Chapter 10 - The Final Shakedown

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1 hour later. 9:00 p.m. Fortuna. The race for the city is about to begin as we're starting side by side as April is in front and she's about to start the countdown. "Ready?! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!!" April exclaimed as she starts the countdown and the cars launched off the start. I had a better start than the other 3 cars as I was in the lead. We were heading into the first corner as I saw an alleyway on the left and I went for it but the 3 cars followed me through there. They were heading into the straightaway as we were hitting through some banked corners coming up. We were passing by a hairpin as I gripped it. Wolf attempts to pass me on the straightaway but we were heading into the next banked corner that leads to another one as it will take us to the highway. I braked in first as he brakes in early and I was still defending position taking the corners. We were now in the slopes on the highway as we were heading into the first bridge that leads us to a tunnel while it takes Downtown Palmont. I saw an exit on the highway that leads to the Chinatown area as I braked and went in for it. We were on the Chinatown section as I braked into the next corner that leads to a tunnel and a bridge mix to Kempton. We were heading into a straightaway that leads to a banked corner and a hairpin that will take us to another straightaway through a short bend. It also took us to the industrial area as we were heading into a hairpin and a sharp right that leads us to the 2nd tunnel back to the Downtown Palmont area. While we were on the tunnel, The Challenger was trying to make a move but we were side by side with each other on the straightaway as we were heading into the the downtown area. We were heading into another long bend that goes into another banked corner as it will lead into the last straightaway and the last tunnel heading into Silverton. Angie braked early and I braked perfectly on the banked corner as I was still in the lead along with defending my position. We were on the long straightaway heading into the last tunnel. We were now on the final section as I braked in and took the next bend. It was leading us to a curve and a series of corners coming up. After we passed a series of corners, the goal is up and I am on fire as I am trying to hold the position as well as defending it. We passed the final corner and I crossed the goal first as I was the winner of beating all of the former bosses. Several minutes later. The Neon Mile. Wolf & Kenji were escorting Darius to the starting line and I was on my way too. The Lan Evo and Murciélago went past me. Right after they left, I turned around and l lined up with the Le Mans Quattro. "You know how I spent that money that you got framed for? I bought Nikki everything that you couldn't." Darius wondered. "Well... I already have someone I like. I'm gonna take you downtown!" I answered. "3, 2, 1, GO!!" Jill exclaimed as she started the countdown and the cars launched off the start fast. I had the faster start than Darius as we were taking the first corner but I was starting to feel confused on why he would let me take the lead. I took the curves coming up as we were heading into the Canmor Downs. Once we were about to hit the bend there, I saw an alleyway on the right as I took it but Darius was following me through the alleyway. Once we passed the alleyway, I took the jump on the shortcut as I gripped it and we were heading into a short bend that leads to a banked corner coming up. The Le Mans Quattro was still on me as I couldn't be able to shake it. "Man, this guy is fast! He's definitely putting the pressure on me! I feel like it's a trap right when he slowed down and let's me pass right away. I'm gonna have to try to hold it if I want to pull this off." I said in my mind as I notice that the Le Mans Quattro is right behind my bumper and I couldn't shake him. We were on the straightaway and the next corner passing through the South Pacific section. I took another alleyway but Darius was still on me as I was trying my best to shake him but he was still keeping up with me. We were passing through the casino section heading into the last section coming up. I saw another alleyway as I took it. We were in the final section. "Hey I can hear em coming!" Britt called. "Who's in the lead??" Jenna asked as she hears the engines roaring and we were about to hit the Caesar's Palace section as we took the final corner and we were about to hit the final lap. "It's Branden!!" Britt exclaimed as she sees me in the lead in front of Darius and he was about to make his move on the straightaway. As we were about to hit the first corner, I braked in but I couldn't turn because I might've took the corner too fast but Darius nudged me to cause my car to lose control. "A slight pass." Darius said. "Oh no! He got passed! I can't believe it!" Jenna exclaimed. "The... legendary M3 GTR was passed... I thought he was able to hold that lead..." Britt replied as she was crying that I got passed. "He got passed, I know it's cheating but I know Branden! He's gonna win this for all of us and he should be