New Friends

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So I kinda decided after a few comments some people did that these two should really get more attention, so Izuku will have Kinoko and Yui as childhood friends. This is gonna be a story about these two meeting Izuku. Enjoy.

Miruko POV:

"Alright, finally done." Once breakfast was done for Izuku, I went to make sure he was up. "Izuku, breakfast is ready." I glanced into his room to not see him. 'Maybe he's in the bathroom.' I went to the bathroom next to see him on a stepping stool looking into the mirror. He was looking at the scar that his eye had from the cut rather intently. 'Poor kid. He should've never had to get that scar.' About two months passed with Izuku coming to live with me with the cut on his eye healing enough where all that was left was a scar. He does have problems seeing through his eye a little, but the scar was what bothered him the most. To be honest, Ryuko had to keep me from going back to the Midoriya's and slashing their eyes to match Izuku's. But I was calm and didn't. Their lucky though I didn't have charges pressed on them for endangering a child. The only reason their getting away with it is because neither me or Ryuko think Izuku can mentally handle that. To be honest, I don't think that would make Izuku feel better either. It may make him feel worse about the scar seeing as it caused so much trouble for him and others.

"Izuku?" He immediately stopped looking in the mirror to see me in the door frame. "Breakfast is ready. Hurry or your gonna be late for your first day of school." "Yes mama." He climbed off the stepping stool and put it away before walking into the kitchen with me behind him. "It isn't aunt Ryu's, but it's edible at least." I placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Izuku that were kinda burnt. He took a bite with a face being made. 'Should've tried for cereal since it doesn't take me 5 times to make something that doesn't set off smoke alarms.' "It tastes great." Izuku smiles as he holds down my crappy cooking. "So are you excited to start school today?" He shakes at this telling me just how scared he was. "It's ok bud, the first day is always the hardest. You've been through rougher scrapes." "...I guess."

At the school

As we get near the school, I turn to Izuku to tell him goodbye. "Well, this is where we part ways. Be good and try to make a friend today." He starts to shake again and second guesses himself. "What if people don't like me?" "Kids are bound to like you. You got brains, friendly when you try to be, and your freaking adorable." "But what if they make fun of my eye?" "Then they don't deserve you as a friend." He was really worried with this after living the way he did for so long. "*sigh* Look bud, I can't help you in what will come next. All I can do is support you from the sidelines here. All I can say is that if you don't take a leap of faith, you may regret this for the rest of your life. Your gonna go in, your gonna at least make one friend, and your gonna be a normal kid like you should've been." "B-but how do you know this is gonna happen?" I rub his head and smile. "Because I have faith in you."

Izuku heard these words to smack his cheeks a bit and gain a bit of a confident look on himself. "O-ok. I-I don't have confidence in myself, b-but I'll do this if you think it's the best." "That a boy. Now give your mama a hug and kiss goodbye before you enjoy your day." He does this and walks into the school looking back at me nervous with me just smiling at him. When he got in and was escorted by a teacher, I dropped my facade and took a deep exhale. 'Holy crap that was hard. The balls in your court Izuku, make a friend and be a normal little kid for once.' I turned to the direction of my agency still worried about Izuku.

Izuku POV:

"Alright everyone, settle down. We have a new student joining us today, I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to Izuku Usagiyama." I stood in front of everyone with their stares starting to scare me. "Would you like to say a little about yourself sweetie?" I started shaking with the teacher seeing this and letting me take a seat. I find a spot near the corner away from people. "This kid is weird." "Look at his eye." "I know, scary." I put my head down scared to say or do anything. 'I should've stayed home. I don't like it here. People are saying things about my eye, they talk about me when they think I'm not listening, I just wanna go home.' I started to cry a little as class started. 'Please let this be the hardest part of the day.'

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