Eugene's Place

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"Holy shit!" Dylan said with a smile.

"Oh...oh my God." Ellie said as Dina opened up the other door and looked inside, "It's weed."

"It's a lot of dead weed." Dina informed.

"Oh, for fuck sake." Dylan said as he walked into the room.

Ellie and Dylan walked over to a bookshelf, holding some old VHS tapes.

"Hey! He's got that videotape thing." Ellie said to Dina as she walked over and looked at the tapes.

"Huh." Dina said as she looked through the tapes.

Dylan moved on and looked around the room some more, but remained within earshot of the girls.

"'Dong of the Wolf'. 'Smash Brandi's Cootch'." Dina read of some of the titles.

Ellie looked to Dina with a smirk on her face.

"Are these-?" Ellie asked.

"It's porn, my sweet innocent sister." Dylan chuckled.

"Interesting taste, Eugene." Ellie giggled.

Ellie and Dina walked around some more, exploring the room.

"Hey, Dylan. Maybe you should take some of Eugene's tapes or are you all sorted in that department now?" Ellie asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, Dylan. What was going on with you and Talia last night? You seemed pretty close." Dina asked.

"No, Ellie. I don't need the porn, thank you. And Dina, Talia and I walked around town last night and talked, and we kissed. So, I don't know what we are or if it was just a kiss or maybe more...I'm kind of in the same boat as you two at the moment." Dylan replied.

"What does that mean?" Ellie asked.

"It means that Talia and I need to talk things over, see where we both stand before either one of us rushes into things. Don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt." Dylan answered as he looked between his twin sister and his best friend.

Ellie nodded as did Dina as they continued to look around. Ellie picked off a bit of the weed plant and rolled it between her fingers, watching it crumble.

"Maria would lose her shit if she saw this place." Ellie said.

"How'd he get this together?" Dina asked.

"Must have taken him forever." Dylan replied.

"I wish he'd told me about this. Could've helped him out." Dina said.

Ellie walked over to a jar, seeing some joints inside. Ellie showed the jar to Dylan and Dina.

"Oh! There we go." Dina smiled.

"You think it's still good?" Ellie asked.

"Does weed go bad?" Dylan asked.

"Mm-mmm. Let's find out." Ellie said as she tried to remove the lid.

Dina took off her bag as Ellie struggled to remove the lid.

"You having a hard time?" Dina asked as she removed her coat.

"No, I got it." Ellie replied.

Dylan watched as his sister continued to struggle.

"Ellie, I can get that if you want." Dylan said as he pointed to the jar.

Dina looked back to Dylan and put up her hand to stop him.

"Hey, we got this!" Dina said.

Dylan put his hands up in surrender.

My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Ellie x Brother OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora