Chapter 10-The Proposal

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a/n:The idea for this chapter came from Moawski

so thank you! 😁😁

Also thank you for 1.5k reads😁😁

It was going to be a normal Friday Night.Or so he thought.

Jonny and his boyfriend have been dating for the past 6 months. Let's say it has been a whirlwind the past 6 months with his mental health spiralling and him attempting suicide twice due to the bullying.

As he slowly opens the door to his family house, he sees his mother phoning someone(probably Val, considering she is her best friend) and his dad is shirtless. This shouldn't feel too weird for him-but it does. As he takes a shaky breath, he realises that Adam isn't there. This is weird. He checks the time.7.30pm.Early for him. Late for Pussface.The door creaks open and shows his brother.

"Hey Pissface! You okay?", Adam whispers, noticing his brother's nervous face.

"Yeah.It's just Marcus has been a little bit sneaky today. Like he is hiding something. I don't know whether he wants to break up with me.Not that it matters.",Jonny relpied, starting to sob.His brother pulls him into a hug.

"Mum!Dad!Your children are here you know!",he shouts.

Jackie jogs into the hallway as she hangs up the phone. She notices her crying son immediately, so she runs over and pulls him into a hug.

"Jonny-Boo!It's going to be okay"his mum whispered into his ear. She managed to overhear the conversation between her two sons.

This was when the doorbell rang. Ugh! It would be Jim.Jackie just knows. Because he is always over at her place. It was just starting to annoy her. But secretly, she knows that Jim is lonely and just looking for some friends.

She speed walked over to the door and opened the door. Oh! It wasn't Jim! It was Marcus- Jonny's boyfriend.

He has a innocent look on his face and he was holding something in his hand. This thing was small and was in a velvet red box. He greeted her before walking up to Adam. Together, they hid in the toilet and they were whispering about something secretive. This was very suspicious.

After they came out of the toilet, Adam was gleaming with delight. Jackie really wanted to know what was going on. But she wasn't going to find out.

* A few minutes later *

Jonny was called into the living room. By Marcus! That was odd- he was normally be called by his mum or his brother if necessary. But he has never been called into the living room by his boyfriend. However, he didn't care. He went into the living room anyways.

Marcus seemed very excited- nothing like how he normally was. Like even more excited! His face was pretty much shining with delight.

Marcus then got down on one knee. Jonny then started to get extremely emotional.

 "Jonny. I loved you since the day we met. It also seems like you have loved me as well. Even though these past 6 months after the first kiss have been hard, you have fought extremely well. You're a brave man."Marcus began to speak before Jackie screamed very loudly, distracting him a little bit.

" Urm! Okay! Thanks Jackie! Jonathan Goodman, will you marry me? " he finished speaking.

 Jonny screamed "Yes! I will!"

 He was in tears(happy years for the first time in ages). He couldn't believe what was happening. His boyfriend was now his fiancee. His fucking fiancee! He was so excited but nervous at the same time. What if it was all a prank? But then Marcus wouldn't joke about it.

Oh my god! He was going to become a husband. 

Jonny Goodman. He didnt know that this was going to happen at all.

"Congrats! This calls for a celebration.How about I pop a bit of bubbly? Martin! Get the bubbly!" ,his mum shouted,trying to get her husband to get he arse over there. Once again, he was topless.

 "Martin! Get a top on. No one wants to see your hairy bosoms. Your son has just been engaged." she yelled, annoyed about the fact her husband is topless.

 "Jackie! It's bloody boiling!", he barked back.

She got the champagne out and started to tell family members. Apart from.Horrible Grandma - even though s he would be the only family member not to know about the upcoming wedding.

And all was well.

A\N Oh my God! I actually wrote something that wasn't triggering! I thought the day would never arrived 

This is the penultimate chapter however I will post a book just with pure Jonny and Marcus one shots if y'all want me to 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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