Han's Story: Part Three

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     Ok, so a lot of this chapter is probably going to have a lot of memories. They might not exactly tie to the story, but I figured the more memories I gathered together, the more (hearts I can break), fun it will be!

     The doorbell rang and Han scrambled to get it, knowing who it would be.

     "How was it!?" he immediately asked Lee Know. It was the weekend after their first week of school, which meant middle school for Lee Know.

     "Freaking hated it," Lee Know said, throwing his jacket on the entrance stool and storming into the living room. At this point, Han's house was his house too.

     "What happened?" Han asked.

     "My elementary school reputation caught up to me. They treat me like the plague," Lee Know said.

     "Why don't you just showcase the real you? That will change their minds!" Han said.

     "Nah," Lee Know said, lying down on the living room couch because, as said before, he owned this place now. "They all suck. Now that I've seen their true colours, there's no point in trying to get them to like me."


     "Let's watch a movie or something. You have popcorn, right?" And with that, Lee Know went off into the kitchen, leaving their conversation behind him.

     It wasn't until a few months later when something interesting happened.

     Han's new phone rang and he immediately picked it up.

     "Han," came Lee Know's voice. "I got a cat."

     Han brought the phone closer to his ears to make sure he hadn't misheard anything. "What?"

     "I. got. a. cat," Lee Know repeated slowly.

     "A... cat!?" Han still didn't know if he was hearing things right. "Like... the animal with the fur and the tail and the eyes and-"

      "And the ears and every characteristic of a cat? Yes, I did," Lee Know finished. "Now are you going to keep on verifying the existence of a cat or do you want to come over and see him?"

     "On my way!" Han hung up and ran to the bus stop.

     Lee Know's door was unlocked so Han quickly went in and found Lee Know in the living room. His eyes widened.

     "You have a cat!"

     Lee Know was on the floor next to a kitten, who was still looking around its surroundings. Lee Know looked up at Han and his eyes were shining.

     "I was volunteering at a shelter the other day and I convinced my parents to adopt a cat!" From all the years he'd known Lee Know, Han could honestly say that this was one of the first times he had seen him look so excited and happy.

     "He's adorable!" Han said, also sitting down next to the cat.

     "I know right?" Lee Know's smile couldn't have been wider. He gently stroked the cat's fur. "This is your new home Sooni, do you like it?"

     "Sooni?" Han asked.

     "That's his name," Lee Know said. He then, without hesitation, picked up Sooni and held him in his lap. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine." His laugh rung like bells.

     Han would always remember this day. It made him feel happy and sad at the same time. 

     Lee Know was that warm and funny person you could always count on. He had a soft side, and Han couldn't have asked for a better friend in his life.

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