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        To fangirls fandoms are like their life.

         I mean take it from me social media literally sprouts fangirls.

         I have a fan account and I have seen at least a few thousand fandom accounts.

        The only bad things are


                                People that just irritate you becasue you are in a fandom

                                Having so many Fandoms to catch up on

                                Not having time for your account

                                Getting punished and having your device takin away

                                Missing your fandom when you are at school

                                Having Feels Attacks

                                Meeting someone that loves the character you hate

                                Seeing your close friends on the internet go through hard times

                The good things are

                                        You make friends

                                        You talk to them a lot

                                        They are always there for you

                                       The Internet and social medias are a place to escape the chaos everywhere

                                        You find new things to read

                                        New bands to listen to

                                        New shows to watch

                        Overall you live in a perfect world that you have access to most of the time this place is

                                 where you make your dream more of a reality. Where you do the things you love

                                           talk to the people you love about what yo love and they are glad to listen.

        Have you heard of the 50,000 word petition if not and you have a laptop or computer go on community it should be the last thing listed. I signed up for it so I might be writing a lot more than usual. 

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