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It's been three months. 3 months without him sleeping next to me, 3 months without his kisses, and 3 months without his I love you's. I'm broken without him. I know this is for the better if we were still together there would be a target on my back. His task was too important I can't be a distraction. It's better this way.


"Draco, I love you," I said sitting at the edge of the black lake. He turned his head and looked at me as I was the only thing in his world. " I love you too more than life its self." His grey pricing through my soul giving me butterflies. " Promise you will never leave me,'' I said as the sun slowly started rising. " I promise Athena, I will never leave you." When his words slowly trickled out of his mouth time seemed to stop. It felt like we had the whole world in our hands.

Flashback over 

"Athena," Ron said as he entered his room. I had been stay with the Weasleys this summer.  They are so kind and caring knowing what I am going through. " Yes, Ronald?" I say in a weird tone to make him laugh. He let out a little giggle. "Mum wants to know what you want for breakfast?" he said looking up at me. " I am not really hungry," I say as I look up to meet his gaze. He looked worried for me. He spoke with a light tone " You have eaten in weeks. You need to eat something. I'm worried about you. Please eat something if not for you than for me." Sadly he was right I need to eat something. I sat there with a lifeless expression. " As your best friends I am telling you, you will eat today and I don't care if I have to shove the food done your throat," Ron said with an angry tone.  A tear rolled down my cheek and suddenly I couldn't stop crying. Ron walked toward me and sat on his bed. He put his arms around me. The warmth from his body made me feel safe. 

With tears in my eyes, I softly spoke " I'm sorry, I am really trying okay, for the first time in months I actually got sleep, for the first time in months I can think about him and not cry. Ron, I am doing better. I know it doesn't seem like it but I am." Ron looked at me with his blue eyes they had a slight twinkle in them. He spoke after a few seconds " I am sorry I should have yelled at you."  I turned to him and nuzzled my head into his shoulder tears still running down my face. He took his hand and lifted my face to wipe away my tears. I as I looked into his eyes I said " I love you, you know that right?" He kissed my forehead and said, " I do and I love you more than you can believe." I smiled and pulled him back into my embrace. RON! Molly yelled from the kitchen. I hold on mum, I will be right there." Ron said as he pulled out from my embrace.

"You never answered my question, Athena," Ron said in a happy tone. I wiped another tear from my face and said " waffles and eggs please." Ron whispered under his breath okay and nodded with a smile. I got out of bed and went to Ron's dressers and pulled out one of his comfy sweaters. I put it on and then walked to my trunk and pulled out black leggings. Once I was done getting dressed I went downstairs. The twins were sitting in the kitchen taking to ginny. Ron was making tea for everyone. Molly was making breakfast. Author left early that morning. Molly turned to me as I walked toward the counter and said " Good morning Athena did you sleep well ?'' I grabbed a cup of tea Ron had passed to me. I looked up to molly and told her" I probably had slept the best last night that I have in 3 months. " She looked at me and smiled "That's good to hear, I'm glad you came down the eat."  She passed me my plate of food " Thank you, your kindness to me is very greatly appreciated, Though I would be down here if Ron over there had it threatened me ." I look over in his direction making eye contact. I had a stubborn look on my face and then Ron laugh. "Hey is that my sweater," Ron said he sound as if I had stolen his whole fortune. I looked up from my food and said " maybe." I let out a small giggle. "Don't you have your own clothes, Athena," he said jokingly. "But they're not as comfy as your Ron," I said blushing.

Ginny looked up at me and Said " Can you guys stop flirting." Ron's face grew red and he looked down and started playing with his food. I looked down to start eating. I ate as much as I could, I didn't want to get sick. Ron saw me eating and got up a walked over to me and said " I am so proud of you Athena." I grew a smile on my face as Ron did the same, Before I could say anything harries owl came swooping in and dropped me and Ron a letter.

Dear, Athena 

I miss you some much. How are you doing? I plan to arrive sometime next week since school starts soon. I heard Umbridge won't be there this year I know how much you hated her. Remember when we snuck out of the school to play night quidditch. I miss your energy so much. The Dursleys really suck. I will so you soon 

- Harry potter 

Once Ron was down reading his letter he looked up to find his mum. He walked over to her and said " Harry will arrive sometime next he said he will send another letter when I figure out when."  Molly smiled with pure joy and said " Thank you, Hermione is coming 3 days before school starts." I jumped out of my seat and said Happliy " Hermoine is coming, I miss her so much.'' Ginny agreed. Ron turn around then walked toward me and smiled " I love it when you are happy it makes my day.'' I started blushing. Ron walked away to go tell the twins about harry all you could hear was George " We can try our new products on him, Freddie." Ron laughed and walked upstairs to grab parchment to write harry back. Ginny turned her attention to me " You know Ron fancies you mate." she said sipping her tea. "What no he doesn't we are just friends and besides even if he did he would never make a move." Ginny took another sip of her tea " You fancy him too," she started smiling. I looked up in shock at what she just said. "No, I don't, we have been best friends since first year and I would never want to change our relationship," I said softly. Ginny got up and said ''Whatever you say, Athena" In a very playful tone. 

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and blissful moments. Today was the first day in a long time I felt whole again. I got ready for bed I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Ron appeared around the corner he walked into the bathroom and did the same as me. I turned to hug him. "What was that for?" he said before fixing his hair. "I just need a hug," I said before I walked out of the bathroom. As I got into bed all I could think about is what Ginny said. Does Ron like me? Do I like Ron? my thought running out of control. Ron walked into his room and got in his bed before he fell asleep he told me goodnight and I did the same. Ron was peaceful in his sleep. He looked so warm and comfortable. I fell asleep but the one thought kept coming back to me. Do I like Ron Weasly?

Hi I hoped you liked the first chapter of my new fanfi

If you have a request please put them here

Have a great day 

The cherry on top -Ron WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora