The Truth

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     "They said all of THAT!?" Felix exclaimed. "At this point, why do you even want to be friends with them?"

     "I... don't know," J.One replied. "They were the reason I... wasn't a loner after moving back to Korea. And they were nice..." His face was still wet but he had calmed down after pouring out to Felix all that had happened that day.

     Felix couldn't believe it. When he had gotten a series of texts from J.One, he hadn't expected this at all.

Felix and J.One's Private


Felix... are u there?


yeah, whats up?


... can we video call?




i need to talk to someone, I feel like the world is ending


oh my gosh, what happened?


just call me, plz


of course! right away!

     Felix was more scared than excited about his first video call with J.One. What was going on?

     Felix got over his initial shock at J.One's final face reveal and got to the point. "What's wrong?"

     And immediately, J.One had burst into tears. Through sobs, he told Felix what had happened that day. Felix's heart sunk. That was absolutely horrible, he couldn't think of anybody in the right mind who would ditch someone like J.One.

     J.One calmed down a little after receiving the heartful messages from the rest of the gang. Felix wasn't an expert at giving advice, but he would do anything for his text friend- no, true friend.

     "Well, they're obviously not nice anymore," Felix said. "They're fake friends, not worth your time. I would rather have no friends than hang around people who don't want me there."

     J.One remained silent at that, his head down.

     "Hey, look at me," Felix said, determined. J.One did. "Now listen to what I have to say closely."

     "You're a great guy, ok? You're NOT annoying, you're NOT a burden, and the people who get to be friends with you are the luckiest people alive." Felix meant every word.

     He smiled. "So that means me and the rest of the MinnI.N.'s are really lucky people."

     At that, J.One let out a small laugh. "It's the rest of the MinnI.N.'s and I, Felix. Are you still studying your Korean?"

     "Why you..." But Felix was overjoyed. J.One's sense of humour was back, which meant that Felix's pep talk was working.

     "Look, we might never be able to see each other in person, but we're REAL friends. And we always have your back, so don't think for a second that you're alone now. Nothing has changed, except you finally don't have fake people in your life," Felix said.

     At that, J.One gave a small smile. But his eyes were still sad. "Thanks Felix, you're the best man. It's just that... it's so hard. I hate being alone at school. I miss my old life. I know you guys aren't in my old life, so that would suck but... there's someone in my old life for who I would give ANYTHING to have back."

     "Dang, I can't imagine having to move TWICE, between countries. Moving to Korea was definitely hard at first," Felix said sympathetically.

     "I miss him... I miss him so much," J.One's voice was at the point of breaking.

     "Why can't you see this person again?" Felix asked. "You're back in Korea! You should text him again, or better, call him! Maybe you'll even run into each other in Seoul." Felix tried to stay positive.

     But his words were having the opposite effect. J.One's head was down again and his body was shaking. His breathing came hard, like he was under so much pain. Finally, when he spoke, it sounded like he was being buried under a mountain.

     "I... can't do that."

     Felix felt a shiver up his spine, he was getting a bad feeling about this. He didn't want to pry anymore but how could he leave things in this state?

      "... why not?"

     "Because he's not here anymore!" J.One blurted out.

     And with that, the tears came out again, completely unstoppable. But this time, they held so much more pain and despair.

     "He-he's dead! I'm never going to see him again!"

      Felix could only helplessly watch his crying friend, now being trust with a secret he hadn't been ready for.

     One day ago:

Minho and Seungmin's Private Chat


no, it's not that...


then what is it? Why can't u be in touch with ur friend?


how to I explain it...




its because...





he probably believes im dead

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