When the sun fell

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Dedicated to world_joy_

Status: completed

Author: world_joy_

Chapters: 46parts

Reads: 137k

Votes: 11.9k 


When Summer Princess Lumikki is offered to the Winter King as payment for a debt, the Winter court is dragged into chaos. Alone in a foreign land, with no one but herself to rely upon, Lumi is quick to adapt in order to survive. 

But the longer the winter king stays with her, the more he is unable to let her go. 

Like the sun and moon, fate continuously has them moving towards each other- yet apart. 

As her life unfolds in unexpected ways, Lumi realizes that love can only be found, if all else is sacrificed. But are they willing to pay such a price? And are some loves worth fighting for? This is a story of redemption. This is a story of strength. This is a story of revolution.This is a story, of when the sun fell. 

Another one of my favourites💜 the story the characters and everything is so awesome! Specially the female character💜

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