able to have a plan to use to attack Darius!" Jordan exclaimed. "The M3 GTR got passed by the Le Mans Quattro. Branden understeered into the corner as Darius nudged him. He'll still have a chance in this though." Jenna called. "He got passed??" April asked. "Are you serious? I can't believe this! That guy is a cheater!" Ryan answered. "Guys, let's calm down. We all knew how this race was gonna turn out. Darius seems to be someone who tends to let the other person take the lead because what he was trying to do is analyze how Branden drives but the kid can still make it up and get that lead back." Letty explained. "I agree. Branden doesn't seem like someone who would give up, whether it's Darius or any other rival he's been up against, he'll figure it out to see how he can dominate his rivals." Ellie answered. "We'll have to see how he can regain the lead, he'll have to figure it out in order to win this." Adena replied. We were heading to the Canmor Downs section and I was starting to feel like I'm in a pitch as I was passed. "Not good, I'm in a pitch. If he wins the race then I won't be able to beat him on the canyon. Looks like I'll have to play aggressive then." I said in my mind as I took the alleyway Darius was heading into and the short bend that leads to the banked corner coming up. Once we passed the banked corner, I attacked the corners faster than my usual entry speed. We were heading into the South Pacific section and I took a shortcut on the right as I was trying to keep up with Darius as well as pushing it to my limit. We were passing by the casino section as I saw on opening and made my move to pass as I got the lead back. We were on the final section as I saw an alleyway on the left. I went for it while Darius stayed on main route. We were about to hit the Caesar's Palace section as the final corner is near. "Sounds like they're coming in fast!" Jenna called as she heard the engines roaring from a distance. "Wonder if Branden has got the lead back." Jordan replied. "It's certain enough that Branden is able to get it back without losing, we'll just have to see if he gets to the goal fast or not." Britt said. We were about to hit the final corner. "Don't let up, the goal's near!" I exclaimed in my mind as I saw the Caesar's Palace section and took it fast. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Darius exclaimed as he tried to grip it and keep up with me but he lost. "They're coming in!" Jordan called as he saw the cars coming in. "It's the M3 GTR!" Britt exclaimed as she saw the M3 GTR passing through the final corner. "Branden's in the lead! You can do it kid!" Jenna exclaimed as she saw me heading into the goal. I accelerated hard and I crossed the goal first as I beat the city race. "Branden crossed the goal first and the Le Mans Quattro fell in second. He won the city race!" Jenna called. "Alright! I knew he could do it!" April, Ryan and Tristen exclaimed. "I told you he'd be able to get the lead back. Now we need to win the canyon duel." Letty replied. 1 hour later. 10:00 p.m. Eternity Pass. The final battle for the canyon is about to begin. I was waiting at the starting line as Darius lines up next to me. Jill walks up to the starting line in front of the cars as she's about to start the countdown. We revved our engines as we were ready to start. "Alright, I'm going to start the countdown. In 5, 4, 3-." Jill said as she was about to start the countdown but Ellie interrupted her. She runs to the front of the starting line up to where Jill was standing. "I know it's usually your job to start the countdowns but let me do it on this one because it is Branden's race and I want him to win it for all of us." Ellie suggested. "Um, alright then. You go ahead." Jill replied as she backs away from the starting line. "I don't know why, but I have to go right in front and start the countdown for this one. I want him to beat this asshole to conquer Silverton for our territory." Ellie said in her mind as she felt something strange standing in front of those cars. But she shook it off as she begins to start the countdown. "Start your engines!" Ellie exclaimed as she was about start the countdown. Darius looked at me as I revved my engine. "No one can touch me." Darius said. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!!" Ellie exclaimed as she starts the countdown and we launched off the start as we were about to begin the canyon duel. Darius is now leading as I will be posing as the chaser. We were heading into the first corner but he was pulling away from me as he was faster in the corners. "He's fast!" I exclaimed in my mind as I was trying to keep up with Darius but he was warping through the corners in my vision. We were on the 2nd hairpin coming up as he does it again. I try to grip the inside to keep but he was pulling away from me on the straightaways too. I gripped the inside on the 3rd hairpin as I was starting to close in on Darius but we were heading into the 4th hairpin, however he still pulls away from me as I'm trying my best to keep up on the corners but he is very fast. "This guy's faster on the corners! I can't keep up!" I exclaimed in my mind. Flashback. "Darius is fast on the corners and the straightaways. You'll need to pull out everything you've got in order keep up with him. At some point in the middle or final point of the race, a weakness of the car will appear so you'll have to figure that out while you're at it. I'm serious Branden, you'll need to attack the corners faster too. Once he makes a mistake, go for it if you can I won't need to remind you on what to do in this one." Letty explained. Present. "I think I got it now, I'll have to attack the corners in order to keep up with him, at some point of the race. There might be a place I can use to pass him. It's somewhere that leads to the final section." I said in my mind as I was trying to attack the 5th hairpin fast to keep up with Darius. We were now heading down the hill into a long straightaway that leads to a bend onto the tunnel section. He pulls away from me but I manage to keep up with him as we were heading into the bend and the tunnel hairpin section. We passed through the tunnel and heading onto the 2nd hairpin after it while I was still keeping up with the Le Mans Quattro. It tried to pull away from me on the straightaway but there was a curve coming up. Once we passed through the chicane into the long hairpin. "There's the opening! That's what Letty mentioned on a part that might happen! Go for it!" I exclaimed in my mind as I was making my move to pass Darius on the long hairpin coming up. We were coming down the hill and we were now on the final section. "This is it! The final corner!" I exclaimed in my mind as I saw the last corner coming up as we were heading into the bridge. Once we passed the bridge, I crossed the goal first as I was the winner of the canyon duel. I stopped my car and Darius pulled up to me as he was disappointed at himself when he realized he couldn't beat me. 1 hour later. The Neon Mile. Silverton. "That was some fine racing Branden!" Jenna exclaimed. "The way you took that last corner in the lead was nuts!" Britt exclaimed. "Well done Branden, I was right that you would be able to beat this guy." Jill replied. "What are you going to do when the racing world's over Branden?" Tristen asked. "We'll see what happens next in the future." I answered. The Le Mans Quattro was parked between Nikki's Ford GT and my M3 GTR. "The keys are in the car. Enjoy while it lasts. There's always someone out there who's a little faster than you are, and sooner or later they're gonna catch up." Darius replied as a Jaguar XK pulled up to him and he got in. Nikki and I watched him leave as he drove away from the scene. "You know what I'm thinking?" Nikki asked. "Well, what's on your mind?" I asked. "You want to go for a drive? I want to get a peek at that M3 GTR to see how you can drive." Nikki answered. "Well, let's do it. First one back to the Safehouse is the winner." I suggested. "Alright, you're on!" Nikki replied as she got in her Ford GT and I got in the M3 GTR as we were about to leave the area. We were going to start racing each other to the Safehouse. "Well, I guess they're going to race each other back to the Safehouse. They seem to be like childhood friends if you ask me." Ellie said. "Letty, that Le Mans Quattro Darius gave up. What should we do?" Jill asked. "I'm suggesting that we should we sell it. We could get something rich out of that price." Letty answered. "That's not bad. We can use it for parts or for something big." Adena replied. Meanwhile. Highway 142. Nikki and I were side by side moving up to each other as she pulls in front of me and I gave a chuckle as we were about to have some fun racing back to the Safehouse. Several Months Later. I was driving my M3 GTR on the Devil's Creek Pass. "Daily routine. But, it's the usual." I said in my mind as I shifted down and gripped next corner coming up. The next day. 4:20 p.m. Caesar's Palace. I drove into the parking area as I parked my car between Ellie's Supra and Nikki's Ford GT. I saw the rest of the supercars and tuner cars at the parking area. "I wonder if it's a gathering or if we're having a party. I'm also excited that I brought myself something nice in my luggage so I should be able to prepared for tonight." I said in my mind as I took a breath and I walked out of the parking area. "Hey, Branden!" Ellie called. "Branden, over here!" Nikki called. I heard them calling my name as I saw them waiting at the entrance and I was walking there. "It's good to see you again, what's up with all of the cars at the parking lot?" I asked. "We had a lot of money we received from selling Darius' car so we decided to host a party at this hotel." Ellie answered. "The party starts at 7. I'll let you two have your fun time. But get dressed for the party at 7, got it?" Nikki asked. "Got it, I'll see you later." I answered as Ellie and I walked into the entrance as we were finding a changing room we can use to get changed into our swimming suit. 3 minutes later. I got changed into my swimming trunks and Ellie was in her beautiful bikini as her baby bump is showing. We were walking outside to the Bacchus Pool on the upper levels. "Huh? Nobody's here." I wondered. "They must be hanging out at the lower levels." Ellie answered. "I guess it's just us then." I replied as I slide in to the pool and I felt something that was very warm. She slid in slowly as she felt warm too but she sat down next to me. "It's good to have some vacation time and a party coming up." Ellie said. "After Darius and his crew leave for good. We can now have a good time in the city in peace." I replied. She climbs and sits on my lap. I felt her baby bump touching me as I was starting to feel nervous but calm and peaceful at the same time. Ellie slowly took my left hand as she uses it to rub her belly and I started to feel something that was communing to me. "I feel something communing to me Ellie, do you know what it is?" I asked. "What you're listening to is our child inside my womb. Is it going to be a boy or a girl?" Ellie asked. "Most likely a girl, I hope so." I answered. "Well we'll have to find out, you'll have to dress formally. This is going to be a party and a baby shower." Ellie replied. "Alright, I'm cool with it. As long as we're enjoying it, we should be having fun." I suggested. 2 hours and 30 minutes later. 7:00 p.m. Augustus Ballroom. I was in my tuxedo and Ellie was in her blue dress but she was wearing a tiara. "I love your dress Ellie. You are so beautiful tonight." I said as I looked at her dress. "Thank you so much, you look handsome as well. Are you ready for this?" Ellie asked. "Yes! Let's get in there." I answered as we walked to the entrance of the ballroom. "Branden, your guests are at table 1. Right this way." The assistant said as he escorted me and Ellie to our table as we realized that April, Ryan, Letty, Jill and Adena are at the table. "It's good to see you guys here." Ryan greeted. "I love your dress, Ellie! So pretty!" April exclaimed. "Thanks! I love your dress too!" Ellie replied. "So where are the others at?" I asked. "They're at the other table having fun. You guys can sit down, they'll call you around 15 minutes and we'll be able to reveal who if the baby will be a boy or a girl." Jill answered. "Just have some fun but be ready in 15 minutes." Letty replied. "Alright." I said as Ellie and I took a seat at the table. "I'm so happy for Branden & Ellie. They are the first couple to have a baby coming soon within months or so." Britt said. "I know, right? Branden is so lucky to have a girl like her. She is so beautiful to be with him." Jenna replied. "To Branden and Ellie! May they have a happy relationship!" Tristen exclaimed as she, Jenna and Britt gave each other cheers with their drinks. "How many months pregnant is she?" Jenna asked. "I think 5. 4 more months and the baby is about to be born." Britt answered as she takes a sip of her liquor. A few minutes later. We were going on the stage to present and reveal the gender of our child. "So I would like to thank everyone for coming to our first baby shower! This has been the moment that we've all been waiting for and I'm glad everyone could make it!" I greeted. "Letty, do you know who our child will be? Will it be a boy or a girl?" Ellie asked. "Well, the answer is... a baby girl!" Letty answered as she reveals the answer of our child and then the confetti started to spread as everyone was cheering with happiness. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "I'm so excited that I wanted a baby daughter!" Ellie replied. "I am so happy for them... they're such a lucky couple..." Jordan said as he was crying with happiness. "There's no need to cry about it! Just be happy for them! They're lucky to have an amazing child that will be born soon." Britt replied as she gave a pat to Jordan on the shoulder to comfort him. "So Adena, are you sure you're gonna let Branden become a father to his child?" Jill asked. "Well, as long as he knows what's he doing then yeah, I will support him no matter what. I'll let him do what's best for him but he has to figure it out on his own as it's like a puzzle. He's gotta put in a lot of responsibility on this." Adena answered. "Well, don't worry, we may continue racing soon." Jill replied. The two ladies started to have their drinks and have fun. Jordan was being a DJ and jamming to the music that was playing at the ballroom. Ellie and I danced with each other for the night as it will become something that was memorable. Everyone else cheered for us as well as for us to be known as the fastest racers in the Palmont City area. We've had drinks and we partied all night as we were having some fun in this wonderful night. While we were dancing, she looked at me with a smile and I started blushing as if I noticed that's she's acting innocent and truthful. I smiled as I was happy and we continued dancing. A few hours later. Highway 142. I was driving on the highway as I was on my way back to the Safehouse but a car passed me as I was on my heading back to the Safehouse as we encountered each other. I felt a bit of a shock passing by the car as I was surprised to see who our next rival will be soon. "Well, it's an open world out there. There will be faster drivers, tougher courses and better opponents to beat. But I will be able to give out an opportunity to take an advantage over them soon." I said in my mind as I shifted up to 3rd gear and continue driving.

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