Next Stop The Aquarium

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"There's a whole rail of them in here. My clothes were soaking, so I took my pick. I look nice, huh?" Dylan asked as he began to pose.

Ellie shook her head as a smile grew on her face.

"Oh, yeah. Come on, we've got to get Jesse." Ellie replied.

Ellie and Dylan headed into the auditorium and up to the main lobby. As Ellie opened the door, the twins found Jesse sat in a chair opposite Dina, watching her sleep. Jesse looked to the door seeing the twins and rose from his seat. The twins followed Jesse up the stairs. Dylan looked to Dina as they followed Jesse, seeing the IV and fluid in her arm. Dylan smiled at Dina, hoping that the fluid in the IV would help rebuild her energy.

The twins joined Jesse up on the balcony. The twins stood either side of Jesse as they leant against the railing before they began to talk.

 The twins stood either side of Jesse as they leant against the railing before they began to talk

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"She had a rough night." Jesse informed, "Barely could get her to keep water down."

"You should've woken me up." Ellie replied.

"Yeah, or me. Hopefully, that IV in her arm should rebuild her energy." Dylan stated.

"Is she pregnant?" Jesse asked the twins.

Dylan sighed and hung his head as he stood beside his best friend.

"Yeah." The twins replied.

Jesse looked over at Dylan and placed his hand on his shoulder, consoling his friend. Dylan looked up at Jesse and Jesse smiled at Dylan. Dylan smiled back at Jesse, seeing there were no hard feeling between the two of them. Jesse then removed his hand from Dylan's shoulder and looked to Ellie.

 Jesse then removed his hand from Dylan's shoulder and looked to Ellie

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"I get why you came out here, but we gotta take her back. She needs real care and she's not gonna get that--" Jesse informed.

"Yeah, I know." Ellie stated, "I know. But I can't just leave Tommy."

"He's out here because of us." Dylan informed.

"Maybe you and Talia could take her back." Ellie suggested.

" Ellie suggested

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