Ch. 15

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San POV ~

I started to pack up my things, basics like clothes, a toothbrush, makeup, towels, and other stuff I don't need to mention. I was nervous about this camping trip, now that it was 10 a.m and I could actually think, and realized that this was a terrible idea. Yeosang did say that he would bring his friends though, and that they were mature . . . I doubt it. I've met them before, but only like twice and it was only a quick exchange of hello and goodbye, so it was fair to say that I didn't know them. We were going for three days, this really was a bad idea.

~ 1 hour later

I saw Yeosang pull up my driveway with Jongho in the passenger seat.

"Why are they here so early!" They said they'll be here at 1 p.m, but it's only 12.

I hear them honking and shouting at me to get my butt out before they leave me. Good thing I finished packing earlier, I was planning on eating, but that was thrown out the window just now. I ran down my driveway and looked in the car, but wait, there's 7 people in the car.
I stopped in my tracks and just stood there on the driveway, wasn't there only supposed to be 6 people??? "Yeosang, his two friends, Jongho, Mingi, and me."

"San! Are you gonna keep staring or coming inside, cause we're just gonna leave without you" Yeosang yelled as he pressed on the gas pedal.

Not gonna lie, I suck at math, but I think I passed 1st grade well enough. Yeosang actually started to leave, so I had to run to catch up to the van. I grabbed onto the handle and yanked it open, only to be met face-to-face with Wooyoung.

"Ummm, hello?" He said, more like a question.

Oh. Well this was a bad idea. I wanted to go back and smack my past self for agreeing.

"Are you gonna come in?" He asked looking at me in the eye.

"O-oh, of c-course" I replied wanting to slap myself for stuttering as I stepped into the vehicle.

However, upon entering, I realized a slight problem. There were no seats left. 

"Fuck you Yeosang" I muttered under my breath cursing him out because I had a sneaking suspicion and looked up at him to confirm, only to be met with a smirk and a flip of his imaginary hair. 

He pulled out his phone and started typing, and my phone went off with that little ding sound. I pulled out my phone to check and low and behold, of course it was Yeosang.


Ponytail Yeo

Ponytail Yeo 

sit down 


u... theres legit no seats left where am i supposed to sit???

Ponytail Yeo

Look behind you theres an empty seat


I looked behind me like he said, but there were no empty seats, just Wooyoung staring at me curiously. I looked away quickly and whipped my eyes back on my phone, that man, I can't look at him without blushing. I just have a tiny crush on him, that's all, yes that's all mhm. 



There are no seats left u could've just got a van u know to fit everyone i can just leave and you guys can go if theres not enough room

Ponytail Yeo 

Look down behind you


Alright, I'll just leave then, have fun.


I wasn't angry, just a bit sad because I felt left out, and I know that Yeosang could've gotten a van to fit all of us, but he didn't. It felt like he purposely did because he didn't want me to go with them. I'm just being dramatic, but it felt like that sfaksfjfiaskl. I stepped out of the car and was about to go back in my house, but someone pulled on my sleeve. 

"Where are you going?" Wooyoung asked.

"O-oh, well there's not enough seats left, so you guys can go, it's ok" I said looking at the ground. 

He looked at me quizzingly for a second, then pulled me back in the car and sat me on his lap. On his lap. My heart sped up, I felt my cheeks turning redder, man I'm sure I looked like a tomato, looking at Yeosang to verify, only to be met with a smirk and him trying to hold in his laugh. I internally freaked out and squealed in my mind. I just kept my head down, too embarrassed to look at him. 

"See, there's enough seats" Yeosang said with a glint of something in his eyes, pure evil. 

I felt the need to both punch and thank him at the same time. Punch him for this situation and making a fool out of him, but thank him for letting me have this godly golden opportunity. 

"Well, now that everyone is finally seated, let's go" Yeosang stated as he stepped on the pedal with a evil grin on his lips.

A.N. Don't do this irl be safe pls jfiaodkl, purely for this situation <3


Hihi everyone, who do u guys want as "top", i did want wooyoung bc theres not that many stories out there with him as top and it fits with this story, but i want your opinions, thank u all for reading <3

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