Getting ready

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Heyyoo! Sorry that I was offline yesterday. I was busy so I couldn't write a chapter. Why do I even explain myself haha? Nobody cares, because nobody reads it lmao. Yeeeahh, anyways, let's do this!

POV: Jake Park

The others talked about our plan and we tried to think of a way to talk to the killers, except for talking in a match. A way how we could talk to everyone at once. Maybe I should ask Michael. I hope that I will meet him soon in a match. Right now four of us are not here. Me and Dwight were talking to Claudette and Ace, when they came back. They told us that they've met Philipp and that he said that almost every killer is with us. Everyone except the oni. He doesn't want anything to do with us. But that's fine, if we got the others. Maybe he will help us when he sees how everyone is fighting against the entity. As I got teleported I was really hoping that it would be a match against Michael. On the one hand I really need to talk with him about our plan but on the other hand I ust really miss him. I haven't seen him since we alked about the plan. I want to kiss him again soon. And as if my prayers were heard, the game was against him. I ran up to him and hugged him tight. "I missed you..." I mumbled against his shoulder. He hugged me back. "I missed you, too." I chuckled and looked up to him. He took of his mask and gave me a little kiss. "Is that it? Huh I guess you didn't miss me as much as I did..." I said and pretended to be angry and looked away. He sighed, grabbed my chin and turned my head to him. Then he kissed me, this time with tongue. I was kinda suprised and kissed him back after a few seconds. After he let go of me he looked me me deep in eyes. I stared at him and couldn't look away because his eyes were full of love. There is nothing left of his cold killer look. "I did miss you, Jake." He said softly. I smiled and kissed him one more time. We looked us in the eyes for a while, but then Claudette came by and told us that they would like to talk with us about the plan. "Uh... Yeah sure.. We are coming..." I blushed and let go of Michael. I was kind of embarrassed. I don't really know why. I mean they know about my relationship with Michael. But them seeing us like this kinda makes me nervous. We followed her to the others which were sitting at a genarator. They backed away when they saw Michael even though they knew that he won't hurt them. I guess it was just instinctively that they were scared of him. But it still made me kind of sad. We are now in the same team. We are not enemies anymore. I sat down beside Dwight and Michael stood there. he looked like he was kinda uncomfortable. I pointed at the place beside me and he sat down. He still looked nervous so I grabbed his hand and crossed our fingers. I did it the way that noone except us coud see that we were holding hands. He calmed down and even took his mask off completly. The others were suprised. They've never seen him without his mask. I smiled as I realised that the fact that Michael unmasked himself got the others to calm down a little. They realised that he was just a normal human being. "Okay so how is the plan going? Are the killers really on our side, like Philipp said?" Michael nodded. "And what about the oni? Philipp said he doesn't want to help. Is that true?" Michael nodded again. I guess he doesn't like talking to strangers. "Why is that?" Michael looked at her. "Well he isnt really helpful and the only one he talks to is Rin." "Okay then we'll have to do this without him. But he would be a great help. Is there anything we could do or say to change his mind?" "No he only helps Rin. That's the problem." I interupted them. "But isn't Rin willing to help us? That means she will be in danger. Isn't that reason enough to help us, then?" "Hmm yeah, that makes sense... Michael? Could you talk with him about this? And Rin?", asked Dwight. "Yeah, I could do that but I can't guarantee that he will listen to me. We are not the bestest friends, you know. But I think Rin is going to be willing to help me change his mind. She is really nice." I didn't like the way he talked about Rin. I know he just called her nice, but I was jealous. I stared at the ground angrily. Michael noticed that I was upset and tightned his grip around my hand. I looked up to him and he smiled at me softly. "You don't have to worry about anyone. You are the only one I love.", he whispered in my ear. I blushed and nodded. Then we went back to trying to find a solution. Michael offered that we could just leave after we finished talking. "No, the entity will punish you, if you just let us go. It's okay. You can kill me, I don't mind." "What? No I can't do that! It's okay, just go!" I shook my head and stayed. He sighed and grabbed me. Then he started carrying me to the exit door which was already open. But because I wasn't injured I could easily get out. "I will not let you get punished. Don't even try to change my mind." I walked past him and got away from the door, so he couldn't carry me out so easily. He looked at me desperate. "Jake... It's okay... really." I shook my head. "It's not. Michael, it's fine. I won't be mad. I got killed so many times. It doesn't matter anymore. I get healed anyway. Just do it quickly." "No. I can't. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it. I never could." "I know, but otherwise you will be punished." "I don't care. Just get out. I don't want to hurt you." "I will not leave. You'll have to kill me." "Then I will stay here with you until you get bored." I sighed and sat down beside him. "Michael, we both have to go back. The plan is more important than if you kill me, or someone else. So please just do it. I beg you." "No, no I can't. I'm sorry Jake." Okay, then come with me. To the campfire." "T-that's impossible. The entity won't let me leave until the last survivor is gone." "Let's try if you can go, when you are with me. That would help us alot, if it would  work. That way we could bring all killers here. And we would be together to fight." When I realised what advantages it would bring us, if that would work, I got really excited. I grabbed Michaels wrist and pulled him to the exit door. I didn't let go of his hand and we both went through the door. I felt like the darkness wanted to seperate us but I held onto his hand as if my life depended on it. And when I landed I was back at the campfire. When I looked next to me I was glad that Michael was still there. The others stared at us and couldn't believe what they saw. "Jake! How did you-" Dwight was the first one who started talking again. I shrugged with my shoulders. "I don't know, I just took him with me. That's it. But now we know how to get the killers to us. Isn't that awesome?" I realised that I was still holding onto his hand and was thinking about letting it go. But right when I was about to let go, Michael grabbed it even tighter. He seemed angry. I tried to find what he is looking at. He looked directly in Davids eyes. Oh that's the reason for his bad mood. I caressed his hand and he calmed down a bit. "Okay, the next people who get in a match, please bring the killer here. You just have to hold onto them so you don't get seperated. That should bring them here to us. Understood?" "Understood!" "Okay Michael, welcome to our 'home'." I laughed and sat down next to Dwight, where I usually sit. Michael sat down beside me and didn't know how to act. "Hey Michael, what about you tell us something about your life before all this. The good parts." Michael smiled at me and then began to talk about his childhood and his family. He looked kind of sad when he did that. While he was talking to us, Feng, David, Ace and Kate were teleported. "Okay I think we can expect an other killer here, haha. You won't be alone anymore, Michael." "I'm not alone." He smiled at me and I blushed a little. "You guys are so cute, omg." I turned back to Dwight and punched him in his shoulder. "Don't ruin the moment!" I laughed and tickled him. He couldn't say anything because he was laughing to hard. "Hhahaha J-jake stop hahaha" I was merciful and stopped. Dwight took a deep breath and calmed down. "You are mean." He smiled at me. "I know, hehe" I started grinning. When I looked back at Michael he looked happy. "What are yo smiling about, huh?" "I like how happy you are here. You look really cute when you are so happy." "You look even cuter when you smile." Michael blushed a little. Oh my god he looks so cute when that happens. Unfortunatly that doesn't happen this often. My thoughts were interupted when I heard the others come back. I looked at them and they brought Philipp to us. I stood up to greet him. "Philipp hey! I'm glad that you ade it here." "Jake! Hi! Yeah I'm glad, too. It's all thanks to you! You started the plan and found a way to make it possible!" "Yeah thank you but that wasn't me alone. Everyone helped me. Especially Michael and Dwight right here. So you should thank them, too." "Yeah I already wondered where you are, Michael. When these guys told me that you found  a way how the killers could come with you, I knew that Michael would be here. And I was right!" He smiled and greeted Michael with a handshake. "Okay so the next team brings the next killer." "Yeah."

So that's it for today! I hope you liked it! See ya next time!

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