Chapter 4 - Tuner Wars

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10:15 p.m. Safehouse. "No way! She actually noticed you?" Letty asked. "I'm not kidding, she seems very hostile to me. She even scratched my car." Adena answered. "How bad is it?" Letty asked. "From what I can tell, it doesn't look that bad. It's just a minor scratch." Adena answered. "Well it's not that bad, Jill is already taking on that race wars in the downtown area. I'm pretty sure Branden and Ellie are going to take on more of those races in the Kempton area. I can get Jordan to repair the scratch if it's fine by you." Letty suggested as she takes a look at the scratch of the SL 65 AMG. "Sounds good to me." Adena replied. I was waiting outside as I noticed Darius was approaching me and I opened my window. "You got it, kid. I always said you did. Now the others are starting to believe too. Don't give up now, you're close." Darius said as he drives off after approaching me. "Okay? Well that seems to be a bit motivating." I said as I was confused and I was on my way to the race. Some time later. Silverton. "You sure about that?" Darius asked. "I don't know." The member answered. "I'll see you later." Darius replied as the member left the scene and heard Nikki's Ford GT approaching him as she gets out of her car. "Darius, what are you doing? A few more races and he's gonna have more territory than you." Nikki asked. "Well hey, good for him. He should be cleaning up his rep, and he's taking care of my business for me. He knows us, both of us." Darius answered. "You're using him." Nikki replied. "I'm not using him, I'm the only one who knows what he's capable of. What's gotten into you?" Darius asked as Nikki seems to think that he's using me for something unknown. "Not every race is won on the track." Darius said as he gets in his Audi Le Mans Quattro and drives off. Meanwhile. Sutherden Bell Tower. Jill was about to participate in the race wars with her Green Mitsubishi Eclipse. "Stay focused girl. Those guys are good. Do your best to beat them." Jill said in her mind as she revs her car and was about to begin racing. "3, 2, 1. GO!" A female starter exclaimed as she started the countdown as the cars launched off the start. Jill overtakes a few cars ahead as they were about to hits the Kings Park section. "Stay in the zone. You just need to get your corners going to keep moving. There's a shortcut I can take to cut through, I'll use it." Jill said in her mind as she sees a shortcut on the left as she takes it. They were now heading into the mason district area and onto the Historic Chinatown area. Once they were passing by the Chinatown area, they were heading into a series of jumps ahead. "Make your move here!" Jill exclaimed as she passes by through a curvy section and makes her move to pass as she was about to a hit a few curves ahead leading to a dinosaur skeleton section on the Old Quarter Area. "The goals up ahead! Don't let up!" Jill exclaimed in her mind as she passes the last car and takes the lead as she was now in first heading on her way to victory. The Eclipse crosses the line first as it won the race. 2 minutes later. Blue Line Coffee. Jill was outside of her car drinking her warm cup of coffee as a Pink Aston Martin DB9 parks next to it. A girl got out of the car and walked up to Jill. "Hey, that was some pretty good racing there." The girl said. "Hm?" Jill asked. "You must be Jill Green right?" The girl asked. "Yes. Why?" Jill asked. "You were on fire tonight! You deserve that win you achieved! Well played. I'm Tristen Chan. Nice to meet you." Tristen greeted. "Good to meet you Tristen." Jill replied as she greeted back. "So what are you doing in Palmont Jill?" Tristen asked. "I'm racing for a crew and I'm working with them to conquer territories to uncover the truth of what happened on the night Branden Lee escaped." Jill answered. "I've heard of that guy before. I figured he would want to find out what's more of this city's mysteries. I would like to join your crew and I'm one of the fastest drivers you're gonna need on this." Tristen replied. "I'm not sure about that, but I will need to check with my leader for approval before I let you in. Why don't you come with me so she doesn't think that you're someone trying to take us out. She's cool but she doesn't bite." Jill suggested as she threw her coffee away as she finished it. "Okay.." Tristen replied as she and Jill got in their cars as they were on their way back to the Safehouse. A few minutes later. Safehouse. Jill and Tristen drove inside the building as they got out of their cars. "Hey, you're back. How was the race wars?" Letty asked. "It wasn't bad. But I've had a few complications..." Jill answered. "What is it?" Letty asked. "I bought a friend here because she knows about the truth but she's not against us. She's cool. Tristen, I want you to meet Letty Disantos. She's the leader of this crew." Jill answered. "Nice to meet you Letty." Tristen greeted. "It's nice to meet you too Tristen. You want a drink?" Letty asked. "Sure. A soda would be nice." Tristen answered. "Jordan! Go get this girl a soda please!" Letty called. "Yes, Letty!" Jordan replied as he ran to the kitchen and went to setup a cup of soda for Tristen as he finishes setting it up and hands it to her. "Thank you." Tristen said as she takes a sip from her soda. "You're welcome." Jordan replied. Jill walks to the couch and sits next to Adena as she comforts her. "Hey, are you okay?" Jill asked. "I'm... I'm fine. I'm just... shaken at the moment." Adena answered. "Why is that?" Jill asked. "You know that girl of 21st Street?" Adena asked. "Yeah. What about her?" Jill asked. "You know, she seems to be more intimidating than I thought. While Neville and I were on the way back to the Safehouse. She scratched my car, probably because she thinks I'm a nobody." Adena answered. "So is the car fixed?" Jill asked. "Yeah, it's already repaired. It's only a minor scratch so it's not that bad." Adena answered. "Look, don't worry about it. Once we take down those races in the area. You'll get your chance to take her on." Jill replied. "I guess you're right. But, we've gotta take those guys down." Adena said as Jill gives her a pat to comfort her. Meanwhile. Dover Street. Yumi and I were about to race on the Dover Street. I was up against a series of sport cars as she is driving an RX-8 while I'm using my Brera. "Alright, alright. Stay close." Yumi said. "3, 2, 1, GO!!" The female starter exclaimed as she started the countdown and we launched off from the start. We were heading into the beach section as we were coming up on a sharp bend. I made my move and passed a few cars ahead while Yumi is in the lead. "Now you're moving. Nice pass!" Yumi exclaimed as she accelerates hard as we passed by the doughnuts section and I passed the last car ahead as I was now in 2nd. They were passing the by the highway bridge section as we were heading into a series of bends coming up. "Damn. These corner's are a bitch. I can't seem to grip it hard enough." I said in my mind as I was attempting to grip it but the car was showing a bit of understeer. We were coming up on the final corner as we were now on the long straightaway section. "Oh come on, that's it! Yeah, drive it! Turn it all the way!" Yumi exclaimed as she accelerates hard and I accelerated hard. "Don't let up, the goal's near!" I exclaimed in my mind as we were on the final section. We passed by the subway section heading into the goal as I cross the line first. "Good race." I said. "Yeah, they never had a chance." Yumi replied. "Let's head back to the Safehouse." I suggested as Yumi and I left the area as we were on our way back to the Safehouse. While we were driving on our way back, a squad of muscle cars were blocking our path as 2 Dodge Chargers were coming up to us as one of them u turned and drove up to my car on the other side as Angie opens her window while I open mine. "You think you're making a name for yourself... Keep racing through my territory and I'll waste you and your reputation." Angie suggested as she and her crew drove away from us heading into the highway while Yumi and I were just sitting there like nothing happened. "I don't get what her problem is." I said. "Ignore her, don't let her get into your head Branden. Just don't buy it." Yumi replied as she and I were on our way back to the Safehouse. 10 minutes later. Safehouse. We were back at the Safehouse as we drove inside and got out of the cars but we heard some noise coming from the living room. "Hey Branden, there's a party going on in the living room. It's Neville's birthday. Do you want to join in right now?" Yumi asked as she saw the party going on in the living room which was Neville's birthday party. "I'm gonna go work on the car right now." I answered. "Okay, you can join in whenever you like." Yumi replied as she walked into the living room to join the party and I was walking to my RX-7. "So they worked on it already? I love how the car looks as it was meant to be mine. She's a real beast." I said in my mind as I looked at the RX-7 and I was going to get to work on it as I wanted to make a few adjustments. Living room. Everyone was cheering as they were passing out a birthday cake to Neville as he was sitting in the middle between Letty & April. Ellie comes into the room as she was in her green dress and tied her hair into a ponytail style along with holding a present for him. Nikki walks up to Ellie as she told her where I was out there. "I love your dress Ellie, it's very gorgeous. Branden's outside if you're wondering." Nikki said. Ellie nodded as she walked out of the living room to the garage area and she saw me working on the FD3S. "Hey." Ellie greeted. "Hey." I greeted back as I stopped working on the car. "Aren't you coming in?