Drunk words

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Hermione arrived a few days after Harry did. School started in 2 days but that would not stop us from having fun. Fred and George have to go to open the joke shop. So as their last day at the burrow they bought Fire whiskey. Molly does not know, so this should be a fun night. 

After dinner was over we all sat in the den chatting and tell everyone about the summer we had. "Athena how are you and Draco," Hermonie said.  I sat there in shock at what she said. Did I not tell her? I thought I did. Ron looks up " They broke up 2 months ago." He said as if he was scared for what I would say. Hermoine's face grew a frown. " I'm sorry about that." She said looking at the floor. " Sorry Hermione I thought I told you, I guess I was too sad to realize I didn't." She looked up and gave me a smile. 

" I'm going to bed now don't stay up too late," Molly said as she walked up to bed. Author followed behind her. We all waited until they fell asleep finally after 30mins we pulled out the fire whiskey. "Let's play never have I ever but If you did it you take a shot," Fred said with a smirk on his face. "Okay, the works" Ginny says with the same smirk as Fred. Ron got up and came back with cups. Fred poured the drinks. We sat in a circle Ron on my right and Hermonie on my left. Harry was on Rons left and then Ginny beside harry. Fred and George across from me. George gave me a playful wink. I let out a giggle " George I am underage." He rolled his eyes and passed out the drinks. " Okay Hermonie goes first," George said.

" Never have I ever been late for class." We took a sip. " Okay, Athena your turn" Hermonie said. " Never have I ever got in trouble with snape." Everyone but me and Hermonie took a sip. Harry put his cup down " Only because your a Slytherin and Hermonie never gets in trouble." I looked at him with a slight smile because he was right. The game went on and on.

4ish rounds later. Hermonie is sober. Fred and George are drunk. Ginny has a buzzy. Harry and Ron are blackout drunk only because we targeted them pretty much the whole game. I am a little tipsy but I can still tell what's happening. "Okay I think we are done here," Ginny said as she put her cup down. Hermonie got up to clean up the room and hide any evidence. Fred and George managed to make it safe to their room. Ron and Harry were left. " I will get Ron to bed if you can get harry," I say as I try to get Ron off of the floor. She started to pick up harry" deal." Harry was happy to go with her and up the stairs, they went. Hermione looked down at me still trying to wake Ron up. " Do you need help Athena?" she said. " I got him but thank you," I said looking up at her. " Okay, I am off to bed see you in the morning." She walked up the stairs and turned down the hallway.

" Ron get up please we have to go to bed," she said as he sat up. " wait where is everyone?" Ron said looking fraticly around the room. I gave a slight smile" they went to to bed now get up so I can take you to bed.'' "You now I love you right more than just friends but you still sad about malfoy I hate how her hurt you," he said before I cut him off. " Ron I love you too but not in that way ." she gave him a slight smile and then took him off to bed.

Ron wealsly does fanies me. That could hurt our whole relationship. I don't want to lose him too. As I lie in bed all I can think about is him.


"Hi I'm Ron weasley " he said with a smile holding his rat. " Im Athena greengrass Its nice to met you Ron weasley I hope we can be great friends in the future." I said shaing his hand and giving him a warm smile. Goderic his eyes have alwasyed made me melt.


I think I like ron wealsy but there us no way he likes me back he was drunk it didn't mean anything way does this aways happen too me ....

Sorry this chapter is kinda bad I just wanted to get one out 

Any request 

Hope you have a good day:)

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