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Draco's body hurt like nothing else. He tried moving his right arm, but felt something heavy on top of it. He tried moving his left arm, and found it movable. He rubbed the sleep out if his eyes and opened them a little.

He looked around and saw he was in the hospital wing. Wait, is this the hospital wing? he had second thoughts. It seemed slightly different. There were no curtains and no Madam Pomfrey fussing over him. He opened his eyes all the way and realized, this is not the hospital wing! The bed he was lying in was close to the ground and in a small room with a window with tan curtains, a white nightstand to his left, and a wooden door on right side of the opposite wall. The walls were a light shade of beige and the floors had white carpeting. There was another wooden door directly to his right.

He looked down and saw a human body's upper half lying across his right arm and stomach. His lower half was in a chair. Draco could see their back rise and fall at a steady pace, and quiet snoring could be heard. The person's face was facing away, so he couldn't identify him. He had black, unruly hair and muggle clothes on. Am I in the house of a muggle? He looked more closely at the person and saw nothing that suggested he was a wizard. How did I get here? Where am I? What happened? Draco thought, panicked. The last thing he could remember was pain, a lot of pain, and emerald green eyes. But who's eyes?

In the midst of his panicking, he didn't notice the man had woken until he spoke, "Oh! You're awake. Sorry, I must've dozed off." Draco felt the weight disappear, so he sat up and looked over at the man. He was opening the door, his face still facing away from him.

"Wait!" Draco called out. "Who are you?" The man ignored him, but looked over his shoulder for a second as he left, closing the door behind him.

Draco sat in the bed, wondering. Green eyes, green eyes... who has green eyes?  

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