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, I'm just finishing up. You doing alright?" I asked after I answered. "Yeah." Ellie answered. "You know. I'm still having power issues with this thing." I replied. "Really?" Ellie asked. "What do you think it is?" I asked. "For the way you take those corners. I'd try to soften the suspension a bit since it already has grip." Ellie answered. "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked. "There's no right or wrong in racing. How you drive is who you are. It's like fingerprints. Everything's different. Fast, slow, smooth, rough. It doesn't matter." Ellie answered. "Hm. She has a point." I said in my mind. "You'll miss the cake." Ellie said. "I forgot to get him a present." I replied as I put my wrench down. "Here, I'll say it's from both of us." Ellie suggested as she and I went in to the living room. "There he is!" Yumi exclaimed. "What took you so long?" Jordan asked. "I was working on the car." I answered. "Branden, did you get me a present?" Neville asked. "Actually, Ellie and I bought you a present, it's from both of us." I answered as I handed the present to Neville as Ellie and I bowed to him. "Thanks man! I appreciate it!" Neville replied. "Happy Birthday Neville!" I exclaimed. "May the best wishes be with you!" Ellie replied. "Let's get the drinks on!" Jordan exclaimed as he was about to take a drink. "Dude are you sure you want to keep drinking? You know this is only your 4th bottle." Sal asked. "Dude, just relax. We're just here to party!" Jordan answered as he kept on drink. "Well.. I'm just saying." Sal replied. "I wonder what's up with Jordan." April said. "He's just trying to get wasted just he can be hard about it. I mean we're just being casual." Jill replied. "It's been a long time since we've had a party like this." I said. "Yeah, I've used to have parties years ago with my family but now everything's changed between them." Ellie replied. "Want to go out for a drive?" I asked. "Sure, where are we heading to?" Ellie asked after she answered. "Knife's Edge. We're just gonna cruise there for a while." I answered. "Okay, let's go." Ellie replied as she and I got out of our seats and left the living room as we were walking to my RX-7. She got in the passenger's seat and I got in the driver's seat. We were about to leave the Safehouse and head out to Knife's Edge. 2 hours later. Knife's Edge. "So you wanted to take me out for a drive?" Ellie asked. "Y-Yes... I've been very frustrated recently. I'm still trying to find the truth of what happened after that night I escaped." I answered. "I know. I understand. Maybe you should not worry about it right now. For now, just focus on taking me through this lovely cruise down the mountain pass." Ellie replied. "But I-." I said as I was cut off by Ellie. "Shh. Shut up and drive." Ellie replied. I was interrupted but I was about to begin my downhill run and I revved my car as I launched off when I started to drive. "Let me know when you want me to stop." I said. "Okay." Ellie replied. I was about to take a few corners as I gripped it. She was looking at me and I was feeling more calm as I was starting to cruise down the mountain pass of Knife's Edge. The next day. Kempton. I was driving in my RX-7 as I was picking up Nikki. She opened the door and got in the passenger's seat. "Drive." Nikki said as I accelerated and drove off from the drop off point as I was driving to a location in the area that was around the industrial area before heading into the highway as I parked my car between that area and the secret alley.  "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just drive." Nikki answered. She got out of the car as I got out of the car as well but I was standing in front of my FD. "I remember. I was standing right over there." Nikki said. Transitions to Flashback. She was standing where she pointed at as I was on my way to victory as I was in the lead. "It was so close. I knew you were gonna win. Then things went crazy." Nikki explained. She saw a few cars get EMP'ed by S.W.A.T team members as I was the only one that wasn't affected by the EMP. I crossed the line first but Nikki was panting as she was scared and I turned around as I saw the Police cars coming in from behind the bosses' cars. "So what happened?" I asked. "This guy knocks me over... I... I tried to get up, but he held me down. I thought he was protecting me. I turned around as I was performing donuts and I stopped the car so I can get Nikki in but she couldn't make it. "I couldn't make it, so I gave you the bag. If what you're saying is true and the bag was switched, then... I don't know how it could have happened. Why didn't you ever tell me about the missing money?" Nikki asked. "That's what I'm trying to figure out still. I know for sure you got tackled and the bag was switched. At that I looked inside, there wasn't money in it so it's still unknown." I answered. "If the bag was switched, then... that's where it happened." Nikki replied as she and I saw Cross' Corvette by the alleyway. "We've got company." I said. "Let's get out of here." Nikki suggested as she and I got back in the FD. "Well, good thinking." I replied. We drove off and left the area. Meanwhile. Safehouse. Adena was looking at her phone as she got a voice message from Angie. "A voice message from Angie? I wonder what it's about." Adena wondered as she played the message on her phone. "I'm tired of watching you. It's about time we did this. You want Kempton? Come get it. You gotta beat me in the city and then I'll take you on in the canyon." Angie said as the message was playing. "She wants to take me on, well she's got another fake coming!" Adena exclaimed in her mind as she got in her car and drove off to Kempton. "Where is she going?" Letty asked. "I think she's going to challenge Angie because I noticed she got a voice message from her." Jill answered. "Good luck, Adena." Letty replied as she saw the SL 65 leaving the Safehouse. The race between Adena and Angie begins!

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