First Game

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Heeyyyooo! I'm back woohoo! Haha is that to enthusiastic? Probably.. :)) But I don't care hehehe

POV: Jake Park

I was talking to Dwight the last hour. We talked about a lot of things like who the others are and what exactly happens in the game. He told me about special tools, which you can find in boxes all over the map. And explained to me how to fix a generator. He also told me about all the killers and how to play against them to not get caught. I still don't get most of what is going on here. And I don't get how the killers can teleport and crawl through holes in the ground so fast. And one of the most fascinating killer is "The Shape". Dwight told me that he can stalk you, until you are oneshot down. I don't get how this works but I'll find out soon. But I hope I get an easy killer in my first match. I don't want to get killed right away. Dwight also said that sometimes the killer can bring a mori. That means he can kill you if you were hooked once. But not on a second hook, in his own way.

He told me that for example the hag eats the survivor she gets. I hope I won't ever have to play against her. And I also want nothing too complicated because I only heard about the killers and I don't really understand most of it but Dwight promised that I'll get used to it and until then he'll help me. I really don't know what I would do without him. Panic, probably. "Hey, Dwight.." "Yeah Jake what is it? You still got questions? I thought I explained everything." "No not a question, exactly... I just wanted to say thank you.. For all this. You're the only one who's talking to me here. I don't know what I would do without you."

I looked down on my hands because I'm so nervous. I really don't know how to talk to people. Usually I'm not this emotional but this situation is not really my usual, so i guess it's fine. "Yeah, you're welcome. Hehe, to be honest I'm really glad you're here, too. Finally someone who isn't annoyed by me. And I'm always happy to help so you can always come talk to me, okay?" I looked up to him and smiled. "Yeah, I know. Thank you. And the same goes for you. I don't know much about the game yet but you can come and talk with me about anything you'd like, okay?" "Thank you, Jake." I wanted to answer him but suddenly everything was dark. Scared and confused as I was I yelled Dwights name. "Jake! I'm here! Everything's fine. It's just the beginning of the game. Get ready!"

So this is what it feels like to be teleported in a game. For a little while it felt like I was flying but then I landed in the middle of a cornfield. This is one of the farm maps Dwight told me about. I looked around and I noticed David near me. He briefly looked me in the eyes, before he went and ran to, what I guess is, a generator. I followed him slowly 'cause I didn't want to get seen by the killer. When I got there David was already working on it with Claudette. I sat between them and started doing what Dwight taught me. I was frightened as I heard someone scream. Dwight got hit. Should I go help him? I could bodyblock but I'm inexperienced. I would only get downed in the first few seconds. I don't want to be a burden.

But maybe I could distract the killer? Wait, which killer is it? I left the others on the gen and ran to the side of the map where the scream came from. I only had to search for a little, when I saw Dwight. He was hiding behind some bushes but the killer who I think is the trapper, was walking towards him. I quickly decided to help my friend and tried to distract the trapper. "Hey! I'm here, big boy!", i yelled at him and waved with my arms. I glanced at Dwight who looked at me shooked. I turned around and ran away, away from the bush where Dwight was hiding. "Come and get me, if you can!" The trapper was now following me, he's far behind me, but he gets closer every second. What should I do? I clearly didn't think this through! I remembered what Dwight told me. When the killer is chasing you, throw a pallet down or jump through a window. That should give you some time.

Okay, where's a pallet? I ran into a little maze of walls and there was a pallet. My friend said I should throw it when he's right in front of it. The trapper came closer and closer and i waited for him, but I got nervous and threw it before he was near enough that it would've hit him. "God dammit!" I swore softly. My hands were shaking and I was scared of the machete which I saw in the hand of the killer who's chasing after me. I ran as fast as I could but there were no pallets or windows nearby and I felt how my lungs began to hurt. I had nowhere to go. Right when I heard him heavily breathing behind me I felt something in my shoulder. "Aaarrgh! You asshole!" Fuck, he hit me with his stupid machete! I can't get hit again, if I want to avoid gettig hung up. I tried to ignore the pain and ran into a house which was nearby.

It had windows. I ran up the stairs and jumped through a window which lead to the lower roof. I stood there, pressed against the wall, and tried not to breath to heavily. I was hoping he wouldn't find me. There were stairs which were leading downstairs and I prayed that he would think I took them. And my prayers were heard, he really stamped past the window. When he was outside I quickly climbed in the house again and ran to the other side of it to get out. I went to search for Dwight. At a generator in the field I've found him. "Oh my god, Jake! You're okay! Well apart from that nasty flesh wound you got there. Let me help you." He grabbed a bandage and began to treat my wound.

"Hey Dwight. Are you okay? I really saved your ass out there, didn't I? Hehe.", I laughed, but immediatly stopped because that hurt. "Haha, yeah you did. My brave and dumb hero." I grinned and helped him fix the generator as soon as he finished treating my wound. We finished it and luckily it was the last gen we had to do to restore electricity. I followed Dwight to one of the exit doors when we heard a female scream. "Claudette! She got hooked! We should go help her, come on Dwight!" " Wait Jake! The trapper brought her in the basement. He sets up traps all over the place. I don't think it's a good idea to try and help her. It's impossible! I'm sorry Jake. We'll have to leave her behind." "But- we can still help her before the time runs out!"

Dwight looked at me and I knew I couldn't change his mind. "O-okay I'll go if David is also going. I don't want him to go in there all by himself!" Dwight looked at something behind me so I turned around to see what he was looking at. There was David who was injured and was running to us. Only a few meters behind him was the trapper. In only a second I knew what to do and ran to him, to save him from a hit. The trapper raised his machete to hit David but I went between them and he hit me instead. "Run!" yelled Dwight and also took a hit. This way we all three could escape.

When we walked through the exit the darkness was there again and I was teleported back to the campfire. I sat down and my wounds didn't hurt that much anymore. When I looked under the bandage it was almost completely healed. I looked at the other two confused and they explained that we get healed for the next match. "Hey Jake, it was a good game!" said Dwight to me. "Yeah it did go pretty well for my first time i guess." When I looked next to Dwight I saw Claudette. "Hey! I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." She looked at me suprised and said smiling: "Oh that's fine. It's not the first time I died in this game and I know how difficult it is to get someone out of the basement. Especially against the trapper." "Oh okay then.. I just felt a little bad for you. But if you say it's fine then it's okay." I went to Dwight and sat next to him on the treetrunk. We started talking about the game and how brave I was, hehe. I'm glad it went so well. I hope the next game will too.

Okay that's it! I hope you liked it and what do you think? Is the next game going to be as good as this one?

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