Hogwarts AU

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Byul is a Slytherin and Jin is a Gryffindor. They both love potions and food, what could happen? 


Jin was on his way to potions when chaos erupted in the hall. He clasped his books to his chest and turned towards the nearest doorway. It was the two troublemakers of Gryffindor at it again. Hyejin and Wheein. They had set off fireworks in the hall. Again. They were constantly playing pranks and though he honestly thought it was endearing, he would never say so for fear someone would hear him. He opened the classroom door to his right and slipped in to wait out the rest of the fireworks. He didn't want to get caught in the ensuing madness. Their house prefect, Namjoon, was sure to show up and make a big to-do and then the head of their house, Professor Sejin, would probably show up and take points and Jin just didn't want to deal with any of it. He would hear enough about it at the Gryffindor table at dinner anyway.

When Jin turned into the room he noticed he wasn't alone. Moon Byulyi, a fellow sixth-year, and Slytherin was there. Her blonde hair was swept over her shoulder and she had her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. She was reading a book about potions, her nose practically buried in it. Jin had only talked to her a few times, usually in potions class, as they had been in the same potions class for the past four years or so.

Byulyi finally looked up, realizing she wasn't alone.

"Oh hello, sorry to bother you," Jin said quickly. "Hyejin and Wheein set off fireworks in the hallway again." Byulyi cracked a smile. Despite being in different houses Jin knew that the two Gryffindors were some of her closest friends.

"They told me they were planning something like that so I decided to hide in a classroom." Jin gave her a surprised smile. "Yongsun was supposed to join me but she loves watching everyone run around like it's the end of the world." Yongsun was a year above them, also in Slytherin, and if Jin was remembering correctly she was house prefect that year.

"What are you reading?" Jin asked, taking a seat beside her. Potions was his favorite subject, and after Hogwarts, he hoped to train to be a potions master. He and Byulyi were always in first or second in potions class and he had often wanted to talk to her about potions, but could never find the right moment. He was often surrounded by people.

"Oh, it's an old book on potions I found in the library. I'm reading about a potion that is supposed to cure blindness." Jin peered over her shoulder at the entry, seeing someone's scrawled handwriting all over the page. The book was old enough that it was transcribed by feather-pen.

"What does it say about it?"

"Well it never worked like it was supposed to in the witch's trials, but she says she felt like she was close." Jin scanned the page, seeing Byulyi was right. "I can lend it to you when I'm done if you want?" Jin looked up surprised, finding himself captured by her honey-brown eyes.

"Thank you, I would like that." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, realizing he was sitting very close to her. He sat back a bit, watching her intently. "Do you want to be a potions master?" Never one to mince words, he stared her down as he waited for an answer. Byulyi looked at him surprised.

"Well actually," She blushed, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "Actually I want to have my own tea shop one day, brewing teas for every sort of ailment." She smiled a bit, biting her lip. "But my parents want me to be an Auror." Her face fell with those words, and the light went out of her eyes. "I come from a long line of Slytherin Auror's and they want me to continue the family tradition."

"I'm sorry. Your tea shop sounds lovely." Jin said finally. She waved her hand in front of her face.

"No, no it's fine. I didn't mean to bring it up." She looked over at him. "You want to be a potions master right? I heard you talking to Yoongi about it." She blushed.

Moonbyul & Jin | OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz