"Briz, at least stay, Brian's a great guy, you know that," Theresa said.

"Fine," Brizee said. They went back out and found the guys.

"Hey," Theresa said sitting down next to Nick. Brizee sat down next to Brian while Brittany sat down next to AJ.

"You okay, Brizee?" Brian asked.

"I'm fine, I had something in my eye and needed a mirror," Brizee said. Brian nodded. They talked and ordered. The food came and they ate.

"So, anyone like to go out on boats?" Nick asked.

"Brizee does, she loves it, she's a true water girl," Theresa said.

"Brizee, I'm going out on my boat tomorrow, wanna come?" Nick asked.

"I have to work, sorry," Brizee said.

"Briz, I'll work for you, I need the hours anyways," Brittany said. Brizee looked at her.

"Then I guess I'll go, then," Brizee said.

"Okay,I'll pick you up at eleven," Nick said.

"Okay," Brizee said. Theresa smiled.

The next day, Brizee sat there waiting for Nick to pick her up. Theresa came downstairs.

"Brizee, have fun with Nick today," Theresa said.

"I'll try," Brizee said.

"Briz, I'm okay, I know how much you like him, I'm doing this for you, you are my best friend and "sister"," Theresa said.

"He did ask you out first," Brizee said.

"He told me that he said you are gorgeous, and he can't wait to go with you today," Theresa said.

"Did he really say that?" Brizee asked.

"Yes," Theresa said. The doorbell rang.

"Eleven, that's Nick," Theresa said. She opened the door and saw him and smiled.

"Hey Nick," Theresa said.

"Hi Theresa, is Brizee ready?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, hey Briz," Theresa said. Brizee came to the door.

"I'm ready," Brizee said. They left and went to Nick's boat and Nick sailed it out to the ocean. He stopped a half hour later. Brizee sat there looking out at the ocean.

"Hey, nice day, huh," Nick said.

"Yeah, it's nice," Brizee said. They sat and talked. After being out on the ocean for two hours, Nick got up and turned the key and found out that it wouldn't start. Nick checked the gauges.

"Crap," Nick said.

"What," Brizee said.

"The boat is out of gas, dammit," Nick said.

"So we are stuck here?" Brizee said. He tried the radio.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Brizee said. She got it out and turned it on. She called home and got the answering machine. She hung up. Nick got down and she handed it to him and he called his dad.

"Okay, we are stuck here, for two more hours at least," Nick said. Brizee nodded and sat down. Nick sat down.

"Brizee, do you hate me?" Nick asked.

"No," Brizee said.

"Theresa said you were mad at her because she went out with me," Nick said.

"Yeah, so," Brizee said.

"Is there a reason for that," Nick said. Brizee mumbled something.

"What?" Nick asked.

"I like you, okay, I always have, I wanted to go out with you," Brizee said. She turned away.

"Brizee?" Nick asked.

"You probably don't feel the same way, I understand," Brizee said turning towards him and was shocked when her lips met his. She pulled back and looked at him.

"I'm in love with you, I think it was love at first sight, when I first saw you, I couldn't stop thinking about you," Nick said.

"Really?" Brizee asked. He stroked her cheek.

"Can I kiss you again?" Nick asked. She nodded and he kissed her softly. The kiss deepened and they laid on the floor of the boat and kissed. His hand slid under her shirt.

"Nick?" Brizee asked.

"Briz, I never felt this way about anyone, or moved this fast with anyone, but I know this is right, let me make love to you," Nick said.

"What?"Brizee asked.

"I want to make love to you, let me make love to you, Brizee," Nick said stroking her stomach under her shirt. She looked in his eyes and nodded slowly.

"I never did this before," Brizee said.

"You're a virgin?" Nick asked.

"Yes," Brizee said softly.

"I won't hurt you," Nick said stroking her cheek. He pulled her shirt off slowly. He removed the rest of her clothes and he pulls his off and slowly and gently made love to her.

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