Finals and Dreams

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Shoto POV:

'Urgh, what happened?' I started waking up with a splitting headache smelling disinfectants. 'Did I get sent to the nurses office? Let's see, I was fighting Usagiyama with my left half activating and-' "Usagiyama!" I sat up immediately seeing over to notice the 6th pro hero Miruko and the 9th pro hero Ryukyu in the recovery room. The earlier however was strangling Usagiyama for some reason. "YOU IDIOT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW RECKLESS THAT WAS!? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT!" "*hack* Mom, you're chocking me! I can't breathe!" Usagiyama began saying this through a shortage of breathe before Miruko dropped him. "Serves you right! Do you understand how scared me and Ryuko were!? We saw you break your leg and freaked at the sight!" "To be fair, Rumi did most of the freaking out in the stands when she saw you with a broken leg." "Aren't you supposed to back me up on this!?" "I'll back you up if you show reason for me to."

I couldn't hold the urge to stifle a laugh anymore and began snorting to gain their attention. "Todoroki, are you ok?" "Yeah, just a bit sore." "Better than this idiot. Recovery Girl has him put a brace on his foot and wrap his leg just so he can continue the matches." The rabbit hero points this out while Usagiyama gets out of bed to walk over to me. "I'm sorry if I pushed you a little too far Todoroki, I just wanted to help you understand that you aren't trapped in the cycle you think you are." He seemed to be concerned about me with the understanding that Usagiyama truly worried about my well being. "It's fine. I think I needed that push." Miruko walked over to smack my back with a smirk. "You're a good kid. Izuku worried about you enough to only use one quirk against you to prove you're not helping yourself. Idiotic in my point of view, but I get where he was coming from. When I first met him, he was ashamed of his quirk like you. I think seeing that inside you made Izuku want to help you more."

Miruko gave one solid punch to Usagiyama's head before continuing. "Though being reckless isn't something I like from him and he knows that!" "....Sorry." The small family started laughing a bit making me realize just how nice they truly were. "Usagiyama, I'm sorry if I came off very cold to you since we've met. I shouldn't have been and I apologize for it." I bowed to him with my classmate seeming rather uneasy of something. "Um, Todoroki. Would it be a problem if we...became friends?" I started to look at him confused before asking. "I thought we were already friends." He stopped to look at me seriously before asking. "Y-you thought of me as a friend already?" I nodded with his body glowing two different colors. His left half glowed red, and his right glowed silver. "What was that?" Immediately after, Usagiyama's left side started catching fire and his right was beginning to freeze. "AHH! IT BURNS AND IT'S COLD!" He fell to the ground attempting to stop, drop, and roll making all of us laugh a little. "Try focusing on your normal body temp, you'll get better control over it like that." He followed my advice to stop freezing and initiating a spontaneous combustion. "Cool! Todoroki, your quirk is amazing!" I smirked hearing this as we continued watching the matches on the screen.

Time skip to the final round, 3rd person POV:

After the second round of matches, Izuku found himself facing Shiozaki who won against Kinoko who just couldn't get near her with vines blocking her path. "ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FIRST SEMI FINAL MATCH! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE BOY WHO BELIEVES IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! CLASS A'S IZUKU USAGIYAMA!" The crowd cheered for Izuku as he activated 'Rabbit' showing off his ears to Shiozaki. "AND ON MY RIGHT, THE WOMAN OF THE HOLY VINE HERSELF! CLASS B'S IBARA SHIOZAKI!" She got into the ring with Izuku not feeling so comfortable facing her. "Just letting you know, I'd rather not fight you." Shiozaki started praying and speaking to herself as the sound to start the fight rang. "BEGIN!" Izuku saw the vines on her hair go down into the ground to force Izuku to glide through the air with 'Wave Motion' before activating 'Half hot, Half cold' to freeze the ground below him and Shiozaki. Her feet couldn't move and her only defense on the vines on her head.

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