Chapter 1 - A Light at the Top of the World

Start from the beginning

As my employer shuffles through papers in his desk my vision shifts back outside. We really are high up. I think I sort of understand where he's coming from, but I don't think I really would ever want to lord over anyone. Moreso... just watch over them, I suppose. Make sure everyone's affairs are in order so that they could go about living their lives as they please.

"What is going on in that little head of yours Brady?" Mr. Argyros pulls out the correct file from his drawer and begins rifling through it.

"Just mulling only fanciful wishes that can't be granted."

"You'd be surprised at the kinds of wishes a little twist of Fate can accomplish."


"Pay me no mind, just an old man's grumbling. Now, here's what you've been waiting for."

An envelope slides across the wooden desk with a hiss, and I grab it, shifting through the money that's inside. Once I confirm that all one thousand dollars are there I seal the package back up again and slip it into my backpack. With nothing more to be said I get up and Mr. Argyros walks me back to the elevator. As I step back into the glass box I stare up at the sky.

"Hey, look. It's snowing." I make an obvious remark.

"It is awfully close to New Year's after all. I hope you're prepared for one grand event for the turn of the millennium."

"As usual, I have no idea what you're planning, Mr. Argyros. But knowing you I'm sure it will be something unforgettable."

"You got that right kid."

The elevator closes onto his smile, and the long descent back to the realm of mortals begins again.

When I get out onto the street the chilly night air makes me glad that I choose to wear long sleeves for my fighting outfit, no matter how clingy it gets during the actual matches. Not that I have any choice though, unless I want my opponents to have an easy visual on my weak points. I don't think that the scars from the crash are going to heal anytime soon, and it's not like I'd want them to anyway.

But I digress.

I zip up my puffy purple vest, and tightening up my old cap I begin my walk back to my apartment. It's so quiet out, and the snow swirls around me as I walk, melting as it touches the ground.

This is the peace and calm that I wish I could get back to every time I step into the cage. The buzz of a flickering streetlight with moths flitting about it. A lonesome car cruising by, its driver living their own life, completely distinct from my own. A light in a window, with the wailing of a baby being hushed by a mother.

I turn and look back at Olympia. There isn't a single light on in any of the fifty floors, barring the topmost level. It's too far to see, so why do I get a chill as if I'm being watched from all the way up there?

I move on, and reach the 24 hour corner store which signals that I'm just five more blocks away from my building. Wanting a break from the cold I pop inside.

"Heyyy, Carlos, how's it going my man?" I greet the regular night shift worker behind the counter.

"Brady! I was wonderin' if I would see you tonight. How'd the fight go?"

"Same as usual. Can I get a six pack of your finest beer to celebrate?"

"Ehhhhh I dunno, are you 21 yet missy?"

"Aww come on, I just have a couple more... years." I blow a fake whistle and roll my eyes around their sockets.

"Mhm, that's what I thought. I take it you want the regular then?"

"Sure thing man."

Carlos turns around and makes quick work of pouring me a cup o' joe.

"Here you are ma'am, that'll be a dollar fifty."

I pull out my envelope of cash and hand him a hundred; "Keep the change: a tip for being one of the few friendly faces around here."

"Much obliged Ms. Brady. I hope you have a lovely rest of your evening."

That's something I love about Carlos. He knows how to accept a gift. I zip up my backpack once again, and with it around my shoulder and my coffee in hand I make my way back through the shoddy screen door and onto the street. However before I can get both feet out the door Carlos calls to me over my shoulder;

"And Ms. Brady? They still haven't caught that killer that's been on the news. I know they haven't specifically been goin' after women or anything, but a young girl like you out all alone this late..."

"Carlos, do you really think I wouldn't be able to take on this wussy little killer? I appreciate your concern though, you stay safe as well."

"Thank you kindly, I'll catch you later."

I raise my cup of coffee in response and finish my walk back to my apartment, sipping the bitter blend along the way. I manage to do so without being killed, and at the end of my walk lies my shoddy building. The receptionist buzzes me in with a grunt.

The four flights of stairs that I have to climb to get to my apartment may not be as glamorous as the glass elevator in Olympia, but they give me enough time to finish my coffee, and I throw the empty cup in a hallway garbage bin as I fumble for my key. At last I procure it and slide it into the door's lock...

And freeze.

My stomach churns with a nauseating sense of foreboding. Something doesn't feel right, though I can see no reason why it would. My hand trembles slightly as I turn the handle and step quietly into my apartment.

The narrow entranceway is empty, and I slip my shoes off, the knot in my stomach barely permitting me to breathe. I creep into my living room/kitchen and nothing seems amiss-

No. If I had turned on the lights I wouldn't have seen it. Down my only other hallway in my tiny flat lies my bedroom, and light is spilling out through the crack beneath the door. Shakily I grab a knife from my rack in the kitchen and make my way over to the bedroom. The pounding in my chest nearly deafens me, and the only thing I can think of is the killer I was taunting just a few minutes earlier.

I stop in front of my bedroom door, and with a large inhale...

I kick it down, screaming bloody murder as I rush in with knife brandished above me.

At least that's what I wanted to do, however the second I kick the door down a figure sidesteps the entranceway and catches my arm with one hand, covering my mouth with the other. I'm certain my heart stops, however the girl whose eyes I'm looking into doesn't make any more against me. Instead all she says is;

"Hi. You can call me Mold. I do hope we can get along."

And she flashes me a toothy grin. 

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