011; A New Life

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Dinner with his parents was the best dinner party she'd been invited to, not to mention gave her an insight of how life of marrying a rich man would be. Although she was happy to just be marrying the person she loved dearly. 

They'd decided on spending the night at his parents, since dinner finished late, and Atlas had one too many drinks. That night, both of them being drunk and all excited, one thing lead to another, and let's just say; neither one woke up clothed. "Morning to you." Atlas said as Evelyn opened her eyes, giggling at the thought of last night, "I don't think I've ever seen some look so handsome, or should I say hot." Evelyn teased, pulling him closer to her, "You're not asking for a morning round are you?" Atlas said, looking from her eyes to her lips and holding her face with one hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Just as they were enjoying a moment they rarely got, they heard a knock at the door. Atlas groaned, pulling himself out of bed, putting on a pair of grey sweatpants. 

He opened the door, letting in the maid that was wheeling their breakfast, "Oh, hi. Thank you so much. Oh my, Chef Noh outdid himself this time." Atlas exclaimed, the maid simply bowed and smiled. As she came in she kept her head down out of respect for Evelyn, who was putting on one of Atlas' long white tops and putting her hair into a loose low pony. "Hi ma'am. Oh is this breakfast? Thank you!" Evelyn said, excited at the sight of such a varied breakfast. Pancakes, Waffles, Fruits, yogurt and much more. The maid left the tray at the bed, bowing before leaving and closing the door, Atlas thanked her one more time before digging in. 

"Wow~!! Chef really has outdone himself!" Atlas said with a full mouth, completely taken aback by the taste of his food, all while making them both a cup of coffee. Evelyn continued to dig in, taking a bite of everything she could before she was stuffed, leaning back once she was full. "That was a good breakfast. Better than I've been having for the past few weeks." Evelyn said between breaths, taking a sip of coffee when she finished speaking. "Well, my mum has planned for you, her and your mum to go dress shopping next week, and then venue looking the week after. She really wants us married, and fast." Atlas said with a laugh, Evelyn laughed at his mother's impatience, "Well, tell her we'll try to make it as fast as possible." She said sarcastically.

They both got dressed into fresh clothes, Atlas' mother allowing Evelyn to borrow whatever fit her, heading downstairs once they were ready. "Oh my. They're both gorgeous. Oh! I'm so excited to have a daughter." His mother squealed out in excitement, Evelyn laughed as she looked at Atlas, being happy to finally be with someone who loved her, and who she loved. 

With that both headed off back to Evelyn's Place, the plan for the day was to pack up everything. Atlas' parents decided moving somewhere bigger would be better for the both of them since they'd be married soon, but they said they wanted it simple, modern and not too big. It wasn't that she didn't want to rely on them, it's just she didn't want to feel alone in such a large space. She mentally slapped herself back to reality, putting her hair in a messy bun and changing, again, into loose clothes; starting with her room, she packed her clothes and shoes first. 

In the blink of an eye dinner had rolled around, Evelyn groaned and flopped back, her back hitting the floor. "Hungry?" Atlas chuckled, Evelyn pouting and nodding in response, "Let's just order food. It'll be quicker." She said impatiently, grabbing her phone and immediately dialling the closest takeout. She ordered everything they both loved, whilst Atlas moved the boxes so there was room for the food. Not long after setting everything up, the food had arrived, Evelyn swung the front door open, grabbing the bag and practically throwing the money at the delivery person, not taking even a glance at him; and with that, he'd found her location. 

He turned from the door, a smug smirk on his face, "I found you baby girl~ You'll be mine again in not time. I promise myself that." He whispered to himself, glancing back at the door once more. He placed her address in his notes, and saved it on his maps to ensure he knew he would make it back. After saving her address, he pulled out the knife, his eyes full of vengeance, the knife glistening as a street light him its surface, "Like I said. I'll never let you go, and know one else will have you. Especially not him. Not my own brother." He said through his teeth, clenching the knife. 

Evelyn ran back into the living space, throwing herself on the floor, ripping apart the bag and pulling out the food. She set it all up, grabbing two bowls for her and atlas, and then began to dig in. Atlas dug in, smiling at the woman in front of him, "Hyejin?" He said, his voice so soft and loving, she looked up, swallowing her last mouthful and wiping her mouth humming in response as she did so, "I love you." Atlas said, leaving her speechless, "I- I love you too." she stuttered out, not expecting his next move. 

He moved the small box out of the way, crawled forward, grabbing her face and kissed her. It wasn't like any other kiss, it was full of emotion, passion and love. She kissed him back, but seconds later he pulled away, his forehead on hers as tears left his eyes. They sat, silently, for a moment, Evelyn wiping away his tears; though she may not know the reason for his tears, she knows he just needs her, "I Love You. Losing you would mean losing my world, my life, my- my- I would lose my reason to stay." He choked out quietly, his voice breaking as he did. She held him, "Atlas, I'm not going to leave you, I'm staying by you and no one will change my mind. I love you, I always will." She whispered, patting his back as tears welled up in her eyes. Suddenly Atlas pulled back, looking at her for a moment as the look in his eyes changed; He pulled her back in and kissed her, this time passion and lust overriding all emotions. She wrapped her arms around his neck - Responding to his kiss - deepening it. 

He pulled her up onto his waist, not breaking the kiss, walking towards her room where the bed remained. He kicked open the door, placing her on the bed and stripped of his top, Evelyn admiring his body, moving back on the bed to tease him, eventually catching up, he grabbed her waist and pulled her underneath him, pulling off her shirt and throwing it behind him. Evelyn broke the kiss, catching her breath and speaking her mind, "I guess your emotions are your weakness. Huh? Baby boy." She said in a teasing and flirty manner, he scoffed and smirked at her, "Be it a weakness, but you love it. Don't you? Sweetheart." He teased back at her, Evelyn smiled, "Maybe I do, So what?" She said, smashing her lips back on his, both continuing to strip one piece of clothing off each other until completely naked. The night ending in heavy breathing, sweat and clothes scattered around the room.  

Evelyn awoke first, the light from outside shining on her face, causing her to turn around. She face Atlas and opened her eyes, smiling and touching his face, her love growing more and more each day she woke up next to him. She kissed his forehead and got up covering her body with his white T-Shirt. She looked back at him for a second and spoke;

"Every morning I wake up by your side makes me realise I made the right choice in waiting for you. Though not purposely, and though I never knew you'd come into my life when you did, I made the right choice to stay put and not chase after Noah. Thank you for appearing when you did, and making me realise love is not a curse, but the people you love are either curses or blessings, you just have to make that choice sometimes. I Love You, Lee JiHoon"

She headed out the room, closing the door behind her. Noah opened his eyes and smiled, a tear falling down his cheek in happiness. "I really did make the right choice in following you on the bus that day huh? I thank my brother more and more each day for being an idiot and leaving your side. Choi HyeJin."


A/N: Spicy!!! And sweet ofc! Also, major plot twist huh?! I reallllyyy hope everyone is enjoying this, and I hope that when this comes to an end eventually people will beg for more. I'm still deciding whether I'll do a Bonus chapter/short book, but if this succeeds and becomes much bigger than I had expected, then I may follow up with this idea of mine :))). 

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