Chapter 3 - Study Session

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Consciousness returns to my body as a gentle breeze blows across my face, and I groan and roll away from it. Soon the breeze turns into nibbling on my shirt and- wait- nibbling?

My eyes snap open and I let out a squeak of shock and terror. There is a horse standing over me, looking directly into my eyes. In a panic I slip from the couch and onto the floor, and from there I start to scramble my way to my bedroom. Before I can even get halfway across the livingroom floor though I hear a strange burbling noise, and as I turn back around on my stomach I see the horse transform back into Mold.

She's laughing so hard that she's having trouble breathing, and for a fraction of a second I can feel a smile forming around the edges of my mouth as well, but that urge quickly fades into a feeling of annoyance.

"Damn it, that wasn't funny!" I try my best to sound serious as I awkwardly right myself back into a standing position. This in turn causes Mold to double down in her fit of laughter, and this time I can't fully contain my laughter. "Man, why are you like this."

As I walk back across the room to open the blinds I flick her forehead, and when the morning light breaks into the room she finally quiets down. I stare out across the city, or at least what I can see of it from my meager 5th story apartment, and marvel at the massive breadth of people. People, none of whom know that the old gods were real, and to an extent, are still living among them.

And I'm one of them.

Sort of.

"Alright, first order of business," I turn back to Mold, who is looking around my apartment now that there it has more illumination than my one dingy bulb in the ceiling, "So about this whole representation of the gods thing, who even is Týr? Do I get his powers or something now that I'm involved in Ragnarök? I mean, I've certainly never had any Harry Potter moments when it comes to spontaneous outbursts of magic or whatever."

"You don't consider becoming the star of an underground cage fight club as a, what? Five foot girl a bit out of the ordinary?" The retort comes with a smirk.

"I've always just assumed I managed it since I'm a bit of a badass."

"Mm, fair enough. But to answer your question, you will get some powers associated with Týr once you claim your place in Ragnarök, that's how I got the knowledge to find you; by claiming Hermes. It's not like all of the representatives know where each other are at all times, that would kind of get rid of the fun."

"Oh, huh. I thought you could see where all of the potential candidates are."

"Ah ah ah, I said only those who didn't know of their potential participation in Ragnarök. You're the only one."

"Hold on," despite Mold's cheery smile a chill runs down my spine, "don't tell me you chose Hermes just so you could find out where I was?"

Her head tilts a bit; "No, I wouldn't say that was the only reason."

My hair bristles even more, and I start casually moving towards the front door; "What exactly is it that you want with me?" I throw on my vest and slip into my shoes as Mold walks over to me.

"I simply want a strong ally that I can trust not to stab me in the back," her usual smile has returned, and for a second I'm not even bothered by the shark teeth that accompany it. "All I have are the powers of a poor little messenger god after all."

"Yeah, and how do I know that you won't stab me in the back?"

"There's a good reason, but I'm still having a moral dilemma over whether or not I should tell it to you. It's kinda messed up."

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