Chapter 1

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Chloe stepped out of the limo in front of the school, looking around for Sabrina. She wasn't in sight but the people around her were whispering under their breaths. As Chloe walked towards the doors, she heard her name a few times and snippets of conversation.

"She's so rude to everyone, even the one friend she has."

"If I was her, I would be careful to make sure I don't end without friends."

"Sabrina is only her friend because she's being forced to by Chloe's dad."

"Why does she get to act like that without consequences?"

"Shut up, all of you!" Chloe was sick of the constant whispering and she finally snapped. "If I hear any of you talking about me behind my back, I'm calling my father!"

Everyone's mouths snapped shut as they looked at Chloe in something that resembled shock. As everyone stood in silence, Sabrina appeared from the double doors at the entrance to the school and ran over to Chloe. She took Chloe's bag quickly. "I'm sorry for being late!"

"Pathetic." Chloe sashayed past Sabrina and into the school, ignoring the daggers being stared into her back by nearly everyone watching the interaction. Their opinions didn't matter, because she was Chloe Bourgeois, and no one would ever be as perfect as she was.

Sabrina followed behind her, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry..."

"Are you alright, Sabrina?" Marinette called out across the courtyard, causing Sabrina to pause for a moment.

"Mind your own business, Dupain-Cheng. Sabrina is my friend, not yours!" Even more irritated, Chloe grabbed Sabrina's arm and dragged her away, heading straight for their classroom. How dare Marinette try and ruin their friendship when she clearly didn't know anything. Her being the class president didn't mean she needed to be in every situation.

"If you need any other-," Alya started, but Chloe turned to her with venom in her eyes and interrupted her.

"Silence!" The classroom door slammed closed behind Chloe and she rolled her eyes. The audacity of some people.

The day continued as normal with Chloe snapping at anyone who dared to speak to her in a tone that wasn't awe. As the day dragged on, the class grew more and more tired of Chloe's antics. No one said anything, until Chloe snapped at Sabrina again.

Adrien turned to her. "Chloe, just sit down and leave everyone alone."

Chloe huffed and crossed her arms, not happy to be told off by Adrien. He was supposed to be on her side because they were friends! That was just how it worked. "Fine."

From the back of the room, Nathaniel muttered, "You should build an entire new personality."

Immediately, Chloe was out of her chair and yelling at Nathaniel. "How dare you? Do you know who my father is? He'll have you kicked out of the city for saying that! No one says that about Chloe Bourgeois!"

"Sit down, Chloe." Miss Bustier's voice was calm and even, but one look at her face revealed she was sick of Chloe's behaviour. Everyone was.

Chloe was in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and not even Sabrina could cheer her up. It was like a cloud had descended on the reigning queen of the school, and everyone felt her wrath. Anyone who dared to step out of line or whisper behind her back was shouted at and belittled, but no one said anything. They just stared back at Chloe, their eyes betraying their dislike for her. Of course, she ignored their stares because who wouldn't want to gaze upon her?

"No wonder she causes so many akumas."

"Ladybug and Chat Noir should just stop saving her to teach her a lesson."

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