Olivia thought for a moment before replying "You're right. I'll help too but starting tomorrow, we will do everything we planned for your week off. Deal?"

"Deal!" I replied before hugging her.

We headed back into the kitchen and I faced Belinda. "Ok here is what we will do. We will clean up and I'll teach you some basic breakfast foods that you will be able to make by yourself. Tomorrow, I will not be helping. Sound good to you?"

Belinda looked at me as if I had suddenly sprouted an extra head. She then looked sceptical.

"Why are you helping me?" She asked suspiciously.

"She has a heart of gold, that's why and if you were smart enough, you would take Sophia up on her offer because tomorrow, you are on your own and nobody will be saving your sorry behind." Olivia interjected.

Belinda scowled at her before looking at me. "Ok."

We quickly worked together to get the kitchen cleaned and I showed her how to make basic breakfast food such as toast, eggs and cooking bacon.

"You can also put out the cereals and milk as well as juices." I told Belinda as she was making notes so that she could refer to should she need it.

Belinda spent the rest of the day cleaning referring to my list of all the places that I usually get cleaned.

Olivia and I spent the rest of the day watching movies and pigging out on so much junk food that I haven't had in so long since I was a child. It all tasted amazing! I had forgotten how amazing sweet popcorn tastes.

By the time we got to the end of the day, I had an idea regarding Belinda's situation.

"Why don't we go and ask you dad if he could get some help for Belinda so that no pack member has to suffer." I asked Olivia.

Olivia was silent for a while, her eyes glazed over before she came to. "Done. Luckily Dad could see the disaster and is going to get an elder member of the pack to help with the cooking."

I smiled at her before we both decided we needed to get to sleep. We had a long rest of the week making sure we covered everything on the list as well as making up for the day lost.

The rest of the week was so much fun! I had so many first experiences that will forever be etched in my memories forever. I did however realise that rollercoasters are definitely not my thing! My first experience on a rollercoaster resulted in me vomiting and feeling so dizzy, I almost passed out. Never doing that again!

It got to Saturday night and we were having a mini pampering session before the Alpha mindlinked.

"Everyone remember, the King will be arriving tomorrow to find his mate. He hasn't found her in the packs he has visited yet so please be prepared."

We both looked at each other knowing the truth. The King will be coming for me tomorrow and will either accept me and take me with him or reject me once he finds out who I really am. I decided I was not going to take that risk. I was leaving tonight and not coming back. I cannot think about my mate rejecting me and then me having to spend the rest of my days here living in misery.

That night, I left a note for Olivia explaining why I had to leave. I quietly packed my things together before heading out of my bedroom window. Thankfully my bedroom was on the ground floor so it was easy for me to escape. I managed to get past the warriors guarding the pack territory line and ran as fast as I could to...well, I don't know where...

Grayson POV

We were at yet another pack and as expected, I have still not found my mate. I was getting more and more frustrated as each day passed, losing hope of ever finding my mate. Many tried but I know my mate's scent so there was no fooling me.

I rested my head once more until the morning where we were due to arrive at the Silver Moon Pack. I really hoped I would find my mate there. This was the last pack and my last hope of having a future with my true mate. She had to be at that pack. If not, then I will have to settle for an unmated female which was not what I wanted to do. I had to find her.

I woke up the next day with some form of hope that I would find my mate at the Silver Moon Pack. This Pack was my last hope and I was determined to make sure that I found my mate.

I got up and got ready. I showered and put on one of my tailored 3 piece suits, styled my hair and looked in the mirror. Satisfied with my look, I checked to make sure my Beta and Gamma were up and ready. Luckily for them, they were and I didn't have to go all crazy Alpha King on them.

Once we were all ready, we headed for the car and made our way to the Silver Moon Pack. It took a good couple of hours to get there. We all stayed silent throughout the ride, too deep in thought to even have a conversation.

Eventually, we reached the Pack and the car stopped outside the Pack house and we all got out to meet the Alpha and the Luna. A beautiful scent hit me as soon as I got out. The same familiar scent of my mate. I looked to my Beta and Gamma with a grin.

"My mate is here, I can smell her." I mindlinked them both.

"Finally! After today I can get back to my mate!" Exclaimed Xander.

I simply rolled my eyes before we headed towards the Alpha.

Alpha Dan bowed as we approached. "Welcome Your Majesty to the Silver Moon Pack."

"Thank you for hosting us Alpha Dan. I'm going to be blunt with you, I can scent my mate so I know she is here. I would like to meet her as soon as possible." I told the Alpha.

At this, Alpha Dan looked at me stunned before he smiled.

"That is wonderful news Your Majesty! This way please." He gestured for use to follow him, most likely to his office.

As we entered the Pack House, Her scent grew stronger and so I decided to follow that scent. I stopped at a door where there was an overwhelming smell coming from this room.

"Everything alright Your Majesty?" Asked Alpha Dan.

"My mate's scent is stronger here. I assume this must be her room?" I asked him.

Before he could respond, the door opened and out came a female. I looked at her stunned as she looked the same.

"Your Majesty, this is my daughter Olivia." Said Alpha Dan, looking between the two of us with hope.

I smelt deeper, thinking this must be my mate, but my wolf was unresponsive.

"Adonis, is this our mate?" I asked him.

Hey all!

Thought I would update today as it is my birthday!

A bit longer so I hope you all enjoyed it. Any comments and votes will be much appreciated.

Until next time folks! 

A Cinderella StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon