"The two hottest people in the world in one room. Our goddess and you, baby boy."

"I'm going to be hard all the time in here now," Wade promised.

"You always were, Baby Doll," Peter said fondly.

"With the world's most perfect ass in front of me, of course I would be," Pool said.

Wade was just idly dusting their craft table and Pool was drying the same spoon for the fifth minute in a row when the doorbell rang. Peter didn't react at all, too absorbed in his studies.

Pool opened the door in just a french maid's dress, drawing his katanas from their sheaths on his back. Wade came to door just behind him wearing just a "Fuck the cook" apron, with a cartoon picture of two very male unicorns fornicating. "Get it? Fornicating, because of the unicorns?" Wade had said to Peter when he had first put it on. His hand was in the little pocket in front of the apron, weighed down by his favorite gun for home defence.

"Tin Man? You just show up unannounced? We could have been making a sandwich. You know, one slice of baby boy and two slices of ground beef," Pool said as he opened the door.

Tony looked revolted. "I am here to see Peter," he gritted out through clenched teeth.

"You know you can't actually talk through clenched teeth. That's just lazy writing," Wade observed.

(What? Are you making literary commentary now? I gave you what you wanted. Show some gratitude! THE AUTHOR GRUMBLED.)

"Awww, you know we love you the best," Wade said inexplicably and sent a hand heart towards the corner of the room.

"Ew, gross," Tony said.

"Not you, Tin Can. Never you. I meant our lovely writer who let us have our baby boy and meet our goddess," Pool said dreamily.

"You're really fucking weird, you know that?" Tony muttered, doing did his best to ignore the two nearly naked hunks and walked in.

"Mr Stark!" Peter exclaimed and hastily hid his textbooks under a plot convenient empty pizza box. "Why are you here?"

"You didn't answer your phone," Tony said and pointedly looked everywhere but at the two Wades, who sat primly on the sofa, still wearing just their aprons. "Peter... please tell your... Wades to put some clothes on."

Peter smiled at his boyfriends proudly. It had taken a lot of time to get Wade and Pool to be comfortable in their skins. "No. This is our home and Wade and Pool can wear whatever they want."

"I'm a strong, confident man. I don't need no clothes," Wade said and crossed his legs.

Peter snorted fondly. "Mr Stark, what is it? I'm busy."

Tony ground his teeth helplessly. "We found a still operational HYDRA base in Romania. We need your help in making it unoperational."

"No," Wade and Pool said in unison.

"I don't think I can, mr Stark," Peter said.

Tony wheedled and unfairly appealed to Peter's sense of responsibility, but Peter stayed firm, with vocal support from Wade and Pool.

When Tony showed no signs of letting go, Wade sighed. "Fine! One of me will stay here with Petey-pie, and the other one of me will go with you on your stupid adventure."

"Yeah, baby boy needs someone to cook for him, otherwise he won't remember to eat."

"We need a team player, not a -- shooty, stabby loose cannon like you!"

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