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Draco ate in silence while Harry stowed away in the new-found library.

"Harry?" Draco called out, the library was around the corner. This was how they had been communicating, yelling back and forth because Harry banned food in everywhere in the house except the dining room and kitchen.

"Are you done eating? I do believe those are your fourths." Harry called back.

"No, I'm not done. But I was gonna ask, what are you looking for? You've been in there for a while."

"I'm researching ways to hide your aura, and some dark magic."

"Dark magic? Why?"

"It's inevitable that I have to fight Voldemort sometime. I'll need everything I can get."

Draco choked a bit at His name.

"Hey, Draco, you can go meet with your friends and get caught up with whatever, if you want."

"Are you asking me to leave?" Draco wanted to stay.

"Well, no. I said if you want to."

"I don't really want to, though. How about you come with me? After all, you have to get caught up with things too, right?"

"I'm already caught up. And I think it would be a really good idea for you to leave. Tell your friends your fine. I don't care if you tell them about me, just don't mention the Room." Draco felt Harry's aura darken, but he was persistent.

"How are you caught up? You said you were 'taking care of my sorry arse'." Draco quoted him.

"Well, I was. I was getting information from someone. He came in every other day or so. I made it so that he's immune to the enchantments."

"Really? Who?"

"Why would I tell you? And I still think you should leave."

"But I've come to like it here with you." Draco mumbled and avoided eye contact with Harry. His aura lightened a little, but then it darkened even more than it was.

"Whatever, we have a bunch of time later to talk. Now leave," Harry motioned to the door. "or else I'll make you."

"How're you going to make me?" Draco scoffed, then realized what he said. "No wait-" He couldn't move a muscle, but something was off when Harry froze him.

"Did you just do wandless and nonverbal magic?" Draco gaped.

"No!" Harry wingardium leviosa-d Draco and started leading him to the door.

"What do you mean, no? You can't just do this and then deny it-" Draco was cut off by being thrown out the door. He landed hard on his butt. Harry can perform wandless and nonverbal magic!

Draco got up and tried to get back into the room. He tried over and over, but the door wouldn't appear for him. I need to get inside the Room! How, how, how? He pounded on the wall. But, why do I want to go back? I shouldn't want to go back, I shouldn't want to see Harry, no Potter, again. Draco paced back and forth in front of the wall. Wait, didn't Harry, no Potter, put enchantments around this wall? He must've made me immune to them. But why?

Draco walked away, deep in thought.


The second after Draco left, Harry changed the interior back to the apartment so he couldn't get in.

Harry had decided to keep his wandless and nonverbal magic a secret, just in case Voldemort found out. He could've use it as a weapon. But now Draco knows. What if he's still in touch with Voldemort? Even if he isn't, what if he tells someone who is in contact with Voldemort? Harry rushed back to the library he just made.


Hermione and Ron were very worried. But mostly Hermione; Ron decided that if Harry was going to treat them like that, they shouldn't be friends. Hermione almost had a heart attack when Harry hadn't shown up anywhere during the past month. She had tried the Room of Requirement, but because of Harry's enchantments, she forgot about it. She talked to everyone but they haven't seen him in the past month either.

Draco was missing too. She thought that maybe they had something to do with each other, because Harry was sitting and Slytherin Table that day Draco got knocked out by something. She couldn't see what happened because there were too many people in between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

A week after Draco reappeared, she saw him on the seventh floor all alone, so she approached him.

"Malfoy! What have you done with Harry?" Hermione accused.

"Oh, it's the Mudblood. I haven't got anything to do with Harry." Draco willed his voice to stay steady, to not show how betrayed he feels.

"Since when did you call him 'Harry'?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Since never. I haven't an idea what you're talking about."

"You just called him Harry, Malfoy. To quote you, 'I haven't got anything to do with Harry.'"

"Why would I call that scar-head Harry? You're insane, mudblood." Draco struggled to keep eye-contact with her.

"What are you hiding? Do you know where he is?"

"No! I don't keep tabs on Potter's life!" Draco swiftly turned and walked away. Hermione was left alone on the seventh floor, thinking that there was something she was missing.

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