Packing Up

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The next day, Ellie, Dylan and Dina visited Joel's grave. Ellie knelt beside Joel's grave sobbing as Dina and Dylan watched over her. Dina held onto Dylan's arm as he was still rather fragile.

Ellie stood and took a deep breath in and out before moving over to Dina and Dylan

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Ellie stood and took a deep breath in and out before moving over to Dina and Dylan.

"I want to stop at his house before we leave. Just have to pick something up." Ellie informed.

"Okay." Dina replied.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to see Talia before we leave. I need to tell her what's going on." Dylan said.

"That's fine." Ellie replied.

The trio began the walk out of the cemetery.

"Ellie, I want you to have this." Dylan said as he held out a book.

Ellie and Dina stopped as Ellie took the book, noticing it was his sketch book.

"Why are you giving me your sketch book?" Ellie asked.

"Look inside." Dylan answered.

Ellie opened the book and revealed the drawings inside, which brought a tear to her eye.

Ellie opened the book and revealed the drawings inside, which brought a tear to her eye

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My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Ellie x Brother OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora