I thought about it and looked at Yui and Kino. "I don't know. Will I have to leave my friends?" "A small price, but you're talents would be properly nurtured. Talent like yours isn't something that should go to waste." "Hmmm. No thanks. If I need to leave Kino and Yui, then it's not worth it to me." The teacher looked at me shocked while trying to reply. "B-but this is truly something you need to show the world. You should make it grow in the surrounding it should be." "I'm ok with just being more gifted in a few things than everyone else. I'm not in it to show off." I smiled for the teacher to look at me shocked. "Well if you don't mind, I'd like to at least run this through your mother when I can." "Ok, but I still don't wanna do this." She left for Kino and Yui to look at me. "Why didn't you wanna stay here. You couwd do coow things." "Maybe, but I'd have to leave you both. I just don't wanna do that. I like you both too much to do that." Both went red for some reason for me to begin back on my Christmas gift for mom.

Few hours later, Rumi POV:

After getting the tree and the ornaments inside the house, Ryuko and me went food shopping for some stuff that would make a good Christmas as well as some things that Izuku would like to have for under the tree. "So what does Izuku do in his spare time?" "He doodles." Ryuko looked at me confused. "He doodles?" "yeah. You should see what he doodles on the back of his notebook. Some are kinda awesome. He also knows how to draw some awesome things out of mental memory." "Such as?" "He's drawn our house from memory alone as well as his friends Komori and Kodai. He's pretty good." We walk past a set of drawing utensils for professionals as well as a sketch notepad. "Perhaps making him feel more professional could help." After grabbing it, I find an All Might figurine as well as a Ryukyu figure that Izuku's been dying to save for. 'Maybe we should get these for him too.' I grab them and keep searching with Ryuko for other things. "So he likes me as a hero, huh?" "Yup. He thinks we're both really cool. You should see his room. Literally a hero otaku's paradise."

I kept laughing before seeing a pair of mini mix martial arts gloves in Izuku's size. "We need to get him these." "He's a child. What will he do with fighting gloves? Train to be a MMA master?" I held my mouth for a second while Ryuko came to the realization. "You're teaching him MMA, aren't you?" "Maybe a little." She gave me a death stare before I answered. "What? He wants to be a hero, so it's only natural I give him a few lessons of how to fight in order to increase his chances of defending himself. Besides, it's also teaching him self discipline which is good for kids to learn." Ryuko sighed at me before continuing to walk. "Get him what you want. I'm going to find a little sweater for him to wear for my gift to him." We went our seperate ways in the store with me finding some notebooks that are the same kind he uses for his hero notebooks. 'He's reaching the end of his one that he's working on. I should probably get a couple more to help him out.'

Ryuko POV:

While Rumi gets Izuku some gifts for Christmas, I find a sweater for him that had All Might on it. 'Aww. I can see him wearing this.' I keep walking before I see something definitely worth my while. A jacket based off of his mother's hero outfit. "He'll love this." I went to grab it before a woman tried to steal it out of my hands. "GET LOST BITCH! I'M TAKING THIS!" "I apologize, but I had a hold on it first." "SCREW YOU!" The woman punched my face with my grip on the jacket remaining strong. "Now you've done it." I knee the woman in the stomach to leave her on the ground while walking away with my prize. I reunited with Rumi at the checkout line with her having a bunch of things. "I take it your endeavors were successful?" "Hell yeah!" "Can medical assistance report to isle 4 please?" I look at Rumi for a moment for her to smirk. "What? They didn't wanna let go of what I had in my hands." I sigh before hearing another announcement from the speaker. "Can we have medical assistance report to isle 7 please?" 'Guess I can't blame her this time.'

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