Said the spider to the fly

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Peter and Wade were on the couch, with Peter reading a textbook on the properties of hydrothermal fluids and Wade was cleaning his guns. Wade's phone pinged and he picked it up. "How did she get my phone number?"



"Black Widow texted you??" Peter squeaked.

"Yeah... she invited me over for EMMAA."

"Who's that?"

"Not 'Emma', EMMAA. It's an acronym. I think."

"What does it mean?"

"I have no idea. Do you think I should go?"

"I'll go with you," Peter offered.

"It says to come alone. Do you think she's luring me there to kill me?" Wade looked intrigued.

"We'll see about that." Peter pulled out his own phone and clicked a few buttons. "Uh, Black Widow— aah, ms Romanoff, ma'am?"

"Off to a strong start," Wade said encouragingly.

"Are you going to try and kill my boyfriend?" Peter's hand curled around Wade's and held on tight.

"Not today," came the curt reply.

"Oh, ah, huh," Peter managed. "Can I come?"

"No," Natasha said and ended the call.

"She's scary..." Peter whispered. "But she said she's not going to kill you. Not today. She said."

"Will you walk into my parlour, said the spider to the fly..." Wade muttered.

Other partners were having doubts, too. "Do you think this is a good idea?" Steve asked Bucky, who was tucking knives and guns into his clothes.

"Tasha seems to think so. She says it's for Peter."

"Still, Peter is clearly happier with Wade back..."

"Wilson's an assassin," Bucky said.

"I know, but he's clearly head over heels in love with Peter. And knows he's got a good thing going, even if he doesn't quite believe he deserves Peter."

"I know something of being an ex assassin and loving a perfect, good person," Bucky said.


"Always feeling like you're not good enough. Not worthy of the love you receive."

"Buck..." Steve said, his voice cracking. "You know that wasn't you."

"I know," Bucky said, his smile a little terse. "But Deadpool wasn't brainwashed, Stevie. We don't know if he'll stick to his decision. That's why we're doing this," Bucky said and tucked the last weapon into his clothes. He looked at Steve's doubting face. "Come here," Bucky said softly and kissed the frown away. "I'll be back late, don't wait up."

"You know I will."

"I know you will," Bucky agreed and kissed him again.

Wade had his friend Dopinder drive him to the Tower, but took a while to find the right room once he got there. Given that each floor was the same size and shape, the internal layouts were really different. Floor 87 was a maze of tiny rooms and Wade wandered about until he found the one with the number on Natasha's text message. Friday wasn't much help, mostly because Wade didn't listen to him.

"Left, mr Wilson. No, the other left. The other other left. It's the second door on your left— the second!" Wade cackled. Friday almost sounded annoyed. He backtracked a few steps and opened the second door and walked in.

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