Chapter 8 - Showdown

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9:00 p.m. Savannah Street. The drivers were about to start the race. Angie looks at Britt as she gives a smooch but she shuts her down as she focuses on the road ahead. "Come on, Darius would be watching this run. Let's do this!" Nikki said. "Here we go." Britt replied as she shifts up to 1st gear and the cars launched off the start as the race has begun. They were about to hit the first corner but a Murciélago bumped Britt as she was starting to lose control and get into a slide. "Hey, watch it!" Britt exclaimed as she was sliding but regained control. "Ugh! Man! I mean, man!" Nikki exclaimed as she got bumped as well as she and Britt are at the back of the pack. They were about to hit a chicane but Britt sees an alleyway coming up. "Let's take the shortcut coming up. Just stay on your current route." Britt said. "Got it." Nikki replied as they were taking the shortcut as they managed to pass a few cars ahead of them. "Yeah!" Nikki exclaimed as she brakes into the next corner when she saw Britt making her moves to pass the other cars and move up to the 3rd position. They were about to come down the hill as the 911 GT3 RS takes an alleyway on the right. Nikki follows Britt as they were going down the hill on the shortcut. She brakes in and powerslides through the bend as she powers over and exits out of the alleyway back in motion coming down to a curve with another alleyway on the straight. "Cool! How's your corners? But don't lose it now!" Nikki said as she stays behind Britt and grips through the curves. "Another alleyway on the right. Just stay straight before it!" Britt replied as she and the Ford GT were heading into the alleyway. After they went into the shortcut, the 911 GT3 RS drifts through the bend coming up as another shortcut is coming up. "Let's crash into the mall, we might be able to make a cut there." Nikki suggested. "Okay, got it!" Britt replied as she accelerates hard and takes the mall shortcut coming straight as they came out before coming into a chicane up ahead as it leads to a straightaway. She shifts up as she was about to head into a curve coming up. Once they passed the curve, they were powersliding on the next corner. Once they passed the next corner, tiny droplets of water were coming down hard as it starts to rain and the roads are now dangerous due to the wet road. "Great! It's raining!" Britt exclaimed. "Don't give up! We can win this! We're this close to the goal!" Nikki replied as she accelerates hard but she decides to let off a little and do the method carefully as it was down pouring. Britt pumps the accelerator to regain control before the next corner and she later gets back on it accelerating hard through the hillclimb section. Once they were coming up to the final corner, both of them braked in as they shifted down and turned the wheel as they were coming into a drift on the final corner. The goal was up as Britt is now in the lead and Nikki is behind her. They crossed the goal as they won the race. A few minutes later. Parking Area. "That was a good race, I didn't expect Jill to find a driver this phenomenal. She's very intelligent in finding drivers that are incredible." Nikki said. "When I raced against her, I doubt she was gonna be someone that is bad but next thing you know, it totally hit me as I saw that she was on fire from when we raced." Britt replied. "Would you like a drink?" Nikki asked as she shows her can of Coca Cola. "Sure, I'll have one. I appreciate it." Britt answered as Nikki hands her the drink and she takes a sip from her cola. "So how did Jill find you?" Britt asked. "Jill didn't find me, it was a friend of her's that is in the crew and he's one of the fastest racers along with the second one in the crew." Nikki answered. "Is it that Branden driver? The one who used to drive a Blue Toyota Supra back in the day? Because I think I've saw that race too if I remember." Britt wondered. "Yes, that's the driver you're talking about. I want revenge on that asshole who sabotaged the whole race." Nikki answered. "Now I get it! I can understand why you guys want revenge on Darius! You know what? If you want revenge on this guy, then I'll join in the action with you guys! We have to take him down!" Britt exclaimed. "Welcome to the crew!" Nikki replied as she gave a Britt a handshake to make her feel welcome. She opens her door of the Ford GT as she was about to get in. "Where are you going?" Britt asked. "I gotta go meet up with Branden. I'll see you later, yeah?" Nikki asked. "Okay, I'll see you later." Britt answered as Nikki gets in her Ford GT and was about to leave the parking area as she drives off to Caesar's Palace. Some time later. 