Alone in the game

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POV: Jake Park

While I was talking to Dwight he suddenly disappeared. I looked around and stared at the place, where he was sitting a few seconds ago. When I looked at the others I realised that Claudette, Bill and David were also gone. So they got teleported in a game. That's bad. I'll probably have to play without Dwight. And David and Claudette were the only of the others who I had contact with. I stared at the fire while I was waiting for Dwight to come back. After ten minutes he appeared right where he left. "Dwight! How was the game? Why are you back so fast?" "Well I died, hehe I didn't see Ghostface and he grabbed me at a gen. Then he facecamped me and the others couldn't do anything about it." "O-oh I'm sorry to hear that.." "Nah, it's fine, haha. It was my fault." "Yeah, it's still brutal." "Yup... but you get used to it when it happens often.."

He looked down and I could see that he was really tired of all this. "H-how long have you been here?" He was suprised for a second and stared in the air. "Hmm I stopped counting on day 216.. That was a while ago.. so like, a year I think.." I was shooked. A year?! How long is this game going on?? Dwight noticed that I was concerned. "Hey, it's really not so bad.. The people here are nice when you get to know them better. They are just really skeptical about who they trust." I nodded. "Yeah I know, I don't know who to trust yet either. I mean I trust you of course and David and Claudette also seem like good people but the others... I don't know yet.." "Yeah and that's totally okay, you'll figure it out in no time. I hope you'll get along with-"

Before he could finish his sentence I got surrounded by the dark again. The fact that I couldn't hear him anymore proves that he is still at the campfire. I wonder who went here with me and who we are playing against. When I landed I saw a little town. Cool, there were a lot of houses to hide in. When I turned around to look who spawned here with me I saw that they all were already on their way to the next generator. There were only three places where you could sit to repair it and Meg, Nea and Feng were already sitting there. I sighed and went to look for another gen I could work on. When I found one I heard someone scream. They are enough people to help eachother. I should just stay here and fix this.

But then I heard the same person again. That means she got downed. How could this happen? Didn't the others bodyblock? After I finished my work on the gen I ran to the hook where the injured surviver got hung up. Far away I saw Meg and Nea who were working on a generator. They didn't seem like they wanted to help Feng. So I crouched near the hook and looked around if I could see the killer somewhere. Then I ran to Feng and helped her off the hook. She immediatly began to run. But she ran directly in the killers direction. I saw a tall man with a mask who was near a car on the street. "Look out!" I ran as fast as I could to avoid that she gets downed again. If she gets hung up one more time she'll die.

I did the same what I did with David before. I went between Feng and who I thought is Myers. His knife went right through my shoulder. I screamed and tried to get to a window as fast as possible. But right before I could jump through it he managed to hit me again. This time it went in my lower back. I fell and hit my head on the window sill. For a short while everything went black and I could feel how he picked me up and carried me to a hook. I was scared of what will happen next and tried to struggle but his grip was too tight. Then he grabbed me and hung me up on the nearest hook.

I felt how the sharp hook went through the bone of my shoulder. I've never felt this much pain before. I wanted to scream but not one tone came out of me. Instead tears streamed down my bloody face. All of my bodyweight was now held by the shattered shoulderbone. This hurts like hell. I was hoping that my teammates would rescue me but when I looked in their direction I saw that they were just running around and were trying to find one of the exit doors. None of them was even thinking about helping me even though the killer is far away and was chasing Meg. I felt how my courage left me and how I started to breathe slower.

I felt like I was dying. So that's what I get for trying to help my team. I saved Feng and she just ran out of the door, back to the camp. I closed my eyes and was waiting for death. But when I heard a scream again I opened them. I thought Michael got one of the others but they all got out. Another tear left my eyes. I can't believe that they left me to die. I got scared when I heard someone breath behind me. I turned my head and I saw directly in Michaels face. I mean, his mask. He just stood there and stared at me. "Are you happy now? You got me. You can be proud of yourself. Just please kill me quickly. I don't want to suffer anymore." He just kept staring at me. "Please.." I whispered in pain. He walked around me and was now standing right in front of me.

When he raised his hands I thought he would kill me and closed my eyes. But I just felt something grab me and the hook got removed. I opened my eyes and now he was just holding me and was staring at me. I think he looked kinda sad and confused but I could only guess. "W-what are you doing..?" He threw me over his shoulder like before and started walking towards one of the houses. Where is he taking me? Does he want to kill me with his mori, like Dwight told me? But that doesn't make sense. He can only mori me if I was hooked twice. Then what is he doing? I started crying again. I was so confused and scared that I didn't care anymore. I just want to get out of here.

When he heard my whining he stopped walking, grabbed me and just looked at me. Then I could see how he slowly shook his head. I looked at him confused. What does he mean? Does he want me to stop crying? I raised my hand and wiped my tears. I tried to calm down a little and really stopped. "See? I stopped. Is that what you wanted?" He shook his head again. "Then what do you mean?" He stared at me a few seconds before he pointed at his knife and then shook his head again. I was confused. Is he not going to hurt me with his knife? "Do you mean that you won't hurt me?" I tried to ask questions which he can answer with yes or no so he could only shake his head or nod to answer. Dwight told me that he couldn't speak. He nodded. "B-but why? Oh wait, you can't talk right? Are you letting me escape?"

I looked at him hopefully but my hopes were crushed when he answered with shaking his head. I wanted to ask him something else but he already threw me over his shoulder again and was walking again. "Hey, if you're not letting me escape then what are you doing?! Let me down! I want to go back to the others, to Dwight. Please!" But he ignored me and opened the door of a house. He carried me in there and put me down on an old bed. Then he went out and I wanted to get up and run away but I couldn't move. My wounds hurt to much and this bed was actually really comfortable. Also, I didn't really care if he kills me. That would only mean that I could finally go back to the others.

Dwight is probably wondering where I am. I should already be back. I laid down and let my body rest for a little bit until I heard Michaels footsteps again. I was too tired to get up so I just looked up to him from the bed. He got an oldlooking first aid box. Is he going to treat my wounds? Why would he do that? I wanted to ask him that, but he was already opening my shirt. When he raised me to get to my wound better I hissed painfully and he stopped immediatly. After I calmed down he took an ointment and put it on my wounds. Then he wrapped the bandage around it and softly laid me down.

Why is he so soft with me? Isn't he a serial killer or something? I felt that my wound didn't hurt as much as before and I calmed down. Even though I could run away now I stayed in the bed. It was so comfortable and I was so tired. I would definitly leave tomorrow. I was kinda glad that I could get some sleep and I didn't have to be in a match in a while. Before I fell asleep completely I turned around to the nice killer and looked him in his dark eyes. "Thank you, Michael." After I said that my eyes closed and I fell asleep. I didn't think I could fall asleep so quickly with a killer next to me but somehow I trusted him and I kinda felt safe here. But I'm worried about Dwight. He's alone again. The others are probably ignoring him. But I couldn't think of Dwight right now. I just thought about that I'm in a bed and I'm tired. And I have someone watching over me.

Sooo, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it and I would be happy about some feedback. And if you find any mistakes, please tell me. I'm trying to improve! So that would be helping! Thank you!   

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