Chapter 2

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Andrew's POV

New York City

I got up at 6AM and got ready to go to work. Another boring day in the life of Andrew Marshall. Although I don't have to go to work everyday, I can just work from home. One of the perks of being the CEO, but then I do have meetings to attend to. 

Finally, I got ready wearing my three piece Armani suit & a tie to go with it. Then I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID to see my mom is calling. I quickly picked it up.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" I asked with a smile.

"Hello handsome, I'm good. How are you?" She replied. I did miss her from time to time.

"I'm good mom," I told her.

"So, are you coming to India to attend your cousin's wedding and please I don't want to hear your no. I'm dying to see you." She warned me. And to be honest I was also dying to meet her. Its always hard as I'm stuck in meetings. Ever since dad died, she moved to India with her relatives as she would get bored here with me, cause I'm always busy with work. You guessed right, my dad is American and my mom is Indian. She came here on study basis, met my dad and you can make the rest. 

"Sure mom, only for you. I'll leave tomorrow evening." And I could hear her excitement from the other side. 

"I'll see you soon son, take care. Bye." She chirped. 

"Bye mom." And we hung up the phone. 

I got downstairs to have my breakfast, already on the table as usual. I greeted my cook and care taker Martha. She sometimes reminds me of my mother. After finishing my breakfast, I went out to my car and started driving to work.  

As soon as I parked my car. I came inside to be greeted by my receptionist, Lisa. She gave me a flirt smile and I didn't give in to her, I just nodded my head. I mean I had make-out sessions with many girls, but I never crossed my limits. Nobody makes me feel anything. I finally walked into my cabin. I quickly called over my PA Brenda. 

"Brenda, what's the schedule for today?" I asked once she entered my cabin. Again she also gave me that flirting smile. What's with these girls? 

"Sir, you have one meeting at noon with Mr. Shaw and the other one is at 3 with Mr. Jones." She replied to me. 

"You can go now." I told her sternly without looking at her and she left my cabin. 

I got busy with my work. After sometime I heard a knock on my door, but before I could say 'come in' the door swung open revealing my very annoying friend, Colby Thomas. 

"Why do you even knock when you have to barge right in." I asked annoyed. He just stared at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just cause you told me to knock, otherwise you know me." He said with a smirk on his face. 

"What do you want?" I asked, while focusing my attention on my laptop. 

"Let's go out tonight to the bar. What say?" He said with excitement. 

"I'm in no mood today Colby. And plus I'm going to India tomorrow so I have to pack my stuff." I blankly told him. 

"What? Why?" He asked confused. 

"I have to attend my cousin's wedding, so have to go there for a week." I told him with the same blank expression.

"Oh I see. If you're going there, might as well look for a suitable girl for yourself. And maybe, your mom has already selected one for you." He grinned. 

I glared at him, which I know won't effect him. He is going to say something more to add to my already miserable life. Not that I don't enjoy myself but he wants that I find a girlfriend to keep me company. But to be honest I don't have time for them. I'm pretty much happy the way I am. 

"Dude, don't think too much about her." He laughed making me come out of my thoughts. I threw a pen at him and it hit his chest. 

"I'm not thinking about anyone. Stop annoying me." I said frustrated. And he just rolled his eyes.

"Sure." He smirked.  Finally he decided to go. So he went saying bye and wishing me luck. I just sat there confused as to why he would say 'Good Luck.' But I shrugged it off. 

I finally finished all my work and decided to go home as it was already 8PM. 

I reached home and went straight to my room telling Martha not to make anything as I wasn't feeling hungry. I freshened up and lied down on my bed. I couldn't sleep right now as many thoughts came running into my head about what's in store for me in future. Will I be able to find someone who would make me feel anything? Or will I have to live my life all alone? 

Thank you all for reading :) I know it was a short chapter. But I will try writing long ones. 

I promise it will get better, so please give it time.

And let me know how you like it so far. 

Until next time. 

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