c h a p t e r. 20

Start from the beginning

"Castor," He whines, pouting as he takes a right turn which took them right onto the Astoria road. "How am I supposed to learn how not to be oblivious if you don't tell me why it's oblivious."

With a teal amusement and sunflowers edging against the viridian and ethereal green, Cas says, "Only people under six feet tall are allowed access to that information."

Pausing, realizing his tease was being thrown back into his face, Jazz's pout deepens, "At least you can grow. I can't shrink unless someone chops off my legs."

"Is that really where your mind went?" Castor laughs.

"Yes, sir, it is."

"Why do you call me that?"

"Sir?" Jazz clarified, and continued at his nod. "I dunno. It's just a thing. Do y-you not like it?"

He can tell Castor is smirking just by the change in his song, "I wouldn't say that."

Not being able to reply because he's pulling up to the gate, Jazz rolls down the window and presses the buzzer, instantly getting, "Astoria residence, how may I help you?"

"Mrs. Patty!" The musician smiles, not having heard her voice in a while. "It's Jazz and I brought my butterfly."

"Oh, young master, we thought you'd be coming a bit later." Mrs. Patricia said, her soft blue coming through the speakers. "But no worries, dear, I'll send Mr. Thaddeus to pick up your bags and let you in."

"Thank you," Jazz pulled back and put the window back up, quickly driving up to the castle and parking in front of the main door.

Looking over at Castor when the god's oak-leave of astonishment and mint fascination buzzed around him, lightning-strike gray eyes staring up at the seven story, giant building right outside his window.

"C'mon, star," Jazz chuckles, seeing Mr. Thaddeus push open the doors with two of the other butlers right behind him, one to probably help with bags and the other to park Midnight into the large garage. "We'll just hand them our bags and I'll show you up to my private floor and the wing we'll be staying in for the most part."

His god turns his dumbstruck eyes onto the musician, simply nodding as his head jerks to the side in a tic. Both of them climbing out of the car, Castor asks, "How high will we be?"

"Mine's the seventh floor, I have the entire thing but any other floor besides the third, that's my parent's suite and I refuse to enter, we can go in." He informed. "So really high up. I have a balcony and a hot tub up there that we can just chill in."

"Seventh floor. Hot tub." The god nodded, thoughts going down a different path. "Got it."

Jazz watches Castor as his lightning-strike gray eyes take in the castle, moving to the tall tower coming out of the back and that attaches to his floor's giant balcony before moving back to the musician.

"So..." He says, squeaking a couple seconds later, winking at him in a tic. "Where do you guys keep your dragon?"

"I'll show you." Jazz smiles.

Because, well, he did have a dragon-- in a sense.

Taking the elevator, mostly because he didn't want to have to do seven flights of stairs and go through all those doors and put in those passcodes in without Castor having his cardkey-- to unlock different sections of the castle, but also because he didn't want his clumsy self or Cas to tic and send them both rolling.

Really, it's happened before and it is not pleasant.

Putting in the passcode to get access to his floor, Jazz pushes the door open and watches his star observe everything; the mint walls, papers over the table, selves of trinkets and miscellaneous items around the place.

Jazz Red's AnomalyWhere stories live. Discover now