8:15 p.m. Caesar's Palace. Ellie and I were cuddling in bed as we watching a T.V show until someone knocks on our room door. "I'll get it." I said as I got out of bed and walked up to the doorway. I looked through the window of the eye door as I noticed that was Nikki outside the hallway. I opened the door and she came in. "Hey, what's up?" I greeted. "Nothing much. I see that you two seem to like this room a lot." Nikki greeted. "Ellie, Nikki's here." I said. "Oh, hey Nikki. What are you doing here?" Ellie asked. "I came here to inform you that there is a race going on in the Paradise Hotel area? Are you interested in joining in?" Nikki asked. "Yes. I'm gonna guess that Wolf will be there." Ellie answered. "That's right. He'll be up against you in this challenge. He drives a Lamborghini Murciélago, so you will definitely be put up with a fight in this one." Nikki replied. "Alright, that sounds like a plan. I'm gonna go. You're on your own Branden." Ellie said as she got out of bed and walked out to the hallway as she was walking on her way to the parking garage to get in the Supra as well as arriving at the race meet. 3 minutes later. 8:18 p.m. Paradise Hotel. The drivers were revving their engines as they were about to start the race. "Good to see you race again Yajima, let's win this once and for all!" Colin greeted. "It's good to see you too Colin, let's do this!" Ellie greeted as she revs her engine and looks at Wolf but he looks focused at the road as she does the same thing as well right after looking at him. "Alright! Put the pedal down and don't look back!" Colin exclaimed as he revs his engine. They launched off the start fast as the race has begun. They were now heading into the first corner that leads to a hillclimb section. Once they were heading up the hill, they were now going into a few corners that will lead to the downhill. Colin passes a few cars ahead and Ellie manages to make a move as well as picking up the pace. "What you got?" Ellie wondered as she was trying to make her move for the lead and throw off her opponent's rhythm. They were about head down the hill as she sees a shortcut on above the hairpin turns. "Let's take the cut there. We can make our move now!" Ellie suggested. "Got it! Let's take it!" Colin replied as he follows Ellie through the shortcut as they made their move and they're now in the lead. She accelerates hard as she puts her foot down and they were in the zone. "You're in first place, that's it!" Colin said. "Another shortcut, Let's take it!" Ellie suggested as she and Colin take a shortcut heading straight as they were about head down into the mall section. "Alright, easy now. I don't think anyone can keep up with us. Colin replied as he gets in front of Ellie as they were about to head into a draft passing through the mall section onto the Neon Mile. The Supra was slipstreaming behind the Carrera GT and Ellie was in the draft with Colin. They were now heading into the final corner as she pulls out of the draft and passes him. Ellie and Colin cross the goal as she stops and performs so donuts to show off her victory. "That's how we ride!" Colin said. "That's how we get the job done! Nice run! I'll see you around." Ellie replied as she drives off and was on her way back to the Caesar's Palace. The next day. 7:00 p.m. Safehouse. "Okay, guys. So since we've all defeated the members of Darius' crew. Looks like they want to challenge us to a canyon duel. Here's how it would go, Ellie will take on Kenji, I'll take on Angie and Adena will take on Wolf." Letty suggested. "Actually, Letty. I could use a day off from racing if you don't mind?" Adena asked. "Oh. Of course. Jill, would you like to take on Wolf on the canyon duel?" Letty asked. "You know I could use a run but of course, I would like to run the race." Jill answered. "Ellie knows right?" Letty asked. "Yeah, she should know about it. She's probably out there racing right now." Nikki answered. "Maybe so, but we have to put faith in her that she can put this guy down to the ground. After that, I'll be up next." Letty replied. Meanwhile. Journeyman's Bane. The race between Ellie and Kenji is about to begin as they started off from the long straightaway. They were coming into a series of curves as he brakes in and takes the corners while the Supra seems to be keeping up with him but starts to slip. "This guy's fast on the corners! If I can try the gutter hook, I should be able to keep up with him." Ellie said in her mind as she aims for the inside on the hairpin turn to perform the gutter hook move to keep up with the Evo 9. They were coming into a banked corner and a banked hairpin. She kept using the inside to keep up with Kenji. "Wait a minute, I think I got it now.. his acceleration seems poor on the straightaways since his car is usually faster on corners! So I need to try to keep up on the corners if I can... even though he seems to be pulling away from me, the gutter hook isn't enough to keep up with him! I'm gonna have to give it all I've got until he makes a mistake!" Ellie exclaimed as she keeps using the inside on the two hairpins. Kenji seems to be pulling away from her from the last two hairpins but the Supra manages to keep up on the 3rd hairpin before the tunnel section coming up. "The outside's open! Now's my chance to take him!" Ellie exclaimed as she saw the outside of the turn that is wide open as Kenji brakes in on the inside before hitting the hairpin but the Supra attacks him as she passes it on the outside and is now in the lead. She brakes late and blocks the inside which prevents Kenji from passing her. Ellie is on fire as she takes the next hairpin fast and warps in motion as she pulls away. She is the winner of the race and defeats Kenji for good as she beats him twice. Some time later. Safehouse. "I'm bored. What do you guys want to do?" Jordan asked. "Well we can play some table tennis." Britt answered. "Sure, I can play a round with you if you don't mind." Jenna replied as she went to setup the tennis table as they were about to play some ping pong. She was on the opposing side and Britt was on the home side. They were about to begin their match as they were playing around with it but someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it, you two keep playing." Jordan suggested as he got out of the couch and opened the door as it was April standing outside of the door coming in to inform them about the race between Ellie & Kenji. "April, what's up?" Britt asked. "I heard Ellie kicked Kenji's butt on the pass and now she's the winner of the mountain pass." April answered. "So, who's up next?" Jenna asked. "We got Angie & Wolf next on the list. Letty's at Desperation Ridge right now taking on that Challenger Concept. Let's hope she wins it." Jordan answered. Meanwhile. 9:15 p.m. Caesar's Palace. Palace Tower. I was sitting down on my bed watching T.V as I heard a knock outside my room. I walked to the doorway and opened it as it was Ellie outside. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey." Ellie greeted as she came in and I closed the door. "So I heard you kicked Kenji on the downhill pass tonight right?" I asked. "That guy was really difficult. His car is pretty fast on corners and I don't seem to keep up with him but I got him for good." Ellie answered. "Is it because he drives a Lan Evo?" I asked. "No, it's because his car has better cornering abilities than I do. He seems to be taking em faster as I am but on the straightaways I can keep up with him as he doesn't have the acceleration needed to get away from me." Ellie answered. "Want to go downstairs to have dinner?" I asked. "Sure, there's a steakhouse I found that we can go to for dinner. Are you interested?" Ellie asked. "As long as you're satirized, I'm in." I answered as I got out of bed and we left the hotel room after I closed the door. Desperation Ridge. The race between Letty & Angie is about to begin as they were going down the hill. They passed the first corner as the 350Z was keeping up with the Challenger and staying on it. "Alright Z, show me what you've got!" Letty exclaimed as she accelerates hard through a curve and another one. They were about to hit a chicane that leads to a tunnel section. She witnesses Angie's cornering which starts to show oversteer and its disadvantage. "The Challenger doesn't seem to be all powerful. It seems like it's pulling away a bit on the straightaways but if I keep up with her on the corners, then I have the advantage. Her car oversteers and slides like ice on the corners. My car seems to hold the line perfectly so that means I'll have to pass her on the 4 hairpins coming up!" Letty said in her mind as she was coming up to a long bend after the tunnel and they were about to hit a series of 4 hairpins. Both of them braked in as Angie was sliding into the first hairpin. Letty was gripping it as she was trying to look for an opening that she can use to pass the car ahead. As soon as they were about to hit the 3rd hairpin, the Challenger slides to the outside and the 350Z overtakes on the inside as it was now in the lead. Letty grips the last hairpin as she was heading into a curve that leads to a long bend coming up. They were heading into more curves coming into the first bridge. As soon as they were about to hit the banked corner after the first bridge. Letty brakes in and takes the inside. While Angie drafts her as they passed another hairpin that leads to the second bridge. She sideswipes the 350Z to break her focus. "Okay, let's go!" Angie exclaimed as she bumps Letty on the hairpin of the 2nd bridge. She loses control as she was on the side and the Challenger was pushing her while forward. Letty looks back at the Challenger but then she looks at the next corner coming up as she looks at the cliff side and she notices she was going to fall down the ravine. She yanks up the e-brake as she pulls of a 180 to save herself from falling and to get her back in the race but Angie is now in the lead. "So you bumped me to get the lead, huh? Fine then, if that's how you want to play it." Letty said in her mind as she shifted up as she was about to drive in fury. They passed the chicane and they are now heading into a long bend. After the bend was the final corner. Letty takes the inside and bumps Angie back as the Challenger loses control sliding to the outside and the 350Z takes the lead after they passed the last corner. She wins the race and is now the last member they have to take down is Wolf. Letty crosses the goal first while Angie crosses the goal second. They stopped their cars at the end of the road after they crossed the goal. "Letty, what makes you so damn good? You know I tried to win this race by forcing you to make a mistake but you are this good at everything. What is it? What am I doing wrong?" Angie asked. "Let's put it like this, your weakness is your cornering ability." Letty answered. "My cornering?" Angie asked. "Your cornering seems to be a bit off when mastering the touge. When you try to turn left or right, you seem like you're going to lose control when powersliding as you're mostly focusing on acceleration. You couldn't seem to hug the inside when it forces you to back on the outside. Your car also seems to powerful for the touge as it probably sent more power to the rear wheels for oversteer, that's why you lost." Letty answered as she gets back in the car and drives off as she was on her way back to the Safehouse. Caesar's Palace. Old Homestead Steakhouse. "Is everything all good?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, I'm okay." I answered. "How's the food?" Ellie asked. "I thought of it as if we were going to a luxurious restaurant, but they have the best food here if you ask me. Your steak is a Fillet Mignon right?" I asked. "Yes, it's very tasty although it's a bit chewy. I could definitely get a kick out of this with the steak sauce. I'm glad you picked this restaurant though." Ellie answered. "Well, what can I say? I'd have to pick the restaurant and the best place for our time at this wonderful hotel Nikki picked for us." I replied. "Do you have time for dessert?" Ellie asked. "Nah, I'm too full... I can't have another bite otherwise I'd have to go to the bathroom and puke which won't look good." I answered. "Alright, let's get outta here. We can head to the pool if you like." Ellie replied as she and I got out of our seats as we left the restaurant. "Sure, but should we going at this time? It's like 9:30 right now." I asked as we were walking. "It closes in a hour which is 10:45. We'll still have time but we can't stay there for a long time." Ellie answered. "That sounds good. Let's get changed at the room." I replied. "So who do you think is up next for this final showdown?" Ellie asked. "I'm pretty sure Wolf is up next. I know for sure Letty must've beat Angie by now. Then Jill is now up against Wolf. I can say we must be getting close to Darius." I answered. "Best we can do now is to hope that Jill can take down Wolf and we'll see what will happen next." Ellie replied as she and I walked to the elevator at the Palace Tower as we went in there. The door closes as it was going up. Meanwhile. Deadfall Junction. The race between Jill and Wolf is about to begin. Will the new Murciélago LP 640 be able to beat the classic Murciélago Coupé? Find out in the next chapter!

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