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"Breakfast is ready!" Draco jumped, suddenly realizing how hungry he was. He threw the covers off, swung his legs off the side of the bed and quickly stood up. He immediately sat back down with a headache and the urge to gag. He took a few deep breaths and tried again and was successful in not throwing up. He stumbled out of his room and his senses were overcome with all the warm colors and the smell of eggs and bacon. This is beautiful! He'd choose this guys house over the cold and unforgiving Malfoy Manor any day.

The space he had walked into had a very cozy feel to it, hugely different from the manor. The whole place was like one big room, and it had a very welcoming theme to it.

Looking straight ahead, across the tan sectional and the rectangular, carved wood coffee table, Draco saw a bar that separated the kitchen from the living space a little. The bar had four stools and a granite countertop. Draco saw the man facing away from him, presumably making the eggs.

Looking around once more, Draco saw a wooden door a few feet to the right of his door, and another wooden door one to the left. Why would my room have a window on the left wall if there's another room on the left?

"We'll do it buffet style, alright?" said the man. Draco looked at him, he was holding a small stack of paper plates over his shoulder. Draco watched as he put the stack next to the stove.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who you are." Draco crossed his arms and looked at the back of the man's head, silently willing him to turn around.

"Sometimes you remind me of a six-year-old child, Draco." sighed the man. Draco stood still, dumbfounded and irritated. How does he know my name? Why does he speak to me as if we've known each other for years?

"Come eat! Your probably really hungry. You were out for about a month, after all." the man sat down at the polished, hardwood dining table in the chair facing away from him.

"What?" Draco was just getting sick of this man now. "A month?"

"I wo beweave at's wha I said." the man shoveled food into his mouth. Draco was seething. The man turned in his chair, facing perpendicular to Draco, plate in one hand and fork in the other. He turned his head a bit so he could look at Draco.


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