B.E.A. and A.R.T.H.U.R.

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A few hours later, Tony was still deep in thought. Dr Strange had dropped his truth bombs, everyone hated Tony, Steve had given Tony his "son, I'm disappointed in you" talk, and Peter was probably at home having sex with his two boyfriends. Tony went to the kitchenette and pulled a bottle of whisky from behind a cereal box and poured himself a glass. He thought he was alone, until Bruce walked over to him.

"So apparently I'm the bad guy," Tony said.

"You're not the bad guy. You were just trying to protect Peter. But you were being a little... dick," Bruce said with a little smile.

"I just can't get over the image of Peter and those two..." Tony said and took another gulp from his glass.

"Jealous?" Bruce asked.

Tony spluttered. "Of what? Peter?"

"That he has two cocks to keep him satisfied and you have none."

Tony blanched. "W-what?"

"You know you can change that," Bruce said. His face was suddenly quite close to Tony's and Tony's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?" Tony asked, a little breathless.

"You're not usually this dense," Bruce murmured.

Three hours later, Tony's pants started to calm down and he finally managed to open his eyes. He blushed and growled hoarsely, "must you be looking so damn smug, Banner?"

"Banner? We're back to that? Haven't you been screaming 'Bruce' for the past three hours, hmmm?"

"I wasn't ... screaming..." Tony croaked, then tried to clear his throat to no avail.

"You were saying?" Bruce said, his fingers twirling in the pools of sweat and cum cooling on Tony's stomach.

"I may have yelled, maybe, once or twice," Tony conceded.

"You didn't stop yelling when I was..."

"Fine, fine! You're a fantastic fuck, is that what you wanted to hear?" Tony growled and tried to get up, only to flop back on the bed. "You've wrecked me. Ruined me! What did you do to me?" Tony positively wailed. Then he gasped. "Or was it Hulk?? Did you Hulk smash me?"

Bruce snorted. "You wouldn't be whole if the Other Guy had made an appearance. We came to an agreement after Thor started taking Hulk out on dates. Before that he always showed up when I got excited. Can you imagine how frustrating it is when you're giving yourself a hand and just when you're about to come the Other guy gets all the fun? Now he gets all the fun he needs with Thor and he agreed to let me have mine."

Tony flinched. "Jesus, Bruce. I hope some poor person never found out the hard way."

"Never, Tony. I couldn't risk it. You're the first since..."

Tony eyed Bruce. "I hope it was worth the wait," he said finally, a little nervous.

Bruce smiled. "Performance anxiety, you?"


"Yes, yes it was worth the wait, actually," Bruce said firmly and Tony turned a little smug, only to frown a moment later.

"So how is this going to work? You, me, Hulk, Thor? I just have to accept that my boyfriend has another boyfriend for the other guy? That you just disappear for days on end with Thor and come back leaking his cum?

Bruce groaned. "Don't remind me. That was the worst..."

"What, have you never bottomed?" Tony snickered.

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