Part 1

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(Er... it seems I forgot that I didn't edit it to make it read like a novel... I actually made it read sort of like a play/movie script instead... sorry. I'll try and fix that later...!)

Maestro: What is the problem with that? Anyone would want to spend time with someone they adore. Although one would actually agree, Starlord is quite the Gaster. Our creator adores Starlord as well. I'm not saying that I'm a little envious that they do, I'm just trying to point out that-- ... I... have said too much. 'Tis time to seal one's lips and sew it tight.

Flotts: Mnn.... well Starlord is pretty cool!~ I just understand why US!Gaster would say it isn't fair. *Shy blush*

Fell: "well, well..I see mister fancy pants here is developing something known as "jealousy"? he.he. I didn't know you had it in you, prissy boy!  *He patted maestro on the back harshly.* 'bout time I find something in ya that wasn't so refined!!"

Maestro: Agh--!! *He coughed at the pain in his back while trying to swat Fell away.* Don't thee dare touch me with those soiled hands while calling me with those ridiculous titles! *He tried to dust himself off.* And I am not jealous! That's simply preposterous! I was just sharing... how it's understandable to want to spend time with someone they adore. *He folded his arms, looking away.*

Fell: there's no need to be ashamed of it prissy pants! *he started inching closer.* besides, if it's any consolation, my creator loves your design, and absolutely loves music.*He inched closer still.*

Maestro: Hmm..... really...? *He seemed to have blushed a slight baby blue as he looked at his right hand, which was brushing against the back of his left palm.* still...

Fell: still?....prissy pants? *He inched even closer.*

Maestro: ...What is this strange unfamiliar emotion stirring within mine soul.... *he looked quite confused and upset.* 'tis a little concerning..... --!! *He noticed that Fell was getting too close.* What in heaven's name art thou doing?! I greatly protest this devious attempt of intrusion in my clean space!

Fell: soooo you notice how our creators aren't exactly with us*His grin widened and he steps even closer* you know what that means....

Maestro: *He's starting to get worried that he seems like he doesn't even want to ask* No.. I do not know what that means, and whatever thee might be thinking I would suggest upon thee to stop whatever it is running in thy mind. Right now. Please. *He makes that uninterested face*

Fell: well then, let me jog your memory...*sticks out tongue*

Maestro: Hii--!!! *He seems to have frozen up like a fish stick as he remembers the memories he had deleted in his mind, he managed to move his arms to let his hands cover his face quickly.* Aaah!! Holy Gods above! Fell keep that thing away from me!!!! *That same feeling of threat is flowing back in him once again as his mind is becoming agitated* The bacteria!!! The germs!! Germs Germs Germs Germs Germs!!!

Fell:*burst out laughing and falls on the floor* I DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LICK YOU TO GE A REACTION!!

Maestro: .... Ah--..... *He slowly removed his hands from his face in utter disbelief and humiliation, his face is now a bright blue as a hint of anger is expressed, shivering in mortal rage* This... demoralizing... fiend!!!! How dare thee make a fool out of myself! *With a whip of his arm Fell is wrapped by a blue stave without any notes* Don't make me lose my patience Fell... I am not one you would want to cross in a battlefield. *He leers at him*

(A stave or a staff is those 5 lines you can see in a music sheet.)

Fell: *startle by the stave, but starts to grin* You got some real guts going up against me. So I'm just gonna give you the same lesson I gave the boys back home*though broken, his eye starts to glow a deadly red. Red bones appear behind maestro with sharpened ends as well as some of them popping up from the ground, entrapping maestro * LEARN TO PICK YOUR FIGHTS...

Maestro: *The sudden change in Fell's tone of voice and intentions gave Maestro a bit of a fright* Urgh... *He groaned in frustration as he's trapped within those deadly bones* Hmmph... Art thou underestimating me? Surely thee must be joking. *His rhythm is starting to change as the staves tighten* Now see here... If my stave is enough for thee to think I'm inviting thee into a fight, then so be it. I only want to hear a sincere apology. Taking advantage of someone's weakness without any real important reason is highly offensive and uncalled for. If I do try to learn how to pick my fights, then thou should learn how to behave thyself. *He folded his arms sternly*

Fell: Well then, I guess that's just another difference between us huh? In my world, monsters are always taking advantage of others weaknesses and the reason doesn't even have to be important. The difference between me and them is that your still standing. Had I  been how I was in those years, I would have dusted ya out of mercy so that the "others" wouldn't have been toying with you till you were broken....ya broken*you sense a hint of sadness in his voice and he seems to have zoned out a bit as he said those words* either way you ain't getting any apology just because you have some stupid phobia and can't take a joke, but I will let you have the satisfaction of letting you know I may have underestimated you and believe me I don't usual admit this. So as a reward, I'll go half way with ya * with a snap of his fingers the bones surrounding Maestro disappears as well as the ones behind him*      

Maestro: *He sighed as he slightly whirled two of his fingers counter-clockwise, the stave on Fell uncurls and releases him and disappears* ........ Funny.... heh.... when one says a word, other relevant things flow into one's mind. Dusted... and the difference... in our world... being dusted is much more of a relief to us rather than.... *He fell silent looking kind of blank* ...

fell: *sort of stares at him awkwardly* weelll, now that that's over and done with...I better head back to the gang, they'll be wondering where I went off to and swap is gonna be pissed if I'm not there before dinner see ya..*walks off in the other direction*

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