Chapter 1

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January's POV


“What?” Amber rolled over from watching Gossip Girl on the bed, peering over my laptop that was currently on my email. “Miss New York rejected me from their beauty pageant! They said I wasn’t eligible because I was a guy. Sexism in a modern world? Très fantastique.” I blew out a cloud of air, puffing my cheeks in unfathomable irritation. That was the fourth one.

“Dude chill. After all, it is called the Miss New York, you would reckon only females were allowed.” Amber propped herself up, reaching for the popcorn on the floor. “Oh my puff! Why didn’t I think of that before?” I placed my laptop on the floor, bounding for the flyers that I hid in the bottom of my drawer.

“Nope. Nope. Nopeeeeee.” I flipped through the flyers quickly, till my eyes landed on the ones for the “Big Apple Beauty Pageant 2012". “Bull’s-eye.” I went to their website quickly and printed out the application form. Then with pen and paper in hand, I leaped onto the bed and rambled on. “See, I figured since everyone thinks beauty pageants are for girls, they would only think females would sign up. Look, the application does not require me to state my gender! And since the name of the pageant has no sexual customization, they can’t not let me participate.”

I nodded triumphantly, looking over at Amber who was laughing. “Dude you are a whack job. You know people are gonna realize you’re gay sooner or later right, what with this pageant thing?” I shrugged carelessly, “What have I got to lose? You and Mum already know and are totally thrilled about it, and you girls are the only thing I need so I’m fine. Besides, maybe those pesky girls at school will stop pestering me.”

“You know that’s because you’re popular, handsome and they totally think you’re straight right?” “Yeah, I’ll be glad for a break.” “Sheesh, you really are loony.” Amber threw a pillow playfully in my direction. “Yeah, and you're my loony bestie.”


Name. January Costello. Thank you Mum for the unisex name. Age. 17. No need to mention the totally male middle name "Diego". I figured I would let them think I was female first to avoid any trouble before I got admitted, so when I got accepted and they realized I was a guy they would still have to let me in.

I quickly filled up the rest of the form, answering the more personal questions in the most general way I could. Then I laid back in bed, switching the TV from Gossip Girl where Amber had left it when she left to the sports channel, which was currently covering a basketball game. What? Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't appreciate a couple of guys tossing a ball back and forth ohkay? It requires teamwork. And hey, checking out the guys doesn't hurt. Besides, I get to pick up a couple of pointers 'cos I play myself.

After a while, I switched the TV off and got ready for bed. I was glad tomorrow was the last day of school. That meant that I would have all the time to get ready for the pageant which was starting in a week's time.


"Jan! Wait up dude!" Kendall, my mate from basketball thumped my shoulder as I rounded up the hall, heading for my locker. "What?" I raised my eyebrows, not particularly interested. "I heard Stacy dumped Brett yesterday. She's looking for you now. Probably wants to date you."

I brushed the disturbing thought aside, joking that if he was so interested he could have her himself. I reached to open my locker, only to have it slammed shut by a manicured hand. "Hey January," Stacy smiled coyly, taking a step closer to me. I took a step back, muttering a "Hey" back.

"Soooooooo, did you hear that me and Brett are over?" "Uh, yeah." I nodded absent-mindedly, wishing that she would go away already. It wasn't that I couldn't stand being around girls, it was just Stacy. She was the meanest girl in school, manipulated boys like they were puppets. Most people just pretended to like her because she was popular, and if you didn’t, she screwed you.

"Great, pick me up at eight tonight." Then, she clapped her hands twice, signaling for her two wannabes/ friends/ followers. She was about to sashay away when I abruptly came back to reality. I straightened myself up from the locker and called for Stacy, "Whoa. Stace. Ummmm I can't today."

"Oh ohkay, how about tomorrow then?" Stacy said breezily. "Uhh probably not free either, I've got...... stuff." I cringed, bashing myself inside for not being able to come up with a better excuse. "What do you mean stuff?" Stacy tilted her head to one side, narrowing her eyes menacingly, snapping her phone shut. "Sorry Stace, I just don't like you that way." I shrugged, wishing she would understand already.

And then all hell went loose.


I washed my arm thoroughly in the sink, hissing as I felt the pain. Stacy had scratched me, hard, and there was a deep red line going through my forearm. I sighed, recollecting the most memorable school day ever.

"What do you mean you don't like me?" Stacy shrieked, charging for me and clawing at my grey V-necked cashmere sweater. Geez. Watch it lady, expensiveee. "Look, Stace, calm down. I just don't like you that way. You're beautiful, smart, but I just see you as a friend." I tried to reason with her, but that only made Stacy even madder. "Everyone. Likes. Me." Stacy spat, as Mr Davidson dragged her away, feet kicking and all. "I will get you."

I was glad school was over for the summer. 

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