Road To The Aquarium Part 1

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Dylan left the theatre, finding Jesse and Ellie waiting for him. Jesse stood and threw his backpack onto his back.

 Jesse stood and threw his backpack onto his back

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"Let's do it." Jesse said.

Dylan nodded and gave Jesse a small smile, before helping his sister to her feet.

"The map showed the aquarium along the shore. Should be down this way." Jesse informed as he pointed to the road behind him.

"Yeah." Ellie replied.

"Ugh. How does anyone stay dry in this city?" Dylan asked as he pulled on his hood.

The trio moved towards a ledge, which luckily they were able to reach with a bit of help

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The trio moved towards a ledge, which luckily they were able to reach with a bit of help. Jesse looked to Dylan and crouched down beside the ledge, holding out his hands. Dylan placed his foot in Jesse's hands and Jesse lifted him to reach the ledge. Dylan pulled himself up and laid by the edge as he then pulled Ellie up to join him, then helped Jesse up to join them.

"Thanks." Jesse said as he helped Dylan to his feet.

"You too, bud." Dylan smiled.

The trio started on their way to the aquarium as Jesse turned to speak to the twins

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The trio started on their way to the aquarium as Jesse turned to speak to the twins.

"What'd you tell Dina?" Jesse asked.

"That we're hoping to find Tommy at the aquarium." Ellie replied.

"We didn't...tell her you knew, if that's what you're--" Dylan started.

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