009; A Day For Only Us

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They arrived at the flower garden. Evelyn gathered her things, patting down her dress after; as she went to grab the handle to open the door, Atlas beat her too it and opened the door for her, joking around as he did, "A Lady's hands are precious, allow me to be of assistance to you M'Lady" he said, half sarcastic half serious. Evelyn rolled her eyes at his remarks, giving him the satisfaction of a small smirk and a little laugh, "You can never take yourself seriously can you, huh?" She said with a slight laugh in her words. 

Click, Click, Click. "Sir, he's with the girl again." He said, snapping more pictures as he did. "Tail them, and don't lose them." The man on the phone replied. "Yes Sir." he replied firmly, clicking one more photo before they were out of sight. 

Evelyn grabbed Atlas' hand and pulled him in with excitement. Atlas told her to go wait over near the lotus pond, as she did so he quickly booked the couples boat ride on the river, he planned on giving her a ring, a promise ring of course. Once all booked in, the person at the counter asked for their names so she could reserve the boat, Atlas hesitated before answering, "Erm, It's for...Daniel Kim and Evelyn Choi" He answered, she put down the names and then pointed him on his way. He walked up behind her, waiting for her to notice, standing and smiling as she admired the pond and took pictures. As he watched her, he noticed someone with a camera pointed at her, and then he saw the face of the person. He ran up to Evelyn and grabbed her hand, "Let's go. Everything is sorted and I've payed, so shall we getting going?" He said smiling, trying his best not to let his eyes wonder, She nodded and gripped his hand. "Lets go." 

Evelyn admired all the different kinds of flowers, smelling them, and taking pictures. Atlas watched on, admiring the only flower he loved, taking sneaky pictures of her, and some planned ones. All without noticing the guy with the camera was still following them, still taking pictures. Who could it be? 

Atlas continued taking pictures of Evelyn as she admired the many designs made by the flowers and the colours they created. He kept track of time to make sure they weren't late for the couples ride along the river, after all its where he plans to give her the promise ring. Evelyn took her time admiring each design and patter, each colour and flower, taking pictures of the beauty in front of her. Then she noticed a guy with a camera, one with those large professional zoom lenses. She wouldn't spare a thought of it, that is of course if wasn't pointed right at her. She stared right into the lens, making sure the guy knew, Then Atlas came over and grabbed her hand, "Let's go to the boat, its almost time." He said in a serious tone, also taking a glance at the camera's lens, "Who is he?" Evelyn asked, still looking straight at him, as the guy panicked and put the camera down, pulling his cap down to cover his face, pacing away as he did. With that she left with Atlas. 

They got on the boat and set off. "Atlas, why did it say Daniel on the tag?" She asked hesitantly, Atlas looked at her and then put his head down, "Can I explain when we get home? It's not something that should really be said in a place like this." He explained to her, trying to stay quiet since there was someone rowing them. She nodded and looked away, enjoying the view of the sun starting to go down. Atlas edged closer, grabbing her waist and resting his head on her shoulder, "You're not mad are you?" He asked in a concerned voice, she grabbed his hands and rested her head on his, "I'm not mad. I just don't understand why the guy was taking photos and why we have to be quiet." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice. Atlas stayed quiet, but he reassured her with small kiss on her temple and interlocked his fingers with hers. They enjoyed the rest of the ride, Evelyn resting in Atlas' arms, her head on his chest. 

They got off the boat, the sun just beginning to dip below the horizon, and street lights turning on, clubs, bars and pubs becoming active. Evelyn held her hands over her arms, rubbing her arms to try and warm herself. Atlas finished helping tie the boat, and then thanked the rower; he turned around and saw Evelyn shivering, He pulled the extra jacket from the bag he brought with him, wrapping it around her shoulders, "Good thing I brought an extra, isn't it?" Atlas said, winking at her in hopes of cheering her up. "It is a good thing." She said with a giggle in between words, nudging him with her elbow as if to say 'stop being stupid', and continued walking on. 

They got back to Evelyn's apartment and showered, getting into comfy clothes and putting out the food Evelyn had prepared that morning. Atlas decided on Grease; a fun summery romance movie, perfect for to bring the night to an end. Evelyn got comfy in Atlas' arms, wrapping them in a thin blanket and pressing play. 

Atlas looked down at her smiling face, admiring those forever rosy cheeks, thinking how lucky he is to have woman so beautiful, both inside and out. 'I promise, I'll explain everything about who I am and that stupid camera dude soon.' He thought to himself as not to ruin the calm and relaxing atmosphere that had only just begun.

'I Love You.'  both thought, not knowing each one had the same thought running through their mind. 


A/N: HI! So this is just a small continuation of the previous chapter, hence why it's so short. Other than that i hope you've all enjoyed this breath of fresh air. The past few chapters have been nothing but drama on top of drama, so its nice to write something a little more relaxed. However, be ready. The next chapter unfolds a big secret of Atlas' life, and where he truly grew up. 

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