I love only you

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POV: Jake Park

I went to the bathroom and did my hair, brushed my teeth and went on the toilet, before I went down to the canteen again. Michael went to his room to do the same and I saw him standing at the entrance, waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me and I automatically smiled back. We entered the canteen together and sat down at the place where we sat before. I got myself some soup and bread. Michael got himself a steak with sauce. We ate our meals in silence until Dwight sat down beside me. I looked up to him and greeted him with a hug. I felt how Michael stared at me, but I tried to ignore it. I was kind of glad that Dwight came because that way I didn't have to talk with Michael while Dwight was there. I mean, I really enjoyed talking to him but I wasn't ready for what I'll have to tell him. Maybe I could ask Dwight what I should do. I got the feeling like I can trust him with my problems. I was talking to Dwight all the time at the lunchtable. I wanted to include Michael in our conversation but I didn't know how, so he was just sitting next to us and listened to us. When we finished eating I brought away my dishes and Dwight followed me. He already ate before we were there. After that we wanted to go to Dwights room because I wanted to talk to him about the dream I had. But Michael pulled me back at my wrist. "Huh? Michael, what is it?" "Where are you going with him?" It almost sounded like he was jealous. "Uh, to his room. We wanted to talk a little. Is that a problem?" He stayed silent for a few seconds and then slowly shook his head. "N-no of course not." Then he turned around and went away. I watched how he walked away and it made me kinda sad that I couldn't spend time with him right now but I have to figure out what all of this means. And I'm just to nervous about that, so I can't really talk to him about that. I wish I could but I would only stutter and stare at him, like the weirdo I am. We arrived at Dwights room and he opened the door. Inside there were two other people. They seemed like they were also waiting for Dwight. "Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?" "We just wanted to look after you. You seemed down lately." I looked at Dwight suprised. "Why are you feeling down?" "Uh, I don't know. It makes me sick, that I can't remember anything and you didn't even notice me today morning. I just felt left out. You were just talking to that other guy. Isn't he kind of creepy?" "Who? Michael? What are you talking about? He's not creepy. But I'm sorry that I didn't pay attention to you." "Yeah, sorry. I shouldn't be talking bad about him. I don't even know him." I nodded. "Okay, Dwight. It seems that you are okay, so we're gonna get going." "Oh, yeah okay then see you, David, Claudette. We will be talking later, okay?" They nodded and then left the room. Finally me and Dwight are alone. "Okay, so what was that you wanted to talk with me about?" I told him about the dream I had and how I didn't know how I should tell Michael. "Yeah, okay. Hmmm, you should definetly talk to Michael about that dream." "Yeeeaah, I knoow, but I don't know how...." "Well you told me that he wanted to stay with you and that he hugged you while you guys were sleeping. In the same bed! So isn't it obvious that he likes you, too, dumbass?", he smiled at me. "I never said that I liked him!", I said blushing and looked away. "Oh, please. You are as red as a tomato. Don't lie to me. You want me to help you get together with him, don't you? Then you should be completely honest with me."  "Well, y-yeah... I mean, I do like him, but I'm not sure if I want to be together with him yet." "Yet. That means you want to be together with him sometime?", he grinned. "Yeah, I think so..." I got embarrassed. "Haha, it's fine, you don't have to be ashamed or something. You guys would make a really cute couple." "Y-you think so...?" He nodded, laughing. "What's so funny?" "Sorry, haha. It's just so funny, how you are serious all the time but when it comes to Michael, you suddenly are a nervous little bean." "Hey! That's not funny! And I'm not little!" I crossed my arms and pouted. "Awww, don't pout now. I'm just teasing you, you know that." "Yeah, but you're still mean." I wanted to sound angry but I started laughing when I saw how Dwight wanted to calm me down with a puppy face. "Yay, you're not angry anymore!" I chuckled and punched his shoulder. Suddenly I saw some images before my inner eye. I was sitting on some kind of machine and I think I was repairing it. Next to me there was Dwigt and he talked to me about something. "Haha, my brave and dumb hero. I can't believe you really did that! You really tricked him! Come here, I'll heal you!" I blinked and was back at the hospital. "Hey, Jake! Is everything okay?" "Y-yeah, I just remembered something. You were there." "What? What was that about?" "Uhm, I don't really know. We were sitting at something and it looked like we were repairing it. And you said something about, that you couldn't believe I did this and that you would heal me. