008; Your Eyes Tell

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Atlas deleted the number and the messages after pondering on who it was. Maybe it was a prank? was someone just trying to mess with him? or with Evelyn? His thoughts relentlessly circled in his mind, coming and going as they please; confusing him, worrying him. He decided to hide it from her, she didn't have to know what happened. "That's right! I'll just take her on a fun day out, treat it like a date. 

Evelyn woke up to the sun on her face, and in bed? "When did I get here?" she said as she looked around, swearing she had fallen asleep on the floor next to atlas. "Where's Atlas? and why am I in...his..bed?" she said with a hint of confusion and shock in her voice, "DID WE...?" She said, practically shout whispering, "No we didn't. Don't worry. I just didn't want you to get ill or become sore, so I put you in my bed." Atlas said, attempting not to laugh but ultimately failing.

 He placed a tray on her lap, consisting of a simple English breakfast; Eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, toast and chopped tomatoes, with a cup of tea on the side. "I'm not the best cook, but this is one thing I can do, so I hope you enjoy." he said, rubbing the back of his head out of embarrassment and uncertainty. 'Will she like it?'  The thought lingered, and was running in his mind as she took the first bite. Evelyn saw his eyes flickering, "Stop worrying all the time. I love it, and I'm fine." She said reassuringly, "How did you know I wa-" he was cut of by Evelyn, "Has anyone ever mentioned how your eyes show and tell every emotion that you feel? Because if not I'm telling you. I know when you're worrying, happy, sad, confused, tired. I know it all because Your Eyes Tell  it all." she said with a small giggle. 'He's so adorable when he's flustered.'

Evelyn finished the breakfast that Atlas cooked, washed her dishes and headed to the bathroom. She showered and washed her face, and since she didn't bring extra clothes, she borrowed one of Atlas' sweaters and just put her sweatpants on from the night before. She sat down on the couch and huddled into Atlas' arms, "What are today's plans?" she said, smirking at him playfully, "Well since we both have the day off, should we go on a date? One with no interruptions and with everything we could possibly do open." He said, smiling and then placing a small kissing her forehead, followed by Evelyn pulling him down into a passionate kiss. 

I finally feel safe and happy in someone's arms. I finally feel the warmth of True Love.

Evelyn got up excitedly, "OK! I'll go home now, get dressed and do what I need to, meet you at 12?" she said quickly, Atlas barely picking up on what words she's saying, "OK! Go go go! I'll be at yours for 12. Love you." Atlas said as she ran out the door, screaming how much she loves him as she left. 'Gosh that girl has a lot of energy. Also I hope I get my jumper back. It was one of my favourite ones.'

She pulled her wardrobe apart, looking for the one dress she had bought for her date with Noah, the one he promised her, which ended up falling on the day he disappeared. leaving her sitting in the restaurant for hours, waiting for him to appear. "No. I told myself it was time to move on, and if I'm going to move on and be happy, I need to accept that it happened and that it was for a reason. I have Atlas now, and he is so much better for me." she said aloud to herself, she knows she's lucky to have him, let alone to have met him. if she was any later than a few seconds that day, she'd still be sat pondering on her thoughts of Noah. "HAH!" She said as she pulled the dress out from her wardrobe, "I found you!" She said, running to her full length mirror as she changed. The dress was a short summery dress, yellow flowers and small leaves printed on to the dress. It was an angelic off white colour, but was loose and flowy, allowing a breeze to softly blow it. She couldn't described her feelings in words, but it made her feel a kind of beautiful no other dress or clothing piece had ever done. 

She waited in the family room, scrolling through her outfit photos to pick her favourite 3, waiting for Atlas to call when he was outside. She managed to pick and post the pictures, likes and comments poring in, and she enjoyed the comments; They made her feel a little more worthy, more appreciated, not to mention how much she loves interacting with her followers and answering as many messages from them. She gets a lot of people thanking her for helping them find their style, and for guiding them to buy clothing that fits their body type.  

While she was pondering on her thoughts and answering comments, she got a comment from atlas, "I'm outside waiting for you princess. Love you." she read it, responding with "I'm on my way. Lym!", her heart doing a little happy flip as she pressed send, smiling as she did, her cheeks becoming more rose tinted than ever. She jumped up and ran for the door, slipping on her shoes as quick as she could. She ran out the door, screaming goodbye and love you's to her parents and brothers. She spotted his car, and smiled even brighter. Atlas got out the car, walking towards Evelyn, hugging her and placing a soft kiss on her head, followed by him placing one on her lips. She looked at him before she spoke, "I couldn't love anyone more than I love you right now." she said, placing her hands on his cheek. Atlas just looked at her, admiring her beauty, and the way she glows. 

Atlas didn't take any longer, pulling Evelyn to the car. "Let's gooo!!" Atlas said, almost shouting, but not quite. He opened the door for Evelyn, "My lady, your ride has arrived." He said jokingly, putting his hand above her head so she wouldn't hit it on the top of the care. "Why thank you sir." She joked back at him as she got in, placing her bag on her lap. This was one of the days she knew she'd remember, and she smiled at the thought of reminiscing of days like these in the years to come. She was then distracted by Atlas as he spoke, "So, we're off to a flower garden first, and they even have a route specifically for couples. So we're checking it out." He said, making it almost sound like a demand or order. She just nodded and excited looked ahead, "I'm happy today will be spent with you, and i can't wait to see what you have planned for it." She exclaimed, but got shy saying the last part. 

Of course this wasn't their first, no their last, date; but this one was special. They'd been together almost a year, and yet they really only had home dates, or late night dates spent at a small street restaurant with beer, soju and street food, not that it wasn't fun or anything, its just rare to see each other so dressed up. She was just excited to be dressed up and feel pretty for him this one time. 


A/N: I wasss going to write how the date went here, but i haven't planned that out yet, and this was already getting long. It's been a while but I've been so busy with college assignments that i just haven't found time to write. I have 3weeks off for Christmas now though, so I'm going to try and get at least 2 full chapters done for you all so I don't feel like I'm starving you all when i go back.  Then I can focus on getting chapters done little by little in my free time. Anyways I hope you all enjoy the break from drama, and find it nice to have a chapter just about these two. I definitely enjoy it. 

Trying My BestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora