Dead ever after, part 1

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"I'm just so happy, Aunt May," Peter said and Wade eavesdropped shamelessly. "I know I'm only 18, but Wade and Pool... they're just perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky--"

"Eavesdroppers never hear anything nice about themselves my ass," came Pool's voice, rough from sleep but even then Peter could hear the smile in it.

"Gotta go! They're awake. Love you, Aunt May. See you tomorrow!" Peter said hurriedly and hung up.

"Nooo... say more nice things about us," Wade begged, his big brown eyes looking at Peter with adoration.

Peter squirmed. He was still not very good at expressing his emotions. "It's Saturday and we're engaged!"

"I know! The voices haven't said a word since yesterday! They're just utterly stunned you said yes," Wade said and sighed happily.

"So how about first sex as an engaged couple?" Pool suggested hopefully.

"And the three times we did it last night don't count because...?" Peter asked.

"Because it's morning! Things are more real in the morning," Pool said.

"Solid argument," Peter murmured and hooked his arms around his boyfriends' necks, only to pause when his stomach growled loudly.

"Pancakes in bed for our baby boy!" Wade cried and leapt out of bed, butt naked, his erection leading the way. He gasped when a web smacked him in the back and he was unceremoniously yanked back to bed.

"Breakfast can wait a little longer," Peter said.

"Marry me," Pool sighed happily and Peter laughed.

"I already said yes!"

"I know! We just like hearing it again," Pool said and flipped Peter over.

Two hours later they had eaten a massive amount of blueberry pancakes, taken a shower, and lay in a pile on the sofa discussing lunch plans.

"I have an idea! Why don't we swing by the Tower and see if anyone wants to join us?" Pool said brightly.

"... okay," Peter said slowly. "Now, today?" It wasn't that he didn't want to flaunt his engagement ring, he did, but did he really want to expose Wade and Pool to possible disapproving reactions from the Avengers? Things had been better lately, but still... 

"Why not? It'll be fun, come on!" Wade asked and like so often, Peter found it hard to say no in face of Wade and Pool's enthusiasm.

They swung to the Tower and Friday guided them to a room with three hanging dress bags. The room was quite bare, with just a table and some office chairs around it and a full length mirror in one corner.

Pool checked the name tags. "This is yours," he said and handed Peter one of the bags. "Change up. We'll be in the next room."

"But why?" Peter asked and pulled down the zipper on the bag curiously.

"So we can make a grand entrance, duh," Wade said.

"I know that, but why are we changing?" Peter asked.

"Just wanted to make an occasion of it," Wade said brightly.

Peter scowled at their receding backs. He knew that tone of voice and it usually hid something from him, but he waited until the Wades were out the door and then changed quickly. His trousers were a deep blue and his shirt red silk with a high collar. There was no tie, but the outfit still looked quite snazzy and formal. Then he noticed a little box on the table and when Peter opened it he found a white rose bud attached to a lapel pin. He turned it in his hand. 

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