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. I think I was injured but it wasn't the wound that I have right now. Does that mean we were being hurt more then once?" Dwight looked at me confused and was trying to process this informations. "What did you do, that I couldn't believe?" "I don't know but you called me a dumb and brave hero, so I guess something dumb and brave." I laughed and he did the same. "Does that mean you saved me or what?" "I don't know but I guess so. Haha, I'm a hero!" I made a hero-like posture and chuckled. He laughed and couldn't stop. "Yeah, you are, haha!" I smiled and tickled him. "Nooo! Jake stop! Have mercy!" He laughed even harder and I pressed him onto the bed to tickle him even more. "Please, haha. I can't breathe!" I wanted to keep going but I heard how the door opened. I turned around and stared directly into Michaels eyes. He looked sad and kind of betrayed. I was confused for a second but then I realised how that has to look like for him. I was leaning over Dwight and he could just see my back. He turned around and ran out of the room. "Wait, Michael!" I looked at Dwight apologitically and ran after Michael. I just saw how he ran around the corner which leads to the entrance of the hospital. I ran as fast as I could and felt like my wound began to hurt really bad but I didn't care. I have to explain this to Michael. Michael ran into the woods next to the hospital and I followed him. I lost him for a while but then I found him again. He was sitting on a rock behind a big spruce. I sneaked up to him and when I got close to him I noticed that he was crying. What? That wasn't like him at all. That means I must've really hurt him. My heart contracted painfully. "Michael...", I whispered and he looked up to me suprised. But then he immediatly looked away from me. I sat down on the rock and laid my hand on his shoulder. "Don't cry, please. It's not like you might think." "Yeah, right. Then how is it, huh? You and Dwight definetely didn't kiss, right? Yeah, tell you lies someone else." His voice was husky and stuttered. "You're right, we didn't." He looked up to me and looked angry and sad at the same time. But I could see that he was hoping for me to exlain, so I did that. I told him that I was just tickling Dwight and that he teased me. "Yeah, even if that's true, you wanted to spend your time with Dwight rather than with me." "That's not true. I just had something important to talk with him about." "And what is that?" I blushed and was now the one looking away. I mean, I couldn't tell him that we talked about the fact that I have a crush on him, could I? I already wanted to lie to him and say that we just talked about the memory, with fixing the machine. But then I looked at him and I knew, that if I would now lie to him, he would never trust me completely. I sighed. "W-well... We talked about a dream I had, or better said a memory." "Ahh, yeah that dream that you wanted to tell me about. What happened in that dream?" I looked him in the eyes and turned red. "Uhh... well.. we kinda, um, kissed.." I looked away from him quickly. "R-really? So we were together?" "Yeah, I guess." When I looed back to him he smiled softly and wiped the tears away that were left. I was suprised that he looked so happy. I thought he would hate the thought of being with me. I mean, it was really unlikely for him to hate that but I was just really scared of his reaction. "You don't hate that?" "No. Why would I hate that? I was hoping that you would like me, too." "Like you... too? Y-you like me?" I looked him deep in the eyes and blushed really bad when he nodded. I wanted to say something but then I felt his warm lips on mine. My eyes widened but I closed them really fast again. My hands found their way to Michaels wist and I kissed him back passionate. During our kiss a lot of images appeared in my head. I started remembering everything that had happened. I remembered how we were stuck in the game and how I got killed over and over again. And how David harrassed me. But I also remembered the good things, like my friendship with Dwight and most important my relationship with Michael. And how we fought against the entity. I let go of Michael and he looked like he also remembered all of that. "I- Jake! We did it!" He smiled happily. "Yeah! We really did! Oh my god, I thought you would die, when you laid in my arms there." Tears of relief streamed down my face. I hugged him tight and wanted to never let him go again. "Michael, never scare me like that ever again! I  love you, I don't want to lose you." "I won't, we are safe now. I love you, too, Jake."

Okaaayy... That's it for today again. I don't know if I should do another chapter, I mean it's a happy end now, so I guess I won't see ya next time! Tell me if you want something special at the end!

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