dark soul, rotten mind

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"jaehyuk...do I have a life outside these walls?"

the older is currently working on his assignments, as asahi sat there next to him laying his head onto the crook of his shoulders. it is currently 9:36 pm, and the both of them had their dinner already. the younger was just curious, he has never really stepped outside except for that one day at the park. well, that's all he did in a span of nearly a month.

"you were a university student, asahi. you're on a different major than me, but I won't let you go to classes yet because you're still recovering."

the older answered as he patted asahi's head lightly. asahi hummed to himself, knowing that he should recover fully before the older could approve him to start going to classes as usual, and maybe, have more outdoor dates with the older. although he feels sick waking up to the same white ceiling, doing the same things everyday, eating the same repetitive medicine that could control his headaches and heal him inside. oh how he really wished that he could recover in any second now.

"jaehyuk...how did i be like this? how did i...lose my memories?"

the older stopped typing at the word lie. he stared at this laptop screen for a good five seconds until he looked down to the younger's bright, pure face that's literally glowing despite the poorly lit room. he didn't wear a smile to his face, in fact, he was thinking real hard inside. he noticed, he never told asahi what actually happened to him, and if he were to tell everything, everything will just be ruined. this relationship, this love, this benefit he got once in his life.

"i'm not sure, sahi. all I knew was I saw you in the music hall with your head bleeding."

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