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Dedicated to curlynerd4ever

Status : completed

Author : curlynerd4ever

Chapters: 57 parts   

Reads : 575K 

Votes :30.8K


He was always there. Always watching. Always loving.

She just never knew.

The North is crumbling. After years of peace and serenity, times have finally changed.

After her 18th birthday, Sabine is finally Queen, yet after that, everything goes haywire.

The wolves go crazy, drugged with superstition and illness.

More fights, and unwillingness to obey. Hierarchy thrown out of the window, as more and more deaths have occurred.

And only Sabine is blamed for it.Breakage and rebellion has been stirred up within it. The old traces of the disease that had once turned their King, is back.

And it is back with a purpose.

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