Baby, it's cold outside

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After coming home from her parents house to Daejeon in the snow, Jamie is freezing so Jae decides to warm her up.



Jamie thought this day couldn't have gotten any worse.

Looking through the window of the taxi, shefrowned. The snow rained down on the earth mercilessly, dropping the temperature to 5 degrees. Although she was decked out in her thick coat and scarf and gloves and other winter-wear, she still felt as though she was going to freeze to death. Add to that, the journey felt as though it was taking forever. It was understandable, given that the roads were covered with snow and ice, so her taxi driver had to be careful.

She was coming from her parents house, where they had ordered her to stop by during this time. She couldn't tell them no of course, even if they live faraway from the city, but damn, if she had known that the snow would have gotten this awful over the couple hours she was there, then surely, as much as she loves her parents, she would have declined, and her parents would definitely understand.

"Damn..." The petite girl drawled, rubbing her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to create more heat. "What's with the weather? I'm gonna freeze to death!" she nearly shrieked.

The driver of the taxi looked at her through the mirror, and said, "Do you want something warm to drink?"


"I have a thermos of coffee with me, so I could offer you something warm in the meantime."

Discarding all thoughts that the taxi driver may want to poison her off, Jamie gladly accepted the offer. The driver pulled over at the side of the road and poured the coffee into a disposable paper cup. He handed it to the singer who looked at it with sparkling eyes.

"Thank you!" she chirped brightly, taking it easily. Thanks to the thick gloves she wore, the heat from the cup didn't burn his hands. Taking a sip of the beverage, Jamie felt the cold slowly melt away. "Hoo..." a relieved sigh escaped her full lips as she relished the feeling of warmth spreading throughout her body. The more she sip the coffee, the more she felt warm and fuzzy inside. Looking out from the car window and seeing a snow filled road, she thinks about someone,

"God.. I miss Jae" she sighed out.

She longed to be in the guitarist's arms, feeling his calloused hands gently stroke her body with mansuetude, hearing his low voice ringing in her ear as he whispers sweet nothings. Feeling all warm, comforts, and secures that provided by his tall-pole-of-a-boyfriend.

Before she knew it, she had finished the small cup of coffee and frowned. While she was grateful of the temporary warmth that the beverage provided, as soon as it ended, she felt the full force of the cold again.

But, she knew her agony would soon come to an end.

The taxi finally turned on a familiar avenue and she could see Jae's apartment buildings in sight. She got jittery and excited, couldn't wait until she got into Jae's home. Couldn't wait until she reunites with the man that she has been longing for all day long.

"Here's your stop, girl." The driver said with a smile. "Have a good evening."

"Thanks!" Jamie chirped. "And thanks again for that coffee! You really saved me!"

"No problem!"

Jamie paid the driver for his services, astonishing the man at the amount of money that she gave. Before the driver could say anything, Jamie had already hopped out of the car, hurriedly walking through the elevator. Then, she made a mad dash towards the front door, almost tripping and falling face first.

Turning the passcode in the lock, she swung the door open rather forcefully and ripped her furry shoes off at the entry. She threw her wind-breakers on the rack the instant she entered, glad to feel the warmth of the house.

"I'm home!" the women shouted like an opera singer she is as she threw her coat onto the couch.

"Did you really have to shout like that?" peeked from the kitchen, dressed in a black t-shirt and shorts with an apron draped over his tall frame.

"You're supposed to say, welcome home." Jamie hissed as she rolls her eyes and rubbing her hands together in an attempt to warm up.

"Well, welcome home baby." The guitarist chuckles softly. He trotted over to his lover and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. However, he drew back in recoil. He looks at Jamie in disbelief, as if there's a unicorn thorn on her forehead or something.

But no, that's not the case.

"Holy shit, Jamie what the hell?!"

Jamie was cold.


"You're freezing!"

"Well..." Jamie said, blowing in her palms, "...outside is nothing but snow and ice." She walked to the sofa, plopped herself down and reached for a blanket which draped on the couch --that previously used on their earlier morning cuddle session-- to cover up. Jae taking off his apron, and also t-shirt joined his lover on the couch, planning on bringing her soft body close to him and warm her up. Jamie eyes widened at that.

"W-wait, why you're taking your shirt off?" She blushed.

"Duh... to share my body heat with you of course." Jae rolls his eyes meanwhile Jamie squinting her eyes, Jae's reason is valid but his expression is kind of shady, she thought.

"For god sakes, Jamie you're literally as cold as ice cube, babe." Jae talks again. As if that's the most obvious reasons with a mysterious smile. 

Poor Jamie. The savage but innocent Jamie believe that, and only hummed as she let Jae opened the side of the blanket, plopping on the couch beside her and embraces her lovingly. She almost immediately sighed feeling contented with the instant warmth radiating from Jae's body.

"It was so cold outside." Jamie murmured, nuzzling into Jae's shoulders.

"I thought I was going to get frostbitten."

Jae smirked, looking at his petite lover in his embrace. He leaned closer to the women before he captured Jamie's lips in a passionate kiss. The women parted her lips to allow Jae access, after which she fell backwards onto the sofa, Jae falling into place between Jamie's legs.

"Since you're cold, allow me the honor of warming you up." Jae whisper on Jamie's ear as his hands snaked up inside Jamie's shirt, feeling contented with the cold but soft skin which contrasting with his calloused but warm hand.

'Huh, i know that this gonna happen' Jamie said in her mind. But she's not complaining though.

Running a hand through Jae's blond locks, Jamie said, 

"Set me on fire."

A Story About Chicken little and Moomin [Jae X Jamie Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora