First day of High school

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Su-Ah=Oh🥱 What time is it? -8:30.I'm late for School, I have to hurry now.
(Her mom Entered)

Mom=Why do u always get late. You are careless wake up now and get ready for your school.

Su-Ah=Okay,okay mom

(At bus station.)

Su-Ah= (talking to herself) I don't have money for bus. How can I forget such thing. Well I think mom was right(Her mom said she is careless) But what should I do now. Should I ask someone to lent me some money. Okay I'll ask.

Su-Ah=(to a stranger who is wearing her school uniform) H-hey... Can u lent me some money for bus I'll pay u tomorrow...... Please 🙏
Today is the first day of my High School

Person = Okay I will but pay me back as soon as possible.


(In the class)

Teacher= Hi students I'm miss Ri. And I'm your class teacher now I'll tell you your seats..... No. Wait. Students as you can see I'm very tired so check it by yourselves and sit properly I'll come back later.

Su-Ah=Where is my partner? Oh you 😲

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