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Happy Byul day!! I was not prepared for that music video it was literally so cute :3 

Since it's Byul day I decided to put up another story! In it, Byul is an agent and when a mission goes south her operator is the one who has to bail her out. So not a cutesie Christmas story but I'll see what I can do in the following days lol. Enjoy! 

(Also side note if you're into Blacktan/Bangpink stories I just posted one on my account) 


There are times when it is better to be alone. There are times when it is simply easier to be alone when you can let the facade drop and no one will be there to see it. If a tree falls in the forest and no one sees it is there a sound? If you become someone else in the shadows, but no one knows that person, do they exist? The answers to those questions must be the same. When the sun is eclipsed by the moon how can you know if the light really ever existed at all - or if it was all a dream?

The night was falling darkly over Seoul. Moon Byulyi sat in her office, staring out at the darkness, her chest tight. She had spent the entire day in front of cameras talking about the newest bill that she was championing in the assembly. Smiles. Strong words. Laughs. That was all she had done all day. She was known as a champion of justice in Seoul. She was the youngest woman ever to have such a successful political career, and yet sometimes she felt that if she kept her eyes shut for too long, it would all bleed away.

She ran a hand through her hair and tugged gently at the wig. The long brown hair cascaded down her back before she removed it, tucking it into her desk. Next were the heels and then the dress. She pulled on loose black pants and a dark black hoody. Her true hair was short, barely reaching her shoulders and it was a deeper black than the darkness threading through her office.

From her desk, she pulled out her gun. Checking to make sure it was loaded she tucked it into the waistband of her pants. Then she tucked in a Bluetooth bud into her ear and turned it on. She waited for the static to go away and then she heard a voice on the other side.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, we have a fine night in Seoul on this December evening. It seems it might even snow!" She sighed in annoyance.

"Shut up, will you? Just give me my mission."

"Okay, okay, impatient as always Moonstar."

"Fuck you too, operator." She had gotten a new operator a few months ago and to say she disliked him was an understatement. He was annoying and chatty and those were two things she couldn't stand. Although she wasn't entirely sure it was a man, though they sounded like one. You could never be sure with voice modulation technology these days. The organization didn't want them to know any of the other operatives in case any of them were compromised. And so operators didn't know the true identity of agents and vice versa.

"Lovely to talk with you as always Moonstar. Tonight it looks like we have a good old case of government corruption."

"Am I closing the subject or threatening them?"

"I was about to get to that, impatient ass." She gritted her teeth at that.

"Operator..." She growled threateningly.

"Alright! You're just going to threaten him. They want him to step down of his own accord. However, if it doesn't work I'm sure they'll have you close him in no time." She sighed in annoyance.

"I wish they would just have me close these bastards." The operator chuckled.

"You know we can't do that. It's against the code." She cursed.

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