I poison you and our pups inside your tummy? I would never risk it, I won't harm you." Jungkook grabbed more food to give to Taehyung.

"Now eat, it will be bad for you if you don't eat and the pups won't be strong," Jungkook said.

Taehyung gulped, he doesn't want to hunger even though he wanted to. But his pups could die so he gave in. He doesn't want to tell Yoongi that their pups died, cause of him not eating

A few minutes later

Taehyung was wearing new clothes now, he was getting ready to sleep but he won't be sleeping calmly. He doesn't have Yoongi to cuddle with or to give him kisses of goodnight.

Taehyung almost teared up missing his mate, he wants Yoongi to come and rescue him soon.

Jungkook came back smiling how adorable his Taehyung looked.

"This is what I have been dreaming about, you in my bed knowing that I will wake up in the morning with you," Jungkook said, going the bed.

Taehyung didn't like that dream that was a nightmare.

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